Soul Sacrifice

In the world of Archeria, there were countless ways in which one could have magically escaped his demise. One of these practices was the ancient forbidden practice known as 'Soul Sacrifice'. It was first inaugurated by the beings who studied the arts of spirituality and worshipped the Elemental Soul Crystal. This spell relies on a Summon Circle and a small volume of blood, and it allows the utilizer to sacrifice half of his predestined lifespan as well as his soul in return for the abrupt resurrection of a particular being. The soul is then divided equally between the two. However, many fail to comprehend the nature of this forbidden practice, and its consequences prevail over the user significantly.


A Black Berry in Archeria is a very detrimental fruit that many figures mistake for an edible food source. It was capable of stealing the lives of innocent consumers in merely three minutes. It was vastly known as the fruit of trickery by some, as well as, 'The Fruit of Death'.

On this day, Axel Woods felt the burning urge to consume one of these berries. He could not have resisted this powerful urge at all, and he ended up consuming the berry in the end. Now, he was suffering because of this, he fell unto the floor lifelessly like an inanimate object, and he couldn't move. He gave his body the command to move, yet his body opposed its command. Slowly, this pain intensified by the second.

Having seen that she was too late, Snow felt as if it was half her fault. If she had moved at his pace, she could have saved him, and this was what bothered her excessively on the spot.

"Axel! You have already consumed the Berry! I must hurry. I can not waste time, I must get help. I am far too small to carry you for help, so I must bring help to you instead!"

"Before I do so, I'm using a Healing Spell on you."

She then placed her hand on his chest and started reciting an incantation. After the incantation, she said, "That spell reduces the effects of magic, which is something common in Black Poison, by 4 times. This means you have 12 minutes to live. But since three minutes already passed, I only have 9 more!"

With that said, she flew off, flapping her wings so fast that she already felt pain in them. But this was required of her if she hoped to save the elf, whose demise was on the horizon, fast approaching. The only way she would succeed in saving Axel is if she finds a nearby village that sells the antidote for Black Poison. She knew that finding the antidote wouldn't be a problem, because since Black Berries are so dangerous, everyone made the antidote a necessity. As for the time she had to do it, was definitely a huge problem. Balcromn's village was near, in fact, if they hadn't stopped, they would've already been there. With all things considered, it was now up to her to find the antidote and return it to Axel in 7 minutes.

Luckily, she made it to Balcromn's village in 3 minutes, which left her with four more remaining. The village was quite lively, yet it was almost silent. The houses were also well designed, and there were many stalls selling goods.

"Balcromn should have the antidote, so I should get to him first, " said Snow, as she approached a gate.

When she stood at the tall black gate, a hovering figure appeared. The figure was stunningly gorgeous, and she seemed magical in every way. She was used by many Mages to ensure that no malicious beings enter their premises. Essentially, she's capable of existing in multiple different places at the same time. And her name is Gee Ling, The Gate Goddess.

Gee Ling looked down at Snow, "Snow, welcome back."

"I need to get in immediately! Come on, sorry for being rude, but I need to pass, " said Snow.

"Understood. But I do sense malicious intent in you. You are not planning to hurt Balcromn in there, are you?"

"No, I am not going to hurt anyone."

Gee Ling bowed as the gate opened, "Then you may pass. Have a good day."

Snow rushed in before the gate fully opened, and entered Balcromn's house in a rush. "Balcromn! Balcromn where are you?!"

Balcromn sat on a chair reading a huge book. He was over two hundred years old, yet he looked like sixty. On his face, the wrinkles remained quite noticeable to the human eye. His head was bald, but he had a long white beard that reached his abdomen. The beard was white as Snow—no, not the Snow who has a gender. He also had big clothing that exceeded the size of his body parts significantly. His sleeves reached his fingers, and he had big leather shoulder pads with fur at the edges, and he had a very long kilt which reached his feet.

Upon simply scrutinizing his appearance, one would be able to tell that he was powerful.

"What is it this time? How many times do I need to tell you that you are incapable of changing your size, and that there are no spells that work permanently and through volition? You are literally magic alone, what do you want me to do about that?"

"No, Balcromn. I am not here for that. You see, there is an urgent matter that I need your help with. A little boy is in danger as we speak!"

"How dangerous can that matter possibly be? And how many times do I have to warn you about coming to me at such short notice? I did not summon you, yet you are here again."

"Please, I would not do it again. Just please help Axel. He ate a Black Berry, and only has 2 minutes to live. Please help him!"

