Henry equipped the short blade given to him. Henry felt more energetic and even stronger than he had ever felt before. Henry began to focus his eyes upon his prey and thought to himself '' I'm not going to give up" .The rabbit then lunged at Henry again however this time henry could see the bunnies movements. Henry barely dodged out of the way.
New skill: Heightened sense (beginner)
info: increases all the players senses by a percentage stated when reading in
the skill board menu .Percentage can increase as the skill levels up , cooldown
timer lowered and duration skill is activated will also increase
exp until next level (0/200)
percentage increase 25%
duration: 5 minutes
cooldown:3 hours
Henry clicked a weird icon on the left of the player board
Heightened sense skill activated
5minutes remain
Henry could now clearly see the movements and also hear the sound of the rabbit as it bounced around in the void
Henry quickly turned around and slashes his blade towards the void
you have dealt 789/??? damage
to cayden
Henry began to feel the flow of the bunnies movements and repetitively landing blows on the boss and dodging it
total damage 43,679/???