Blinding Seduction

"Good work, Amos, or should I refer to you as Aver. I could not have heard much of the conversation since I was a little too far, but I have heard enough. I commend you, " said Kenzo.

"You're the bastard who deserves the commendation. You set all this up in such a short time. Your ass be thinking like a brain..."

"Try not to speak too loudly. There's a possibility of someone overhearing us. And that is the last thing we want right now."

"True. So what do I do now? Continue with our plan?" Amos asked.


"Yeah, we both came up with it. I helped plot half of it after you brought up the first phase of it...."

"Okay. Yeah. Whatever."

"Sooo, " Aver put her hands on her hips, "What do we do now? Proceed with the plan?"

"Yeah, but the King needs some more seducing first."

"Yeah, I know. Talk to ya later."


A blue-haired servant was going down the stairs, when Aver came rushing from above to stop her. Aver only stopped rushing when she was beside the servant.

"Hey, " she smiled, "What's your name?"

"My name is Ciely. " responded the blue-haired servant.

"What a pretty name. Ceily. I like that name."

Ciely looked at Aver with her eyes opened wider than normally, "Thanks," she sighed, "I would ask you for your name, but you are already quite popular here, Aver."

"Huh? Is that so?"

"Yeah. Some of the maids and servants here hate you, and some love you. I just so happen to love you."

She blushed, "Uhm. What do you mean?"

"The other girls hate you because they're jealous of how beautiful you are. Your admirers like you because you are going to be the King's new target, but we feel sorry for you though."

"New target?"

Ciely suddenly stopped walking down the flight of stairs, with her eyes partially opened. Her eyes seemed to be filled with apathy, and depression. She stood quietly, but her heart screamed to the top of its lungs.

Aver then stopped, and turned around.

Ciely uttered softly, "The King, " her eyes became more glossy, "He is a molester. Half of the nice girls here lose their virginities to a man like him. And half of these women were conceived, and had to leave the job to take care of their little bastards. Most of us here have already been touched by he himself, and I am no exception. So that is why I fear for you."

Aver approached her, "Don't worry about me, " she put her hand on Ciely's shoulder, "There's a God in heaven. Your suffering will come to a hiatus. Stay faithful. Now smile. I bet you're much prettier when you smile. Who knows, that's probably why the King couldn't bare leaving your virginity alone. So smile, " she smiled, "Smile...for me."

Ciely's eyes seemingly increased in size, "I...I can't, " she looked away, and her eyes became smaller again.

"I'm sorry. Who could possibly smile in a time like this? Maybe I can help you regain that smile. If there's anything you need, let me know."


"But Cielly. Why didn't you leave the job, or at least try selling the King out?"

"I-I...I am scared, " Cielly immediately burst into tears, "I am too frightened to tell anyone outside of these walls about it. He threatens us. He has these three assassins who even spoke to us themselves. And there was this time, " she snuffed, "When a girl here tried selling out the King, but that led to her being killed. The King turned everything around on her. Such is the power of his omnipotence, " she quivered, "We are all too scared to tell. I go home every day, smiling so that my mother can't see that I'm secretly hurt. I do not want to see my family sad. It has been the best time of their lives now that I am making so much money for them. But I can not, " she cried, "I can not take this abuse any—"

Aver then rushed into her arms, and hugged her sweetly, providing a sudden shocking yet warming sensation. Ciely closed her eyes, as Aver hugged her.

"Shhh, Cielly. Cry no more. I'll tell the others that you're feeling ill. Go get some rest now, " Aver released her.

"And Ciely, " Aver smiled as the rays of light from the window behind Ciely hit her face, "At least stay hopeful. I'll keep the old man busy for the rest of you. And I'll be cleaning the throne room today, go get some rest."

With that said, Aver hurried down to the throne room with Ciely's mop, and bucket.


The King sat on his throne with his hand on his face, when out of nowhere Aver came and started mopping the throne room. He immediately became uneasy all of a sudden, and he constantly had to fix himself on the throne to try regaining the stolen comfort.

Regardless of her wearing a long skirt, the King was starting to get both mentally and physically aroused by her. She constantly bent over, showing off her backside to the King, causing him to sweat. His body had gained incredible heat, and he sweated profusely, and it was only a minute ago when his sweat had not the quantity to a amount to a single drop.

