A Slave to a Monster

Amos slowly opened his eyes and tried to move his arms. He couldn't move for he was restrained by thick cold metal chains.

Where am I? Oh no. I must've passed out due to the pain, wait — The pain, where is it?

He was healed by the Witch.

My injuries...are gone? Who healed me? And where am I? I need answers.

His arms and legs were spread out and held in a fixed position by the strong chains.

I feel an itch --

My legs, they're numb, I can't feel them — I want to sit down so bad. How long have I been in here? He looked at the walls. These stone walls covered with thick moss can merely mean one thing — I'm still in the Witch's house. That heartless fu--

"You're awake?" asked someone.

Amos looked around making an effort to locate the tongue of the words.

The person stepped out of the darkness, " You're quite the sleeper — Never seen a guy your age sleep for three days straight, you must be hungry."

The person was tall with skinny long legs. His hair was red just like his red lips, with sharp fangs of a fierce wolf. One of his eyes emitted a dark aura and his face was significantly pale — He was a vampire!

As soon as the man mentioned hungriness, Amos heard the loud rumbling of his stomach, like the starting of a motorcycle's noisy engine.

"Waw, listen to that roar, " he walked up to Amos and put meat in his mouth, "Go ahead, eat it. You can't die of hunger, can you?"

Amos couldn't resist it, he immediately starting chewing the meat. After tasting how raw it is, He spat it out, "What the hell was that?"

The man smiled, "It's just what I like to eat."

"And what do you like to eat?"

"Let's just call it the manliest flesh in the entire animal kingdom."

"You son of a bi-

"Don't say what you'll regret. I offer you my food and you spit it out? Your disrespectfulness cannot be neglected."

"You bastard. How dare you give me my own species to eat!"

"You are a specimen who consumes the flesh of other species, aren't you? What is so wrong about consuming the flesh of your very own species? Don't even get me started on cannibalism—

"You sick piece of shi-"

"And If I can recall — I remember you being an elf, thus, you can consume the flesh of human beings." interrupted the man.

"I don't care if I'm a pig, ape or unicorn, eating human beings is wrong!"

"Yet you still eat the flesh of other animals."

"They're animals-"

"What makes you say that? You are a mammal, therefore you are also an animal and you eat other mammals in the animal kingdom — what's wrong with human beings?"

"They taste disgusting!"

"Not for me."

"You sick shit, wait, who are you anyway?"

"I am a very great person. Stronger than many of your so-called S-Ranks. My name is Liang Chu. I'm heading out, enjoy your torture." Liang departed the room.

"Wait! What do you mean by torture?"

Amos was in for a beating.

I gotta get out of this place and kill that stupid witch! Suzuiya must be very worried at the moment. I've been here for three days? That's really insane -— gotta get out, but these chains are just too strong. Despite having Strength-level 21, I can't break them. I'm so freaking weak!

Someone entered the room. The person was very fat and fleshy. He wore a bag on his head with two punctured holes to allow him to see through it. He also had a suitcase at hand.

"Hey, you! Where is the freaking Witch who lives here?"

The person ignored him. He then rested his suitcase on the tabletop and opened it. Inside of the huge wooden suitcase accommodated many weapons — Weapons used over a thousand times to torment prisoners.

"Hey-hey-hey, what the freak are those? What are you doing?"

The torturer took a pair of scissors from the suitcase and started approaching Amos.

"Come on man, please don't do it! You won't hurt a kid, would you?"

The torturer then rested the scissors between Amos' index and middle finger. And He then quickly closed the scissors — Snap! He cut off the index finger.

"Agrrghhhh!" screamed Amos, as his finger fell to the floor.

The man giggled.

"You bastard, I'll get you for this, I'll kill all of you evil brats!"

The torturer cut off another one of Amos' fingers, "Aghhhhh-ahhhh!"

The torturer tormented Amos and he enjoyed every moment of it. He used several tools to do his torturing — blades, knives, scissors, axes, acid, and hammers.

"I-I am gonna k-Kuh-kill all of you."

The torturer sloped a blade atop Amos' face and pressed into his soft skin with great force.


The Witch was using Observation Magic; Eagle Eye to spectate. She watched as her torturer tormented Amos and she laughed.