Balcromn slammed his hand on the book cover, "The stupidity in him eating a Black Berry is daunting! Do not make me laugh Snow. Did his parents not teach him the Book of Living at the age of five? My brother wrote that book, and it was published about a century ago. And the book, in chapter 1, clearly states that a Black Berry should not be consumed unless the consumer is of the ogre race!"

"I do not know why he ate it. But I suppose he did not fight the magical hypnosis given off by the berries."

"But it is very easy to fight off the urge. And furthermore, at the age of three, parents of all races, taint their children's souls with a protection spell, which protects them from anything related to Black Hypnosis."

"He claims to be from another world. Just hurry, we need to save him!"

He strangely glared at Snow, "Another world, you say?"

"Yes. But of course, that is false."

Balcromn then stood, and rested the book he was reading on the chair. After doing so, he then opened his hand, and suddenly a staff appeared in his palm as he closed it. The staff was long and gold, with a glowing green emerald in it.

"Let us proceed, " he said, " I will use teleportation magic to get there faster."

"But, Balcromn, you do not know Axel's location. How can you possibly teleport with a destination not in mind? And also, we need the antidote for the Black Poison."

Balcromn then replied, "Do not ask any more questions, just hold my hand so that I can access your memories, and let us go."

She then held unto one of his fingers.

And next, he hit the wooden floor with the staff, and both their bodies started to glow. And finally, without any incantation, Balcromn, along with Snow, teleported to Axel.

Apparently, Axel was bleeding profusely from the poison, and his mouth was frothing. He hadn't moved from the spot Snow left him. So, to make sure he wasn't dead just yet, Snow then flew up to him, and checked for his pulse.

She checked continuously, with both her hands, and with the help of magic. Over and over again, she kept persisting, and she could not accept what stood clear to her.

Balcromn then grew weary, and approached Snow.

With her back turned, he could tell that she was quivering silently. So he called her name, "Snow?"

She then turned around, quivered, as her face began to turn red, her greyish eyes started to fill with tears, her chin squeezed, showing her dimples, and she burst like a filled cloud. Hot tears started to fall from her eyes, and ran down her cheeks, like a waterfall.

She then raised her voice as she said, "He's dead…"


Balcromn stood straight, "His life energy had plummeted—he is in fact dead."

"Why must this happen again? How can something like this happen to one individual twice? Please, " she rubbed her eyes, "Please Balcromn, " she looked up at Balcromn, "help him."

"I am afraid that that is impossible. I can do anything whatsoever about it. I am dearly sorry you have to experience such sorrow again, princess."

"I am not taking that for an answer!" she shouted, "I know you can help him. You specialize in the field of Magic, and you are in fact a grandmaster—one of the finest Mages out there! How can you not revive him!?"

"I am sorry, " he said, with not even the slightest bit of sadness on his face.

"Please! Do not just stand there, Balcromn! Use a spell—anything! Just save the boy! Do not make the rest of his life energy expire!"

"Snow, you know exactly what happened the last time we tried to resurrect the dead. The berries kill a being in merely three minutes, I am quite surprised he went beyond that."

"I am not being blamed for a second death by the berries! Not again, so help me, Balcromn."

"It is not your fault Frost died through the consumption of the berries. He was warned several times not to eat them. Yet still, he did not adhere to the Book Of Life. Do not blame yourself for his foolish actions!"

"It was my fault! I did not watch over him when I was supposed to. Now, please do not make it happen a second time, " she cried, "Help Axel!"

"I can not do so."

Snow's sorrow transitioned to anger, "Useless. You are just useless, Balcromn. I should have had your brother here instead of you. There must be a way."

He turned around, "There is one way."

Snow flew up, "What is it! Tell me now!"

"It is far too dangerous, not even the mighty wizards dare to cast such a risky spell."

"Balcromn, " she said, "Look at me, " he glimpsed at her with his back turned, "Do I look like I care about risks at a time like this? Do I look like a mighty wizard, Balcromn?"

Balcromn sat down, leaning on a tree, with his back turned on Snow, "You are not going to get a word more out of me."

Snow then quivered and turned around crying again.


It was about an hour later, when there was a slight change.

"It is called Soul Sacrifice, " said someone behind Snow, "An ancient magic practice forgotten by most of the Wizards because of its nasty risks."

Snow then turned around, and smiled, "Thank you, Balcromn, please tell me more."

