New Comrade VS Two Other Comrades

Franklin suddenly assaulted Chizuko!

As soon as he had raised his foot to crush the figure below him, Chizuko rolled sideways, seized an arrow from his quiver, and shot Franklin's huge foot. Nevertheless, Franklin still succeeded with his violent stomp and ended up hurting Chizuko. Little did he know, his dominant foot was now disintegrating from substantial decay.

Franklin then grabbed his leg and ate it off before the decay could have reached his knee. Chizuko smirked as the Titan came crashing down unto the stone ground.

Chizuko stood.

"Our job is done, " said Sasuki.

"Not yet, " Chizuko approached the weeping Titan, "We didn't make him pay yet."

Chizuko and Sasuki only assisted Amos in order for them to take advantage and reason to assault Franklin. They both despised Franklin and his comrades, and this was not their first battle, nor would it be their last.

"You're right, " said Sasuki as he also approached the Titan.

Chizuko walked upon the Titan and pointed his bow and arrow to the middle of Franklin's forehead.

"You see Franklin, we won this time. And consider this our final battle, " Chizuko was about to shoot the Titan.

When suddenly Liang came from nowhere and took Chizuko's bow, "I'll be conversating this now, thank you, " said Liang as he put away the bow.

Chizuko gritted his teeth, "You again!"

Liang smiled, "Hah, you two are some idiots, aren't you?"

"Captain, can you not remember what he did to—

"I do, " disrupted Liang, "But you can not slaughter him for it. Especially when you are in the midst of his very own territory!"

Liang then hopped off of Franklin's chest, "Guys, get Amos out of here, and stop looking for attention..."

Chizuko firmly clenched his fists.

Franklin gradually shrank back down to his ordinary size (which still made him look like a lampost). Franklin then looked down at his body and saw that he was naked, for when he had shrunk back down to a human, his clothes remained titanic. He then embarrassingly covered up his body parts and ran away.

"Amos, come with us, " instructed Chizuko.

Chizuko and Sasuki walked to an in unordinary location and Amos pursued their path. As Chizuko arrived at what appeared to be an arena he climbed up the stairs to the arena and stopped.

He didn't bother to look back at Amos, "Don't think we saved you because we like you. We only did it so that we get to battle you ourselves, " he then glimpsed back at Amos.

"Which still doesn't make any sense because if we hate him so bad, why save the—

"Shut up Sasuki, " interrupted Chizuko, "Do you not wish to battle him yourself?"

"Yeah but—

"Yeah! Well, that's all I need to hear, " Chizuko turned around to face Amos, "We need to see what caused him to be on this team with us—why would our Queen favor his strength over us, when he's so weak!?"

Sasuki pulled his blade out of his scabbard, "I want to test his sword skills."

Chizuko smirked, "Ohh, we'll be testing everything..."

Amos obliviously stared at them with zero percent care, "I don't have my sword on me."

Sasuki answered, "Don't worry little elf, we've got you covered, " he threw a sword, "Don't scratch it."

Amos caught the blade and entered the arena. It was heavier than the sword he had purchased from the Weapons Shop, nevertheless, he was still able to hold it. He then made his way to the arena.

"Sasuki, you take him first..." said Chizuko.

Sasuki smirked, "Sure thing!"

Chizuko looked at both Amos and Sasuki, "3.....2.....1....fight!"

Sasuki suddenly dashed up to Amos and started slashing his blade aggressively. Amos protected both his head and torso, but his arms and legs were being cut. When Amos got an opening, he promptly slashed his blade, but Sasuki sidestepped it, and cut Amos' arm again.

"This is all you can do? I haven't even started aiming for your weak points..."

Their swords kept audibly clashing. Amos focussed on defense, and Sasuki was delivering what you would call the offense. Amos then slashed with all his strength, sending his arm flying with the force, and left an obvious opening to his torso.

Sasuki didn't bother to hold back, he aimed for Amos' torso with a smile on his face. Amos then used his left hand and horizontally defended his torso, resulting in him being cut. His arm was still attached, but it was profusely bleeding.

Amos had concluded that Sasuki was attempting his slaughtering.

Amos glared at him, "Hey Sasuki, am I allowed to use my arms and legs?"

Sasuki lowered his sword, "Why of course you ca—

Amos flew into Sasuki with an elbow to the face, causing his nose to break before he could have completed his sentence. Then, he quickly stepped back and jabbed Sasuki to the stomach twice. He then stood straight and kicked him to his upper chest, and Sasuki fell from the impact and force behind the assault.

Sasuki was on the floor. He touched his nose and smiled. When suddenly he vanished. And Amos felt a blade going through his stomach from behind. So Amos then did a spin, causing the sword to come out of his abdomen, and he slashed his sword to cut Sasuki who was behind him.

Sasuki received a cut to a little lower than his shoulder. But he was then given an opening to cut Amos, and he did so, inflicting critical damage to Amos' upper torso.

'What an ass for an elf! When he slashes with all his might, he sends his body partially spinning and leaves an opening for me to attack. That's because he is unable to block in time after putting that much strength behind his slashes!"

Sasuki smirked and was now maintaining closer distance to Amos, to invoke fear and seemingly cause Amos to absurdly slash with all his might again. Amos then pretended to slash with all his might, resulting in Sasuki's attempt to aim for his torso. As Sasuki thrust the sword, Amos dodged it and promptly retaliated, penetrating Sasuki's stomach.

Sasuki fell as Amos pulled out the blade, "You bastard!"

Then Chizuko ran up to Amos, stretched his arm back as far as possible, and punched Amos to the right temple. Amos tumbled, and fell unconscious as Chizuko rushed up to him, and constantly punched him to his face whilst atop him.

He punched, "You piece of shit! How dare you injure my friend!"

He jabbed, "You're not even supposed to belong here, you're an outsider, " he punched Amos again, "This place is for villains and monsters—because apparently, other humans can't live around us!"

He continuously punched Amos until Sasuki came to stop him. Sasuki pulled him off of Amos and he fought to get back to him, "Chizuko, I am okay! I did not die!"

Chizuko looked at his swelled knuckles, "I know, but I've been holding a grudge against him for the longest time...."

Sasuki looked at Amos, "I came here to battle him, not cruelly murder him!"

Chizuko also looked at Amos, "Why should I care? He's a stupid weak elf anyway, why did Liang recruit him?"

"Because my Queen told me to do so..."

"Your Quee—Huh?!?"

Chizuko turned around and saw Liang approaching the arena, "Li-Liang, I was just talking about you..."

"What did you do to Amos?"

"He fell..."

Liang teleported to Amos and checked his heart rate, and sighed. He then touched Amos' chest and revived his health, "Chizuko, I know you're upset about Han's death, but I promise you that he'll return. Don't abuse Amos, he's special."

Chizuko gritted his teeth.

Amos then regained his consciousness and immediately continued running.

Liang stood, "Amos, where are you going?!"

He then smiled, "Crazy kid..."

Amos ran for thirty minutes in total and a screen appeared


[New Daily Task]

[Rewarded 50 EXP]

[Rewarded 25 EXP]

[Rewarded 50 EXP]

Total EXP [to be earned]: 125+5 bonus

Current Level : [ 4 / 10,000 ]

Current EXP : [ 177 / 600 ]

Amos then stopped and started panting, 'This exercise rewards you too little. I haven't even leveled up, If I hope to get more of those upgrade points as soon as possible, then I must find a more efficient way of leveling up — daily tasks aren't enough...'