"Hahah haha, how I love to hear and see pain!"

One of her comrades entered the room, "Hello, my Queen."

She tightly crossed her legs, "Yes, what is it, Liang?"

"Ohh, it's nothing." He sat down with his arms folded.

"Then why are you here sitting on one of my chairs!"

"I've come to ask about the boy — he's a strange one, isn't he? Possessing the Six and the spirit of a sixteen-year-old, when he solely owns the physique of a nine-year-old. "

She glanced at Liang, "Yeah, he is a significant walking anomaly." she then continued looking at Amos with her magic.

"Then why, my Queen, are you torturing him?" retorted Liang Chu.

"That's not of your concern. He's just too strange to be killed."

"Then let him join us — you said his body is compatible with Dark Mana, didn't you?"

"He doesn't wish to join."

"Then force him."

"That's what I've been trying — His spirit rejects my control over his body."

"I thought that was something that fairies can only do since they have Lord Alria looking over them—"

"He smells like a fairy, but that's not the real oddity here — His spirit seems to be storing insane amounts of Spiritual energy. And there is a conspicuous disparity between his body and his spirit—"

They then both simultaneously said, "It's like his spirit belongs to another body -- Can he be--?"

Amos was being tormented for an entire hour. Then came a doctor.

She touched Amos on his forehead.

Amos then inaudibly said, "Don't....touch me."

She healed him with her magic. His missing fingers and toes were cohesively reappearing and the injuries he thought would be permanent scars were all gone too.

He felt better knowing that he wasn't subjected to the life of handicap. But for some reason, his fatigue didn't disappear this time.

He wiggled his new fingers and toes, "Why are you healing me?"

"Just doing what I'm told, " replied the lady as she left.

Amos felt cold, but his heart was burning with rage.

Why are they healing me? What sense does it make to torture someone and then heal them?

"The answer to that question is obvious, " said someone with a youthful voice behind him.

"Where are you?" Amos turned his head right to left.

"It doesn't matter — we're going to perish anyway. I just hope my sister's okay."

Does this mean he's a prisoner too? Amos tried looking behind.

"Don't waste your time. They don't like us communicating with each other."

He's a prisoner too!

"Where are you!" shouted Amos.

"Shut up! Don't let them hear you. Let's talk to each other in your head."

What does he mean by that?

I meant this.

The boy was talking to Amos through his thoughts. He was telepathic — This Psychic Magical Ability allows a user to hear inner thoughts as well as talk to people through their thoughts.

How are you doing that!

It's my Magical ability And I heard what you said about that itch, gross.

Amos smiled.

It wasn't a pubic itch.


Where are you?

I am in the room prior to yours.

How old are you?

What are you, a stalker?

No, your voice sounds a bit—

Childish? I'm nine and a half! So choose your words carefully!

Ohh. Well, I am sixteen.

Egotistical buffoon.



Are you okay, kid?

I'm in a torturer's house and I'm about to be brutally murdered — Of course, I'm okay!

Calm down, kid. I'll protect you.

Yeah right. That's what the guy who autonomously came here and got grievously beaten says.

Whatever kid, wait and see. I'll become one of the strongest men of Archeria one day.

Don't put your hands where they can't reach.

What does that mean?

—Nothing. Are you okay, I heard your screaming earlier.

They just healed me for no reason, so I'm okay. I'm just tired.

They only healed you so that you stay alive and healthy for their next tormenting session.

That's sick.

Yeah, you've seen nothing yet. They're truly sick beings, they do not want us to die. Trust me dying is better than being tortured here. Get your rest — you'll need it.

They won't torture a child like you, would they?

If they can torment a newborn baby, who am I?

They did what?

Get your sleep, sir — You'll need it.

Okay. I'll rest, you sleep too, alright? Kid? Hello? Kid? Great, he left me talking to myself.

Meanwhile, sorrowful shiny tears ran down Suzuiya's soft face. She sat down on a rocking chair on her front porch. As she quivered, she then bit her red lips to stop herself from bursting into loud wails. Then she clenched her teeth and squeezed in her fists.

"Amos, I'm coming for you! Even if you're dead, I'm still coming!"