Deacon - Chapter 6 (Part 2)

Chapter 6 – Part 2 (New Era)

He said they're at a pharmacy. I grab a gun and a motorbike and make my way there. I am still on the road and I have visual on the pharmacy. It's turned into a camp. I stop the bike nearby and scan the area. Luckily enough, no one's there.

In the center, I see something strange. There is something big guarding a stall. Then, my heart jumps. It moved out of the way. Never thought it would be this easy, but there they are. My dad walked up behind me. "I don't have time for you now." I say. "You can't carry two people at once and still get away, can you?" he says.

For the first time, he's here to help. I come up with a plan. The large moving thing is surrounding the stall where Jane and Kelly are. I go around the outside and dad goes towards the creature. I can drag them out while he distracts the creature. Now, it's time to execute.

I begin moving. But before I go any further than a few steps, I feel something weird. Soon, I close my eyes for a second and when I open them, everything warm has an outline and shade of orange. It's like thermal vision. I can see through the walls. Everything hot just illuminates. Then, I notice something.

"Dad! Stop!" I call out. "The creature... It's much bigger than it seems." "What? We can't even see it." He says. "Well, I can. Don't ask how." I reply, "It's about fifteen feet tall and four feet wide. Approximately, seven-hundred pounds and..." I stop as I notice something terrifying. "It's some sort of an elephant. It looks infected." I say. "Change of plans," says dad, "no plan. Just get them here is the plan." "Whatever..." I say as I get to my feet. "Hey son, I found something out about your power. It regenerates you quickly. You weigh just under four-hundred pounds right now."

Sounds good, let's test it against a near SEVEN-HUNDRED POUND MAMMOTH. I slowly walk up to it. As I reach the back of it, it turns towards me. My heart then jumps into my stomach as I notice that its skull is completely exposed and that it has nine-foot tusks on either side. As it swings its head to the side to hit me with its tusks, I notice that it has a series of wires connected on the inside. It is a machine, not a real mammal. I'm too late to notice that the tusks are racing towards me. It hits me hard on my left arm. I fly into a tree with my back hitting it first. My arm's broken. The pain the intensifies and I scream. As I look at my arm, small spots of orange appear and literally flame my arm back together. I stand up and clinch a fist. The world goes blue again and my arms catch fire. I create the whip on both arms. It tries to swing again. I am quick enough to stop it. Swinging the whip and catch onto its left tusk, I pull on it and pull the mammoth towards me.

"I got them! Let's go!" says dad. To finish it, I can't just melt it down to nothing. I have to melt the components that let it live. I swing my body around and manage to melt through the tusks. I then pull back the whip. I take one final swing at its face. As it hits, It explodes with the mammoth. Things and a yellow liquid splashes out of its body. With some electrics, it also has some bio-components. But, who had the money to create that thing?

Before I waste another minute, I make my way to Jane and Kelly. "Let's go back to the camp." I say.

"Are you okay, Jane and Kelly?" I ask them. They don't say anything but sit while bending their necks so their head leaps forwards. Jane nods her head slowly. "You're staying with me from now on." I say. Kelly runs into me and gives me a hug at the level of my chest. "I was so scared. I thought I was dead." she says. I open her arms and get on my right knee. "You're safe now. I won't let anything hurt you. I promise, okay?" I ask. "Hey, we got company, Deacon." says dad. Soon, we all hear the gates being shaken by something heavy. I use my thermal sights to try and determine what it is.

My heart sinks. I see rectangular vans, like the one used to bring us here with dad. Behind it, a lorry with a flatbed trailer. It looks like something big is tied onto the back. The walls shake as something bumps into it repeatedly. "Shit, it's them." Says dad. He then gets onto the radio and says, "We have an army behind the door. Come on, guys. Bring your tanks, guns and all others weapons ready. When they crack open the gate, we wait for my order before open firing. I repeat, WAIT FOR MY COMMAND!"

He puts down the radio and says, "Deacon, get your flames ready. There's something big with them."

"OPEN THE GATES!" screams dad into the radio. The gates leisurely open. "OPEN FIRE!" he screams. I watch for a few seconds to notice that their vehicles are blowing up, but there's no return fire. They mean no harm to us. I grab the radio from dad's waist belt and scream into it, "HOLD YOUR GODDAMN FIRE!"

The firing stops. I walk out the tent towards the gates. Before I reach the nearest van, I hear a tick repeat every second. "GET DOWN!" I scream. All the vehicles blow up too early for anyone else to get down. I then hit the ground hard.

All the noises are muted and all that I can hear is a constant screech playing in my ears. Then, I hear footsteps and two muffled voices. Then, I get up and try to walk towards the noises. All I can see is blurred compositions of what used to be a secure camp. The voices are of Jane and Dad. They run and hold me by their shoulders. "Deacon!" cries out Jane, "Kelly..- Kelly. She got shot!"