
Part 3: Poems 17-20

17. The Eternal Bond

This poem details a soul mate. You may reincarnate and have different lovers, but if you're lucky and really want true love, you'll have one person you're with eternally. Most people don't realize this and don't care enough to have a relationship where there's true love and never dies, no matter how far the two are. If someone is truly in love with someone, they will have a physical attraction, but will love their heart, their soul, and their mind. When you meet this lover, you'll feel that connection, that love that never dies, you don't know from where this love comes. You feel like you know the person and have known them before. Most people misuse others and get angry when they don't find that love and are punished. There are times where people move on from a soul mate who them leaves, finding someone else. People want materialistic things and quantity rather than quality. People say they want someone to truly love them but care more about how many relationships they've had rather than the true connection, the growth a relationship needs, the compatibility, the maturity, and support.


18. Two Puzzle pieces

This poem is about a woman that has a man waiting for her on the others side. She misses this man and years for him. She notes that people are like prisoners, they are in dungeons and sleep around a lot and are in new relationships all the time. This woman just wants one man that can love her; love her so much that he can never let go. This man spent years searching and he found her.

She also takes note of soul friends, and how these are people that were good friends, family members, or other lovers in past lives and reincarnate as other relationships. Soul friends always find each other, no matter where they are. When they meet, the soul friends remember, and it's just a natural connection. These are the purest relationships. Most people don't have this luxury because most don't care for connection, just how people can benefit them. These people are selfish and are prisoners to themselves. Selfish people tear their love and connections apart and have nothing, while the good people that experience the hurt and the pain understand why, heal, and wait for their soul tribe.


19. Her Hysteria

This poem is about a devoted Christian that is paranoid about everything that isn't Christian nor follows the religion's guidelines. It's common for pious people to be delusional and hypocritical; they think they do nothing wrong and have this competition for who follows the right religion and who is saved. Christians often say that certain things aren't of God but are doing the very things that aren't godly. Most of the Christians that I've met live in fantasy land about religion but cannot analyze nor interpret the bible verses and what they may mean. They all think that they're holy and perfect, but judge and sin like everyone else. Once someone is a Christian their past doesn't matter, and if Jesus forgives them, what they've done, will do, shall, and continue to do are forgiven and don't matter.


20. Defenestrate

I wrote this poem when my first semester of graduate school ended. It's a poem that encompasses subaltern studies and how slavery and oppression are written through a white narrative. There are stories of slavery and oppression that many wouldn't know unless they read subaltern texts. Many people speculate that Covid-19 has happened because the earth is cleansing; I believe that once Earth purges the poison that humans have created, people will go back to their old ways. Sometimes, circumstances take place to teach people a lesson in their ignorance and actions, but people carry something called white fragility, and get defensive about racial topics and experiences. Racism is a huge problem around the world and because of this, gender roles have been affected. Nationalism has created prejudice comments and views, racism, religion, sexism, and these things correlate because they're connected. No matter what, white women have it better than colored women, and vice versa for the men. If you're not white, life is different.

Alas, minority groups are racist towards each other. They hold competitions for whom is the least black, the most suppressed, and the whitest. There are minorities that try being white as possible and follow what's standard so that they don't face racism and the oppression that comes with being a minority but hate on other minorities. It seems like minorities will be against those that don't try to be white and fight for their rights. This is what has been read in a good amount of subaltern texts (I, Rigoberta Menchu is a good one). There are minorities that hate their skin color and their culture because they aren't white. Being white is what people are so focused on, who is blonde, tan, and skinny? Who is rich? Minority groups preach religions that white people created and even stole off them, and now, it's like white people run the world. White. White. White. Who is the whitest? I believe that if people don't stop, the purge will return or just continue.

When it comes to being monogamous and polyamorous, it's more acceptable for men to cheat and have many girlfriends, and even have multiples baby mamas. When women do this, they're shunned. It is common in some cultures more than others for men to have multiples baby mamas and children with these said women. People care about breeding but not having a stable home environment for their children. Especially in the black communities, where African American share stories about how the black men treat them. It's like African American women don't get a break in regards to the majority and minority groups disrespecting them. Black men follow behind the white men, as in they follow the patriarchal traditions that white men created; so many men cheat on women now, and it is unfair when it's a minority woman because they already have so much against them. In an education course, I learned that African American and Latino men have the highest dropout rates and have the highest poverty rates. They cannot support themselves nor their families but continue this cycle of poverty by marrying women and having children, making them suffer financially and not able to get out of poverty.

My purpose in writing this poem doesn't excuse white people and the racism that they created and continue. So much of what minority groups experience isn't written and when it is, so many white people shame them and get enraged. Shame on those white people that think minority groups should get over it and that you aren't racist because you have black friends. You're part of the problem. Shame on you for making comments about minority groups, especially black people for how dark they are and their hair.