My First Kiss Was....

Her lips rest upon his, delivering serenity in his eyes. He smelt her sweet perfume strongly, as she leaned forward kissing him. He closed his eyes, and thought about this blessing. As he thought about Annie's face, he started to blush, and for the first time in weeks, he felt his heart pounding against his chest, and the dark edges of his hair decreased in perceptibility.

Is this what a kiss feels like? What is happening to me? I feel something... What is this feeling? My heart. Am I really experiencing emotions?

Ever since I was on Earth, I always tried to get the girls to like me, but I just didn't fit in. I was known as the school 'freak', and in my heart, fear started to grow for the people superior to me. I completely avoided people, including girls. I secluded myself from the world. I accepted the fact that I was never going to receive a kiss from a girl. But...

Look at where I am now?

She stopped kissing him.

She fixed her hair, "I'm so sorry, Amos. Please forget about everything that happened just now. Don't hate me, please."

Amos still had his eyes closed.

"Why should I hate you, " he opened his eyes, "You just gave me something I always wanted. And it feels amazing."

She blushed, "Really? I did not expect that response, " she looked down at her hands, "I got carried away and overwhelmed by your speech about smiling, " she looked up at the sky, "and you reminded me of something I went through when I was little.

You see, Amos. My mother has nothing but evil and antagonism buried deep down in her heart, if she still has one that is. She never smiles, never. Makes me worry about her sometimes. Whereas, when I was younger, I always smiled. And that became a problem for my mother, " she frowned, "My mother went through a lot, my dad left her, she lost her parents, she was abused, and my sister died during birth. She has no reason to smile, at least that's what she said. She grew into hating love, and happiness, and she always told me that happiness is a sign of weakness. And no matter how much I tried not to smile, I still broke her heart. She always called my smile ugly, and it even reached the point where she started to atrociously punish me for smiling. That's when I realized that my smile was truly ugly, with one of my teeth growing sharply above another. And after that, I never smiled again."

Amos held her hand, "Don't listen to your mother. When I meet her, I'm going to have a serious chat with her. The odd tooth is the charmer in your smile. Anyone would feel to grab you up and hug you when you're smiling. That odd tooth, made me feel something again. The feeling was rather transitory, but it worked. Even after being impaled multiple times in critical areas that would cause an ordinary boy to scream, it all failed to make me feel again. But your smile and your kiss did the job."

She put some of her hair behind her ear with her fingers.

Amos stood, "Have a good night Annie, " he started walking then stopped, "Oh and, I didn't have any feelings for you whatsoever at the beginning. Just thought I'd put that out for you. But that doesn't mean you're ugly, " he continued walking.

"But wait, how are you going to get down from here?" She asked.

He stopped, turned around, and started scratching his head, "Ohh."

She smiled.

Two hours later. It was supposed to be Amos' shuteye, but instead, he sat on his bed in his dorm without any shirt on, and he thought about the kiss.

I really should've asked her for another one. Could I feel that spark twice though? I should just stop thinking about her now. It's not like she kissed me in my real body. This just doesn't count at all. This body isn't mine, so, technically, she kissed this kid's body. Shit. That means my goal isn't completed yet. I still need to get a kiss, with my lips. But that just seems impossible, doesn't it?

Did she kiss me, or him?

"She kissed my body."

Amos looked around, "Hello?"

The room was still empty.

"Great, now I'm going crazy. I should take a rest now."

"But no, tomorrow is a big day, " he clenched his fist, "I must get stronger. I honestly don't know how strong the guy is in reality — so I can not jump to an underestimation. I mean, " he scratched his head, "he is a witch teacher, that means he can probably utilize magic like others, " he put his hand on his lap, "but no, that would just make things easier for me, since I can absorb mana."

"You mean I."

Amos started looking around again, "Huh? Who said that? The person who spoke, show yourself!"

The silence was restored.

"Okay, " Amos stood, "I honestly can not sleep after that kiss, so, " he stretched his arms, "I'm going to use this night to train."

When Amos looked at his bed, to his surprise was that sword again. He then put his index fingers on his eyes and rubbed them. Next, he stopped then opened his eyes again, and the sword was no longer there. So, he commenced his night training.

Not only was Amos more lively after he had received the kiss and lost some of the darkness in his hair, but now he mildly felt sheer pain in his muscles as he pushed his body to its limit. Amos was still oblivious of the change in his hair, he did not realize it at all.

Alas, after three hours of training, Amos's body was severely fatigued. And he decided to stop core training and do another exercise.

He trained from night to morning. And that's when his body started to ache. His muscles were crying, and he felt incredibly exhausted. Nonetheless, he wore his black metal armor and took his sword with him. He had forgotten about the sword. Every time he looked at the sword, he remembered how much Liang paid for it. One thousand dollars was a lot in Archeria, yet Liang was able to spend all of his money remaining to purchase the sword for Amos.

The all-white design with the black Japanese Kanji on it made it a very premium weapon. And just thinking about it, reminded Amos that the old man, who sold them the sword (Garvin), said that it was wielded by the greatest swordsman, and was refurbished, made it even more valuable than ever.

