Family trip

Today is Sunday and we decided to go on a picnic together as Miyuki requests. "Look mommy, daddy theres a deer." Miyuki yell in excitement. "This place is so beautiful there's even cherry blossom and cute wild animals." I said in excitement just like Miyuki. "Uh" Lucifer reply with the same usual face " we're on a trip here, so can't you just smile and have fun." I complaints to him "I'm actually having fun right now." He respond " then try to show it on your face!" I said angrily "sorry" he reply "Mommy, daddy can I feed the deer and squirrel?" "Sure, here." I reply to Miyuki while handing her the food to feed the deer and squirrels. TIME SKIP. "It's lunch time, let's find somewhere to eat." Lucifer suggested "sure." Me and Miyuki said at the same time and Miyuki look at me and smile, and I feel so happy!!! I guess that's why Lucifer wants a kid, and now I'm glad that I gave birth to Miyuki. We walked for a bit and lay down our picnic blanket and food and we began eating. "Bere should we hoing mext." Miyuki said with her mouth full. Then I chuckle and said "Miyuki, don't talk while your mouth full." "Sworry my bad." She replied. Me and Lucifer laugh and so is Miyuki. "After we finish this we'll walk a bit more and went home." Lucifer said with a smile, then I think to myself [ I guess he's really does have fun ]

Thank you for people who comment down something, even though it's just a hi it's mean a lot to me. It's mean you guys like my story and care for me, I really appreciate it 😘 and for the people who don't comment down, it's fine I still love you guys ❤️no matter what 🥰 I just wanted to tell you guys that I now have time to write and publish so I'm gonna tried my best to publish daily, and I love you guys very much and stay safe everybody. And if you could keep comments down whatever you want to give me the motivation to write more, thank you very very much 🙏😊