The Mock Battles | Part VI


"Sixth Sense. Weapon Enhancement: Wind boost!"

The instructor invoked his spells again and appeared to be enjoying what he's seeing too. I say he's enjoying the match with every student's assessment because he's really strong. He just continues to fight every battle one to another and have not seen him rest a single moment as he calls us one by one. I believe this is what you call a real battle junkie.

"Roe and I have known each other since then and I have never seen him so happy this way. It must be because we have made a new set of friends here," said Pomell in a sad way.

He certainly acted as a good brother to Roe, and I can tell him that they are protecting each other. Morning dew and I are behaving like we're family too, but a lot of things have changed ever since, and I need to look for my real family to actually protect them.

"Gale blades!"