However, Amos was planning to return it to Liang, because it was much better than the two swords Liang prized in his possession.

As Amos walked outside, one of the Demon-Knights ran up to him, "Hey, where are you going? The Queen wants you summoned immediately."


"Follow me, elf, " he looked at Amos' sword, "I don't want to touch someone like you."

The egotistical knight led Amos to Queen Catra.

It was Silent.

Queen Catra then stood up from her throne, walked down the stairs, and slapped Amos to his face. Amos was unsure why she assaulted him without reason, but he came to notice how beautiful she was from a close-up view. She reminded him of someone. He tried his best not to look down at her huge milkshakes which he saw jumping up and down while she was walking down the stairs, but the urge was great.

With racing hormones and a confused mentality, Amos looked at Queen Catra.

"How dare you kiss my daughter!"

Amos' heart aggressively crashed into his chest, as he realized who Queen Catra reminded him of.

"Who?" he asked.

"Annie Arnette! Queen Xaionanido Catra Arnette's daughter, me!"

I think I'm in trouble. Queen Catra's surname is Arnette too? Queen Catra, is a queen. Then that makes Annie a...

Shit! I'm toast.

"Don't pretend not to know! It was reported to me last night that you were caught in the act of seductively sharing saliva with my daughter! Annie come out!"

Annie came out from a room, "Yes mother?"

"Isn't this the guy who kissed you?"

"Mother I-

"Answer the question!"

"Yes mother but-

"That's the answer! You kissed my daughter!? How dare you? Just who the hell do you think you are? Come into my monster empire and kiss my daughter? I'll have your head dissected for sure! I know you were up to no good! I swear I'm going to-

"Mother!" shouted Annie, "Truth is, " Liang listened from afar, "I kissed him first."


"Yes, " she put down her head, "I kissed him first. You see, mother, I was overwhelmed by his speech, and it just happened, I don't know what came over me that night but-

"Annie, I've told you multiple times, that men are nothing but heart-breakers. They pretend to love you, but break your heart in return for another woman. That's why you should have them working under you as a slave. Forget about love, how many times have I told—

Annie interrupted, "Mother, I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I'll never speak to him ever again. Just promise not to hurt him. I kissed him. He had no intentions of ever kissing me, to begin with. I'm the one who carried him to a rooftop, and kissed him. Now, let him leave. It's not his fault. He doesn't deserve a punishment for my actions. It will never happen again, " Annie slowly walked away in sadness.

Queen Catra looked down at Amos and gritted her teeth, "Quit my sight, " she snarled, "You have a month to do your missions."

Amos left.

Waw, what a no-brainer. I actually kissed a princess and got away with it. Hmm, and I called myself bad luck. Such is life, huh? But her face. I can see pure sadness. Was it my words last night? I mean, I told her that I didn't have feelings for her in the beginning before I left. Is that the cause of her sadness? It can't be. She's just probably upset about not being able to speak to me ever again.

But waw, must say I felt sorry for her. She looked as if she was on the brink of tears. But what can I say? She's the one who kissed me first, to begin with. And wait, what the heck? I'm being wrapped in my thoughts again. Why? Usually, I'll have nothing in mind and heart after dark-glooming, but...

He stopped.

My heart beated when Catra asked me about the kiss in addition to the pain I felt during last night's training. Was that heart-beat fear? Does this mean...

He took his scabbard from his back, took out the sword, and looked at his reflection in the shiny blade, "My hair, " he pulled the edges, "There's only a little bit of blackness remaining. Is my lack of sentimentality cured? By a kiss?"

Someone bumped into Amos, "Creep."

Amos then continued walking, "Then I guess I'm normal again. But I still feel a little empty though. Also, the edges aren't completely blonde again yet, " he put his hand on his chin, "Maybe I should sneak up to Princess Annie's room in the castle and get her to kiss me again!"

"You're so stupid, " said the MTS Assistant.

"Ohh! It's blue face!"


"Wait, " he continued walking, "I can't remember saying 'Atterunumn', how did you get out of the watch?"

"To stretch my legs a bit."

Amos looked at him, "But you literally float around, I think you should go back into the watch before someone sees you."

"You're such an ignorant fool, " the blue assistant facepalmed his head with overwhelming exasperation, "I can't believe you said something so absurd. I see, you know this little about the MTS, don't you?"


"You should have figured out that no one but the owner of the MTS can see the hovering display screen of that particular unit. The same goes for the MTS assistant, he or she is imperceptible to the eyes of others, excluding the owner."

"Ohh! So the citizens of this villain can not see you?"

"Correct. Only pure strength in magic can break through the fabric of this reality and perceive the assistants of MTS users."

"Hmmm. So wait, you came out of the watch to speak to me as a friend then? Glad you did buddy!"

"Do not be misled by your assumptions. I simply departed my capsule to warn you about your daily task. A screen should appear at any given moment now."

A screen coincidently appeared.

