( Ji Ahh meets Mr.Kang)

Ji Ahh's POV

*Ji Ahh arrived at the hospital and Dr.Kang was waiting for her*

Dr.Kang: Excuse me?

Dr.Kang: Are you my patient Ji Ahh?

Ji Ahh: Ne

Dr.Kang: You look beautiful today *smiling*

Ji Ahh: *Smiling* Thank you doc

Dr.Kang: Let's have our daily check up now

Ji Ahh: Okay doc

*Ji Ahh and Dr.Kang went to the clinic to have daily check up*

Dr.Kang: So how are you now? Are you feeling okay?

Ji Ahh: Ne

Dr.Kang: Is your stomach still hurt?

Ji Ahh: Just a little bit doc. I just rest very comfortable and I think I'm feeling okay now

Dr.Kang: That's a good news

Dr.Kang: Let me check on you first

Ji Ahh: Okay doc

*The check up took 30 minutes to finish and after the check up Dr.Kang asked Ji Ahh to have some coffee*

Dr.Kang: Do you want to drink a coffee?

Ji Ahh: Yes doc but I think you will add the coffee I drink for the bill of my checkup?

Dr.Kang: *Laughing* Aniyo

Ji Ahh: Okay doc

*Ji Ahh and Dr.Kang went to coffee store*

Dr.Kang: What coffee do you want to drink?

Ji Ahh: I would like a cappuccino

Dr.Kang: Okay

Cashier: What could I help you sir?

Dr.Kang: We would like to order 2 cappucino

Cashier: Okay sir

Dr.Kang: How much is it?

Cashier: That will be a total of 300 won sir

Dr.Kang: Okay

Cashier: Just wait for 10 minutes sir we will delivery your coffee to your table

Dr.Kang: Okay

*Ji Ahh and Dr.Kang seated at the table while waiting for the coffee*

Dr.Kang: *smilimg* It is a wonderful day

Ji Ahh: Ne

Dr.Kang: So I would to introduce myself. I am Mr.Kang Yeon Jun and a resident doctor here in the hospital

Ji Ahh: *smiling* Nice to meet you Mr.Kang

Ji Ahh: I would like to introduce myself too. I am Kim Ji Ahh and the daughter of the owner of the biggest company here in Seoul and I'm glad to meet you Mr.Kang

Dr.Kang: Ohh so you are the daughter of Mr.Kim which the owner of biggest company?

Ji Ahh: Ne

Dr.Kang: I'm glad to meet you too

*The coffee had delivered to their table*

Dr.Kang: Okay suit yourself for the coffee and enjoy it

Ji Ahh: Ne

Dr.Kang: I like the aroma of the coffee I think it is very delicious

Ji Ahh: Ne

*They finished drinking coffee and Dr.Kang asked Ji Ahh about something*

Dr.Kang: Ji Ahh?

Ji Ahh: Yes?

Dr.Kang: I would like to invite you to have a dinner tonight

Ji Ahh: But waeyo Mr.Kang? *confused*

Dr.Kang: Just a collegue dinner and I want to have a dinner with my patient

Ji Ahh: But I'm very shy

Dr.Kang: Don't be shy

Dr.Kang: Let's meet at exactly 8pm tonight

Dr.Kang: It's a deal?

Ji Ahh: Okay Mr.Kang

Ji Ahh: Maybe I should be going now Mr.Kang I think my parents is waiting for me now

Mr.Kang: Okay Ji Ahh

Mr.Kang: Let me escort you outside the hospital

Ji Ahh: Okay Mr.Kang

*Ji Ahh and Mr.Kang leave the coffee shop and went outside the hospital to escort Ji Ahh*

Mr.Kang: What are you riding now?

Ji Ahh: Maybe I should walk Mr.Kang I want to go to the park for a minute

Mr.Kang: Okay Ji Ahh don't forget exactly 8pm

Ji Ahh: Okay Mr.Kang

Mr.Kang: Goodbye Ji Ahh

Ji Ahh: Goodbye

*Ji Ahh leave the hospital and went to the park*