Destroy The Litch!

The skeletons didn't hesitate, they immediately ran up to Amos, and the nearest one clashed swords with him. The blue skeletons were much stronger than the already tough Level One Skeletons

Shit! They all got swords this time! I must be careful.

Amos focused all his attention on the first skeleton, hence, another one got time to stab him in his arm. Amos was in a disastrous situation and he became negative by just looking at the odds of him winning.

There were five blue skeletons, each of them had swords at hand. By just looking at the swords, Amos knew that they were far more superior compared to the one in his hand.

If I can just kill one and get its sword...

Amos then started running from the skeletons. Thanks to his speed, he was substantially approximately five whole metres away from them.

He planned to get away from them, then wait for the nearest one to get close to him and strike once, and continue running again. He would then abuse this strategy excessively. It was a very naive way of eliminating the skeletons — but he knew he had no chance of winning against them in a fair fight, especially when his sword skills were worse than all of the skeletons.

When the nearest skeleton was close enough, Amos halted, turned around and slashed his sword. The skeleton got hit in the head but its skull didn't even crack.

He knew for certain that the blue skeletons were not as weak as the skeletons prior to the room he was currently in.

"Ah, come on!" He shouted as he continued running.

Amos then spent all his time, repeating his naive way of battling and kept at it for a whole half an hour.

He then stopped, turned around and gashed through the nearest skeleton's blue skull, consequently crushing it into pieces. He hit that same skeleton, with all his might, multiple times before and after the eighth hit, its skull was finally broken.

His Level one sword was broken after bashing it into the skeleton's hard skull. He then crouched and immediately grabbed the sword dropped by the now disintegrating skeleton, and continued running.

He looked at the new sword, his very own blood was on it. Its metallic material felt stronger and the handle was much more comfortable to hold.

A new message then appeared before his tired eyes,

[You have eliminated a Level 3 Skeleton! +40 EXP]

Current EXP: ( 40 / 400 )

Current Level: ( 1 / 10,000 )

[ Eliminate 5 Level 3 Skeletons ]

Reward: 400 EXP

Progression: ( 1 / 5 )

"These quests must be adaptively activated based on what enemies I'm fighting, " he concluded.

He then stopped, turned around, firmly held his sword in his hands, pointing it at his enemies and started rapidly running up to the skeletons screaming, "Aghhhhh!"

Amos ran into the skeletons and his sword got stuck in ribs of the nearest one. He kept trying to get it out with all his might. Then, a skeleton stabbed him in his stomach when he was distracted and he coughed out blood.

He shouted, "Bastards!" And clenched his teeth and tugged the sword out of the skeleton's ribs.

He then started aggressively slashing his sword at a rapid pace. Many wrinkles appeared on his youthful face where his eyebrows pushed his soft skin downwards.

The skeletons were being crushed and they had no time to retaliate. Amos was not playing his naive game anymore, he was breakneck serious. He thought about Suzuiya and how she would feel if he had perished and failed to put an end to her sister's evil. Moreover, she would have probably blamed herself for his casualty.

This thought got him even stronger.

I have no time to waste my energy on these asses!

The skeletons were being crushed by Amos' mighty substantial slashes. Some of the skeletons ended up cutting him, but that just invoked more anger into his heart.

His anger fueled his actions with the energy he never had before, and he was determined to destroy them all. He was overwhelmed with anger. In merely a few seconds, he was able to eliminate all the skeletons.

[ You just advanced to Level 2! ]

[ You completed your Quest! ]

[ You received 3 Upgrade Points!]

Current UP : ( 3 / 100 )

Total spent in the last 3 months : 0

Amos then fell to his knees, he was breathing heavily

He noticed that he had gotten fewer upgrade points this time.

"Atterunumn." His Assistant appeared.

"What is it, weakling?" The assistant folded his arms.

Amos looked at him, "Why did I only get three upgrade points this time?"

"You really are stupid. The first set of UP was a bonus for new people."

"Okay, go away now. I'll save these upgrade points for later."

"I am not a dog, that's no way to order me!"

"Whatever, " Amos got up.

He saw a switch on the wall next to a painting of a weird skeleton. He then flipped the switch and a door opened, as he walked to the other room, the door behind him immediately closed.

As soon as Amos was in the room, something was cohesively appearing. At first, Amos thought it was a skeleton, perhaps a level 4 one ensuing after the Level 3 ones, but it was no skeleton.

It held a staff in its skeletal boney hand and it was wearing black torn up clothes of a mage, and it had a skull with a green glowing gem in its left eye socket. It was an undead creature, possessing the ability to use magic — It was a Litch!

Like the other enemies, the Litch didn't hesitate to immediately attack Amos. This Litch didn't use a sword. It had a powerful staff that emitted a powerful source of Green Mana.

The Litch then charged up some of the green Mana in the tall staff, about three metres in height, and fired it at Amos.

Amos rolled in effort to dodge the attack, but it followed him, exploded and sent him drifting. The Green Mana burnt his skin like acid, it was eating his clothes and flesh at the speed of blazing flames.

"Aghhh!" He cried in pain, squirming around on the dungeon floor.