[New Daily Task]

[Reward: 100 EXP]

[Reward: 25 EXP]

[Reward: 50 EXP]

Total EXP [to be earned]: 175+5 bonus

Current Level : [ 4 / 10,000 ]

Current EXP : [ 127/ 600 ]

Amos looked at the screen while walking, "You know, sometimes I forget this MTS even exists."

"And that is because, you only complete daily tasks. As I mentioned before, there are hundreds of other ways an MTS user can utilize their asset to acquire satisfactory statistics."

"Ohh wait! Finally, daily tasks are a bit harder now. Because there are 100 pushups to do now. I can remember it being merely 50!"

The assistant realized his excitement, "Amos, if you are so enthusiastic about drastically increasing your overall stats, why not do MTS missions other than daily tasks?"

"You see, blue face, I am much busier than ever. Ohh wait a minute, I am supposed to be killing that pervert, wasn't I? I lost track of time! In fact, I was walking in circles around this village the whole time!"

"I was about to pinpoint that."

"Blue face. Why don't you give me some company on this mission, " he took out the map in his pocket, "It'll be fun, what' cha say?"

"Hmmm. I can use a break from my cage in that MTS. But then again, I also need a break from your absurdity."

"Ha! That's true. Just tag along, I won't be doing anything stupid. If you keep me company, I'll give you a rematch!"

"What? A rematch? I was the one who knocked you through that wall with one hit! You lost!"

"That's not what I remember. I can lucidly remember one-hitting you through Xui Zang's wall."

Xui Zang...





I remember them now. How can I forget about them? How long has it been? Four weeks? I should pass by sometime. But wait. When I complete this mission I can just run away from here. It's not like they want me here anyway. Suzy and Catra would not even notice I'm gone.

Yeah, right, Amos.

As Amos looked to his left, to his surprise was blue-haired Natan Namero with a blue umbrella providing shade from the sun.

"Figured it was you. Only you can read my mind, " said Amos.

"If you flee and never return, chances are, Suzy will come after you. Again, your extremely rare ability to absorb one's mana is of utmost value to her. And if she finds you, I would not be surprised to see that you have been punished by her for leaving without her consent."

"That's true. Then, I'll come back. Do you happen to know where the exit is? I'm trying to leave the kingdom to do a mission."

"If you have authorization. You can look behind you, the gate is nigh."

"Also how are you going? Being a vampire and all."

"I am fine. The same goes for my sister. We're getting accustomed to this lifestyle of no contact with the light."

Liang then came, "Hey guys."

"Hey, Liang. Wait, " Amos scrutinized Liang, "How are you walking in the middle of the day with no protection from the sun? Aren't you a vampire too?"

"Well, that is a bit complicated. After being resurrected, I realized that Suzy paid souls for me to lose my weakness to the sun. I'm not sure why, but apparently she wants me alive."

Amos looked at Natan, "Can she pay souls in return for the breaking of Natan's curse as well?"

The MTS assistant facepalmed.

Liang then answered, "Well, Amos. She's out of souls. That's why she can not resurrect Han-Geol, " he clenched his fists, "But I will."

Natan: "And then again, I'll never put myself before Nataly. If Queen Suzy offers this blessing now, I will allow my sister to be free of this evil curse of daylight instead of myself."

Liang: "And that is exactly what makes you a great brother. Also, " he looked at Amos, "I wanted to wish you the best of luck. Doing a mission on your own has its disadvantages. And also, you have to complete an entire month of missions due to Catra's rescheduling of the top objective. Just be safe. Use your map to find the targets."

Liang then walked off.

Amos: "Bye guys. See you later."

Amos turned around and approached the gate in the distance.

"Where are you going?" Asked a Demon Knight.

"I have permission to leave, " replied Amos, "to complete a mission assigned by your Queen."

"You mean a death mission. Go straight ahead my friend. Queen Catra sent you on these missions for a reason. I think I'll write a book about this, 'The Revenge On The Elf, For Kissing Her Daughter'.

The guards laughed as they opened the gate, allowing Amos to leave.

Amos followed the map. Then, he decided to do his daily task, and then proceed with the mission.

After 150 pushups, 50 squats, and a 50-minute run, a new screen appeared.


[New Daily Task]

[Rewarded 50 EXP]

[Rewarded 25 EXP]

[Rewarded 50 EXP]

Total EXP [to be earned]: 175+5 bonus

Current Level : [ 4 / 10,000 ]

Current EXP : [ 302 / 600 ]

* [Tap Here] to view Stats

Amos rest his thumb unto the '[Tap Here] option, and another screen appeared.

[ Statistics ]

Strength: 23 [ Common ]

Defence: 4 [ Feeble ]

Speed: 9 [ Normal ]

Power ( Magical Ability ): 1 [ Poor ]

Mana: Infinite [ Rare ]

Skill : [ Coming soon! ]

( Available UP: [ 0 / 100 )

Current EXP: [ 52 / 600 ]

Current LVL: [ 4 / 10,000 ]

"Only my strength increased by two. That's probably because of my voluntary training."

This is too weak. I must become stronger. It's been about a month since I've transmigrated and I wasn't even able to reach level five. This is unacceptable, I must become stronger!