Chapter 4: Friend in need(Part 1){revis}

When afternoon hit, Shaya stood up and got ready to leave. On her way to her friends home, she was alerted by AURA that she might want to speed up her pace.

Half way through, Shaya heard a loud *BOOM* from the directoin from her friend .

Running as fast as she could to her friends house, she saw a blown up gas tanker in the streets with a burning car and debris everywhere. Some houses were on fire and some were half destroyed.

The street was filled with fire, panic and death. Seeing burned and scattered corpses laying around the street.

Reaching her friends house, it wans't totally wrecked from the explosion but it had sustained some moderate amount of damage, more than one/fourth from their house was gone and the rest was on fire.

Shaya rushed inside the burning house with no f*cks given, to see if her friend and her friends family was safe and alive.

Stepping in Shaya saw the mother of her friend at the ground trying to crawl up the stairs. Shaya went and picked the mother.

"Ms. Casper where is Erica?"

As Ms.Casper look at Shaya and pointed upstairs and a slight voice could be heard.

"Please go and see if you can find my Erica." Ms.Casper tried to make her way up the stairs but fainted. Shaya proceeded to drag Ms.Casper to a more safe place, Ripping a piece from the somewhat burned curtain, she put her hand with the cloth near her mouth to protect herself from the ash and fumes and went upstairs.

Upstairs she saw her friend outside of her room at the ground bleeding out, her arm had been ripped out and her leg was shredded, burn and had a piece of a steel rebar stuck in it.

Shaya felt sick at the sight of her firend and was ready to puke by the scene she saw her before interrupted by AURA.

[Check if your friend still have a pulse, if yes find something to tie her arm and leg before she bleeds out.]

Shaya still fazed by the state of her friend, she begun to search for something. After a few seconds she asked if AURA could make band to tie up her friend. AURA agreed and told Shaya to touch her friend. As Shaya touched Erica black bands formed and tightened around her arm and leg.

[Okay that's done now, you bring her outside and everything else will be hndled by the authorities.]

Carefully picking up her friend Shaya made her way out of the house, exhausted. She saw the fire department had arrived and started clearing out the scene while the police calmed down the situation.

She made her way over to some firefighters while they rushed towards her to pick her and Erica up and tranfer them to the ambulance. That moment was snapped out from her phase she was in by a firefighter.

"Hey!..HEY!!.Kid are there anyone in the building?" one of the firefighters asked.

"Ye..Yes...h.. her mother is still in the house." Shaya said while stuttering.

"Thanks kid, go to one of the ambulance to get checked." one firefighter said while patting her head and pointing at the ambulance.

Shaya proceeded to the ambulance to get check as she was told, she only had some 2nd degree burns and superficial injuries whileher friend on the other hand was rushed to the hospital.

[Try to relax Shaya, everything is over now.]

'O..Okay' Shaya answered still shocked. At that moment a wave of sickness hit her and votimed at the spot. The doctors attended to her, they patched her up and she got the clear that she could leave. On her way media tried to stop her and ask her question but they where interuped by the police.

Making her way to her house, she immediately she went and dipped herself in the bathtub in order to relax and forget.

[Shaya we might have a problem, the one who made the explosion might be controlled by an IRIS.]

"I don't care about that right now, tell me where can yo get enough materials to make a simple suit as quickly as possible."

[Are you sure? There might be a chance you find the culprit too.]

"Even better if I find him.... You said that you can do whatever you want with the suit right? Can it even make arms or legs?"

[Yes, it's possible. But it will take at least 3 days to do so.]

"OK, tomorrow I will go and check at my friend and then leave to gather the necessary materials." said and she stepped out of the bathroom and went to her room.

Sitting on her pc to relax and forget the things that just happenend, she drowned herself in music and playing games for hours.


Pulling an all nighter, at morning she got ready and left. She had dark circles under her eyes, at the way she bought a coffee to replenish her energy and went to the hospital.

Reaching the hospital she was asked the reason for her visit. Giving them her info and why she wanted to visit. They told her the ward that her friend was in she made her way there.

Stepping in the ward, she was her friend pale but not ghostly pale due to the excessive blood loss. Seeing that they amputated her left leg cause it was shredded and burned, she had lost her right arm.

Sitting at a nearby chair she looked a her friend vital and saw that they where stable. After a while she decided to leave before hearing a faint voice.

"Goo..Good Morning?."

"Erica! You are awake!" said Shaya surprised.

"What happend.. I just remember a loud boom and everything blacked out." Said her friend weakly.

"There was an explosion.. and you where caught in it, You lost one arm and leg.."

Chatting for a some time with her friend she decided to leave and let her rest.

"I'm gonna leave now so rest, I'll come back tommorow again."

Leaving her way outof the ward she heard her friend sniffling. She set her goal for now to help her as much as she could. Firstly she needed an Armor Core for her.