Somewhere in the forest #1

The most alluring eyes are those full of pain.


This place was eerie, the silence deafening. The whispers incriminating, the voices hushed. It was dark. It was dangerous.

It was old. It was common.

It had not always been this way- it had not always been this quiet. The silence was not always this stark. There was a time of dreams and hope, a time of joy and laughter. A time for belief. There was the time they had her.

Their mistress. Their queen.

In the dark he stands, his face grave. Eyes dark with age old sorrow. The night does little to drive away this weight he carries. The wind fails to whisk his grief away.

His loss is great. All of theirs is. They have lost much. A thousand years of hope, a thousand years of wait.

His loss weighs on him heavily. His shoulders hunched from the dry sobs that rake his body. His feet touch cobblestone floor. His heart gives a painful lurch.

The night fades away. The darkness recedes. Silk curtains line the walls, the chandelier his mistress so loved casts a soulful glow.  Children run around the hall, the smell of cooked meat wafts from the kitchen. Dishes are set, silverware placed.

Everything is well. Everything, except the wind. The wind that batters the doors and windows. The wind that howls in anguish throughout the forest. The moon hides itself, almost as if  it  escapes something it doesn't wants to see.

Somewhere in the forest, a woman is trapped. Her powers futile. Her efforts vain.

Somewhere in the forest a wolf howls- a dark and ominous howl that is soon picked by others. The wind carries it to the farthest corners of Romania.

Lightning flashes along the sky, the delicate web of veins casting a dangerous feel to the place.

Thunder rages hard and strong, and all at once rain pelts the ground with the strength of  bullets.

It is as if nature intends to destroy everything tonight. It is as if nature intends to rebel. 

Somewhere in the forest, a cry sounds.

A blade comes down once.

The wind howls again. Lightning falls -intending to kill.

The blade comes down twice.

Animals scurry for shelter; anything to protect them from death that looms dark upon their heads.

The blade comes down thrice.

A roar of fury sounds in the jungle. A roar that promises retribution and vengeance.

A roar of loss and of pain.

The blade comes down a fifth time.

A woman falls injured and bleeding to the ground.

And all at once everything stops, the wind, the rain, the storm. Everything halts.

They are slaves to her will. And she is slave to death.

Her body lies cold and wet on the ground. He watches his mistress labor for breaths. Somewhere a cry of anguish sounds, a cry that makes the whole palace shake. He cries his grief to the moon. His King. The king they would hardly ever see again.


Hey! this is me.

Just wanted to say if u like the story do vote and comment.

Please do.

It's the first story I am actually pretty optimistic about. Do make your presence and support known.

Lots of love.!

And if you want to read the book faster, you can find it for free with the name "Before Dawn" on Wattpad. Username is EllianaWright. And the cover is the same.

- Elliana