"Instead of using it for resurrection, a new purpose for this practice was introduced recently, but I won't go into further detail, " he stood, "Soul Sacrifice, a practice that allows a being to sacrifice half of his life or soul, to resurrect the fallen."

He approached Snow, "The performer of this spell will lose half of his predestined lifespan, and the person who is brought back to life, will be bestowed the other half of the performer's predestined lifespan. For instance, if you were destined to die in 24 hours, and you performed this spell now, you and the elf will only have 12 hours to live."

"That is perfect!"

"But, there is a risk: there is a high possibility of the spell ceasing to take effect, especially if the person, who is being resurrected, is happy in the afterlife, and refuses to return to the realm of the living. The life of the person who cast the spell, will then be given at random. Or the person who is brought back to life would not be the same. Chances are—

"If there is the slightest chance of not experiencing the risk. Then, I shall take that risk, " interrupted Snow.

"Considering the risk, no one has the audacity and heart to do such a thing. Only a few people of the past were able to do something like this. And you are about to do it for a mere stranger?"

Snow clenched her fist and pounded her chest, "I have what it takes!"

"But Snow, the fairy queen would declare war upon mankind if she figured out that I made her daughter give away her lifespan, for an elf!"

"Then, she will not know."

"But, Sno–"

"Tell me the spell, Balcromn! And that is a command. If you refuse, I'll tell my people that you've stolen our Magic Dust for years!"

"Okay fine, but you were warned. I will draw the magic circle. When I am done, you must stand on it, cut yourself, let the blood fall into the circle and you must chant these words..."

"What are the words?"

"Ishidaewat shii camo de lato shii camo latumn shii tu, I give you half of my soul, now step out of the realm of the dead and into the living."


"Remember to think about the person who you are bringing back to life when you are doing the spell. Don't think about anything else! And say it with one hundred percent will. The weaker the will, the stronger the failure."


Balcromn used a huge percentage of his magic to draw the Summon Circle.

"Good luck, Snow. The circle is drawn."

Snow walked into the circle, cut herself with a knife, and let her blood drip into the Summon Circle. Little did she know, she would regret this action for the rest of her life. Then she chanted, "Ishidaewat shii camo de lato shii camo latumn shii tu, I give you half of my soul, now step out of the realm of the dead and into the living!"

Axel sat on the floor in a place of nothing but white. Then came someone in black, "Axel Woods, do you wish to leave this place?"

The man's soothing voice delivered Serenity even in Axel's eyes, as it echoed remotely, it reminded him of someone. It even reminded him of his Earthly Mediation Narrator.

Axel stood, "I am very happy here, it depends on where you're taking me."

The man pointed at a globe that appeared out of thin air and said, "Back to where you belong, the realm of the living."

'This guy's voice sounds very familiar. Also, am I not dead? How can he possibly send me back there? Is he God?'

"Make your choice, Axel."

It was a difficult decision to make. Does he wish to stay where he feels happy or to the realm he belongs — The realm that makes a being suffer, a realm where experiences build a character, a realm where everything depends on courage, and a realm that makes living life so hard. Does he want this?

He thought about it for a while and he came to notice that the correct answer was conspicuously obvious. Yes, was the correct answer! No matter how many times you feel like giving up, get back up and climb over the negativity. Fight every calamity with hope and determination to destroy it.

Axel had suicidal thoughts in the past, but now was different, maybe he wanted to live. The world spat in his face when he tried to talk to it, and he felt like nothing.

But maybe he shouldn't think about what the world did to him, besides he's been put into a completely new world now and he has a completely new life. Now, he will be a completely new person!

No more depression, no more isolating himself from the world. No more negativity.

"I am a completely new person now. Now, I will be reborn! This is my new home! This is my new world! This is my new life. Time to start fresh in the New World Archeria!"

He looked at the person in black who had a mask on, "Take me back to Archeria!"

The person took off his cloth mask and smiled, as he revealed his obscured identity, Axels' eyes expanded — The man under the mask was his dead father this whole time.

"Dad! Wait, " Axel tried running up to him, "Dad!"

Then he snapped his fingers and everything was a big blur, "You've made the right choice, son. Go live your life, don't die at this young age. You'll see me again when the time comes."

Axel's spirit entered his body and his body hovered in the air as he came back to life. After many bright lights and the healing process was over, Axel slowly hovered down to the surface standing with his eyes shut. He then slowly raised his eyelids up and when his eyes were opened, he was greeted by Snow, "Welcome back, you idiot."