Chapter 3(Ji Ahh's confession)

Jin Woo's POV

Why I feel so uncomfortable right now? Is it because of Ji Ahh? Or is it I want to protect Ji Ahh? I love you Mrs.Kim Ji Ahh just stay strong and we will rescue you as soon as possible

Mrs.Kim: Where are we going to get those 1 million Won?

Mr.Kim: Hmmm

Jin Woo: I want to help you but it is sad to say that I'm only a poor boy

Mr.Kim: I think I had an idea

Mrs.Kim: What is it?

Mr.Kim: Maybe we could sell our one property here in Korea

Mrs.Kim: What property?

Mr.Kim: That large farm that we invested 2 years ago I want to sell that just to save our dear daughter

Mrs.Kim: Are you sure?

Mrs.Kim: What if we will some problems if you sell that

Mr.Kim: Just give some time to talk to sell that property

Mrs.Kim: What about that jewelry?

Mr.Kim: I will make some way to get what he needed

Mrs.Kim: *Crying*

Chen's POV

Chen: You are so pretty Ms.Kim Ji Ahh

Ji Ahh: Please let me go!

Chen: Let you go?

Chen: You are going to be my wife

Ji Ahh: *crying*

Chen: Stop crying my, baby

Chen: You think if they give me all I wanted I will set you free?

Chen: No No No

Chen: I will get that money and jewelry and we will escape to California

Chen: That's all I wanted

Chen: You are coming with me and we will get married

Chen: And after that, I will kill you because you are a useless piece of junk

Ji Ahh: Please don't do that Mr.Chen!

Chen: You don't know my real identity

Chen: I'm 44 years old and I disguise so that I could be rich

Chen: I will do all for money

*Chen kissed Ji Ahh's cheeks*

Chen: So sweet Ji Ahh

Ji Ahh: Why did you kiss me?!

Chen: Because you are so pretty Ji Ahh

Chen: I want to have kids with you so that I could be rich

Ji Ahh: You are so disgusting!

Ji Ahh: I don't want to marry you

Ji Ahh: I had a special someone in my heart

Chen: Who is it? Is it me?

Ji Ahh: No!

Ji Ahh: I loved Lee Jin Woo!

*Ji Ahh shouted*

Ji Ahh: Jin Woo! Help me!

Ji Ahh: You are special to me Jin Woo! But help me I need you right now!

Ji Ahh: Please! I'm begging you, JinWoo!

Ji Ahh: I just wanted to live a simple life!


Chen: Stop! You keep me so annoying!

Chen: I love you but you are so noisy!

Ji Ahh: You loved me?

Chen: Yes Yes Ji Ahh

Ji Ahh: Do you love me because of money?

Chen: Yes Ji Ahh *Laughing*

Ji Ahh: "Love doesn't matter just because of money,Love can be felt by your heart and it can be felt loving one another"

Ji Ahh: So please let me go Mr.Chen!Chen: No No No!