The angel in the King's presence made sure she took her time, and he had no idea how much more time he had left before he goes all crazy about actually performing certain brainstormed activities he had planned to carry about with her, with or without her permission. He took not an eye off of her. And she seemed not to conceal her behind at all.

The only time her behind took its eyes off of the king, was when she mopped near the small flight of stairs to his throne. He watched attentively, with burning eyes, as she bent over, with hanging breasts, and he was not looking away for anything.

There was but one adjective to describe how the King felt at the moment: that adjective was 'seduced'.

"My King, " she called with a tone far more seductive than usual, "My brother. He's coming to the Kingdom today, " her tone was very slow and pleasing to the King's ears, "And he needs your consent to become an intertior guard."


"Can you, " she looked up at him and slicked some of hair behind her ear, "Can you make him an interior Guard here?"

"Yes, Yes, " said the mesmerised King, looking at her breasts that were on display.

"Really, King Adrian? You'll do that for me?"

"Yes, I will. I will do anything for you. I mean, you are the one who saved my life, did you not?"

"Yeah, you owe me one."

"Leonard!" called the King, "Leonard! Where is this fool? I did not hire him to be my side to stay away from me. He really is a good-for-nothing, " he then called again, "Leonard! Aver, just give me a second so that I can get that asshole here so he can do what he's supposed to do."

Leonard then came rushing down the stairs, "King!? I am greatly sorry, I was far upstairs, so I did not hear your call properly."

"How many times do I have to warn you about displeasing me?"

"I am sorry, " he bowed, "I shall try my best not to upset you."

"Whatever. Aver's brother will be here shortly. When he arrives, make him an intertior guard right on the spot."

After those words, Leonard became crestfallen.

"Y-yes, my King. Will do."

"I want you to greet him as you would greet me after my travels. So go outside and wait for him."

"Understood, your highness, " Leonard then left the throne room.

The King then smirked as he left, "You see Aver, I just did that for you. Is there anything more you want from me?"

"For now, no. And just so you know, I'll never request any material thing in your possession from you."

"Why not? I am willing to give you thousands if you want."

"You can keep the money for now. Thank you a lot, King, " she smiled, "You're the best King ever!"

He smirked.

"If you don't mind, I have cleaning to do, allow me to me finish cleaning the throne room."

"Sure. Clean all you want, just do not expect scraps for a reward. You are going to be getting a lot more than that, " he reformed his smirk, "Ohh and...take your time."

She smiled, tilted her head, looked away and continued cleaning.


While the King was busy womanizing, his wife, and her family was being murdered. The assassins made sure to kill all their Queen's family members, and all the people that got in their way, as per the King's instructions, too. The King wanted to be free of his dead wife's family — he wanted to move on to another wife as soon as she had perished. So he decided to exterminate his Wife's family too.

Despite losing someone he married, and even conceived, he had not the slightest pity for her demise. For years the King was unfaithful to his poor wife Vivien, and she always knew.


The rain was falling now, and three figures, all covered in thick fresh blood, departed a forest together.

"Twenty-two of them. That was how many people we killed for the King's sake today. Twenty-two, including, our Queen; his very own wife."

"Hey!" shouted a Knight chasing after them, "You! You are all murderers; monsters, all of you."

One of the three men, then approached the knight.

"What are doing?"

Frightened, the Knight then slashed his sword in an effort to cut down the man before him. However, the man effortlessly dodged, and took his head with nothing but his fingernails.

With eyes of apathy, he then strolled back up to his comrades, "Twenty-three..."

"I wonder why he chose to murder her?"

A shirtless guy with earnings then responded, "Who gives a fuck? What's with you two and being soft? We're assassins for crying out loud. I didn't get put into this world for nothing, did I?"

"Yeah, I suppose you are right. We were simply following orders."

"Now that's the spirit! " he gave a cigarette to his lips, "Back on Earth, the laws are so fucking annoying, but, in this world, when you got these powers, and these little rules here and there, you can fuck up just whoever you wanna fuck up! Your world's the best. But these fucking cigarettes are dogpile!"

"So in your world there are no magic abilities?"

"Fuck no, my world's shitty, shittier than an I wiped ass after a toilet session. But again, thanks to these powers, " he opened his palm, and his hand suddenly combusted with black flames as he smirked, "I can do whatever I wanna!"

He then spat the cigarette out, "I SWEAR, THESE CIGARETTES ARE THE FUCKING WORST!"