
In the magical world of Archeria (, A world established by nothing but magic), lies the elemental magical crystals that hold the structure and order, as well as the algorithm of the world, concisely together. Without these magnificent crystals of omnipotence, there would be nothing. Each individual crystal was exclusively created to have control over a specified element and location.

There were seven Elemental Crystals; Light, Fire, Water, Life, Earth, Soul, and the most powerful Darkness. Each Crystal was responsible for a specific elemental, for example, water. Without the Elemental Water Crystal, there would be no water in the world of Archeria whatsoever. Likewise, there would be no life without the Elemental Life crystal, and all mortal living beings shalt perish. And without merely an element, the world can slowly fall asunder.

Analogous to the individual archaic crystals responsible for each distinguishable element, there were also Warrior Gods responsible for the protection and wielding of these Elemental Crystals. These Warrior Gods respectively were; The Light Warrior, The Fire Warrior, The Water Warrior, The Earth Warrior, The Soul Warrior, and The Warrior of Darkness.

The crystals were created by a God of Creation, and they were inferred as 'The Seven Powers Of The World'. These signified the creation of a peaceful world. However, the crystals also shared meanings of utter ambiguity. For they also meant War. If these crystals were to be all collected and wielded by someone with sufficient strength, that person would obtain the 'Seven' and receive omnipotence as well as one wish from Aracrath, The Divine Creation God of the Seven.

When the crystals fuse, Aracrath is subsequently created [The Seven Crystals are all different components of Aracrath]. There is one God who seeks a negative wish of the 'Seven', and that God is none other than the Demon King himself.

This is where the Warrior Gods come in. They are accountable for the crystals and must protect them, at all costs, from the Demon King and his Army of worshippers as well as his powerful Demon Lords. The war between these Gods inaugurated an era of perpetual war amongst different Generations.

From the black abyss ascends the Demon King every three centuries, and again, he seeks these crystals. Luckily, the seven warriors are always reincarnated every three centuries as well, and are deliberately trained to excel in mana utilization, combat, defense, and skill — The Magical Training Systems are created by nothing but magic, and are fundamental assets of their advancement, from their initiated statistics to their zenith of strength.

The Seven Warriors are all part of the God Aracrath, and they are immortal until their crystals are eradicated.

This time, the autocratic Demon King had managed to get his hands on four of the crystals and had slaughtered all of the warriors, yet he was not satisfied with the fact of them all reincarnating and existing in parallel universes as well as alternate realities.

Merlin's mana was at its brink of remains, but he then promptly stood despite his detrimental injuries, "My greatest foe had finally resulted in victory after seven centuries, but is he not pleased with the death of the Seven?"

Merlin then used his 'Observation Eye', "I know exactly what his hostile schemes are..."

Kathlin rushed over, "O Merlin, have you not perished due to your immense wounds? There is a hole in your heart and you are missing most of your body parts, yet ye stands with a complete whole?"

"Ohh, Kathlin, you are still alive. There is no time to worry about me, the entire world—not just Archeria, is at stake here."

"But Merlin, we've managed to make the Demon King return to the world of burning flames of punishment! Have we not?"

Merlin looked at Kathlin, "Sorry my greatest comrade, we did not defeat the Demon King, he sacrificed himself in return for the deaths of the Seven Warriors, of each reality and universe. This must be stopped. I shall take the souls of the Seven Warriors and place them into the bodies of arbitrary individuals dwelling in Archeria."

"My lord, where are you getting their souls from, are the Seven not dead? Did we not see the Demon King absorb their spirits to use as spiritual energy?"

"Yes, Kathlin. But, there are alternate versions of the Seven in different universes and realities. I have sought the Seven still dwelling in a far universe on a planet they call 'Earth'. It is irrefutable, the Seven shalt return to defeat the Demon King once more!"

Author's Foreword: This novel is very special, as there is a considerable disparity between it and other novels on Webnovel. I am happy to share my childhood stories with you, and I hope you support this novel like a Top Fan. Please keep in mind that initially, I was focusing on an easy-to-read fantasy, but I've changed things up a notch, which is the reason why the quality and word choices will be fundamentally ameliorated as you advance to the future chapters. Expect more sophisticated word choices, but we're not changing the easy-to-read way of writing for anyone. Have fun, it is a very special novel, and it won't take you too long to realize that.