He then got scowled and stood again. Furthermore, he charged the Litch, when suddenly, two Blue Skeletons appeared before him. The Litch summoned the skeletons. The skeletons then both simultaneously slashed their swords in the opposite directions, cutting Amos' chest like an 'X'.

Amos fell to his knees, he regretted not taking a break before going to the next stage. His eyes and mouth were opened to the max. He then fell on his face and the skeletons kept stabbing him in his back.

Four more skeletons were summoned by the Litch and they joined the two and started stabbing Amos.

He felt defeated — He failed to help Suzuiya. That's what he thought. He didn't know that he had already helped her by being her first friend in years.

Amos was seemingly paralyzed by pain.

I failed, he thought, sorry Suzuiya.

The pain was gone. He only thought about Suzuiya at the moment. He cried tears of sorrow — Not because of the pain, but because he failed to help Suzuiya. He failed to live a better life in Archeria. He failed to accomplish his goal of becoming stronger.

He felt like an absolute failure. Wherever he went, there were obstacles. There was no escaping them — he felt trapped. He could travel the entire multiverse and there would always be obstacles in his way. There really was no escape for him.

Whatever he did, there was an obstacle.

Maybe...Maybe — I have bad luck. Maybe Luck really exists. Maybe, this is where I die and meet my father in heaven. Maybe, I've completed what I've come in this world for. Maybe...maybe, just maybe — I don't deserve to live, that's all.

Bad Luck was something he blamed all his failures on in the past. He thought he had finally stop blaming things on bad luck and that he'd grown old enough to understand that there was no such thing as bad luck.

But he was wrong.

As he cried because of his failure, the Litch fired another Green Mana Blast, this time it sent him whisking into a stone wall face-first, breaking his nose as a result.

The Skeletons all followed him to that corner of the room and continued fiercely stabbing him.

He failed to bring a smile upon Suzuiya's face by putting an end to her sister's evil.

Then a powerful sensation struck him in the head at the speed of powerful lighting.

And he remembered....

He remembered what defined him as an individual — An individual different from the others — Different in a way that set him apart from others. He remembered what brought him light in times of darkness — Darkness that brought only danger.

He remembered what kept him alive all those hard years — Years he could not have survived without it. He remembered his motive — the motive that was sunk deep into his head — a motive taught to him by his great father — A father physically weak but possessing a powerful mind — A father Amos loved.

He remembered it all. The reminiscing about it made him stronger somehow.

He remembered, "To keep..." he exploded letting out Green Mana and all the skeletons went flying, he got up, " -- To keep getting back up!"

He was trembling, and he struggled to stay standing without falling, but his motive brought him strength — Strength he did not have before. He wasn't angry, he was determined — Determined to destroy his enemies!

He then ran up to the six skeletons, and with all his might, he slashed his sword and crushed their skulls in a single blow!

A message then appeared before his eyes,

[ You advanced to Level 3! ]

[ You received 3 Upgrade Points! ]

Current EX—

He closed the message.

He had already eliminated 10 Blue Skeletons — 4 from the explosion and 6 with his sword.

The Litch then summoned two more skeletons.

Amos ran up to them and slashed his sword twice, eliminating the skeletons. Amos was very close to the Litch.

The Litch then summoned another Blue Skeleton. And Amos formally walked up to it, dodged its blade, and stabbed it in the left temple.

When Amos was a few inches away from the Litch, it sent another Green Mana Blast. The attack burnt Amos' face and made him fall but he got back up again.

The Litch continuously blasted Green Mana at Amos. Amos was trembling, but he clenched his teeth, got up and continued approaching the Litch with a formal walk.

Then, when he was close enough, he opened his hand and blasted a beam of Green Energy at the Litch and said, "It's over."

The Litch went flying and some of its bones were crushed, as a result of Amos' effective utilization of Green Mana. However, this was not adequate to keep the Litch down. It got back up as well and continued summoning Skeletons.

Amos terminated all the skeletons, without getting a single cut from them. He had finished the last skeleton by running on the wall, pushing off of it, and slashing his sword while performing a spin.

Then he blasted another powerful beam at the Litch and while it was on the floor before it could get up, Amos used his great speed to run up to it, jumped as high as possible, and thrust his sword straight through its forehead.

He defeated the Litch.

[ Entity; Lvl 1 Litch dropped Green Mana Emerald ]

[ Entity; Lvl 1 Litch dropped Magical Staff ]

[ You advanced to level 4! ]

[ You received 3 Upgrade points! ]

Current Level: ( 4 / 10,000 )

Current EXP : ( 52 / 600 )

UP: ( 9 / 100 )

Amos didn't stop there. His eyebrows pushed his soft skin downwards again, causing many wrinkles to appear. He immediately flipped the switch next to the Litch, opening the door to the other room. He then collected the emerald dropped by the Litch, leaving the staff behind, and went into the other room.

As soon as he had left the room, a message appeared.

( You left the Wirlborl )

The door behind him closed and this time he wasn't in a normal room. It was a different place. With Potions on shelves and ancient evil artifacts on display.

As he followed the long red carpet before his eyes, was Suzy sitting on a throne with green glowing eyes and a cunning smile — It was the Witch!