You're Lucky You're Cute

Faye is a cat raised by the owners of a grocery store. The sole purpose of her existence is to catch mice and kill bugs. Problem is, Faye is deathly afraid of mice. And so, the sole purpose of her existence became killing bugs and attracting customers by acting cute.

Faye can often be seen sitting or rolling over at the entrance to the store. Whenever there was a customer, she would meow for her Momma Owner. Other times, she could be seen ambling down the aisles, in search of a better place to sleep.

Her daily schedule should've been:

1. Wake up and eat

2. Sit by the entrance and attract customers

3. Meow when customers come in

4. Kill bugs

5. Eat and sleep

6. Repeat until end of the day

But instead it was:

1. Wake up and eat

2. Go to the entrance and sleep some more

3. Meow and ask for pets when customers come in

4. Half-heartedly swat at a low-flying mosquito.

5. Eat and sleep

Faye is a lazy baby. But then again, which cat isn't? Her Papa Owner always tells her she's lucky that she's cute.