Let The Investigation Began!

Lara kept pacing around her room for at least fifteen minutes. She looked quite confused.

"Where the hell should I start from?!" She said loudly and kicked the chair near her desk and hurt her foot. "OUCH!! why am I so unlucky today?!" I cried , massaging my foot gently to stop the pain.

I suddenly got a brainstorming idea. "I think I know it. I should find that woman's house and investigate there to see if I can find any evidence." I thought. "But I don't think it's very legal to break into someone's house and investigate. Unless..I have warrant." I exclaimed.


Next day I woke up quite early as I could not sleep properly again. "I think I am soon going to have insomnia." I thought to myself.

I brushed my teeth , combed my hair into a pony tail , took out a sky blue coat and black jeans from the cupboard a d wore it. "This is pretty decent outfit for today."I thought , I don't usually like to do make up at all unlike other girls as I am too lazy to do it.

I went straight to the agency after heading out of my house. After reaching there I tried to find out about Gwendolyn Greengrass --- or mainly her address.

Grace suddenly pushed her chair towards me to see what I was doing. "Hey Lara , seems like you trying to find Gwendolyn's address eh?" Asked Grace out of curiosity.

"Yea , I want to find her address and I will try to get a search warrant from the high court's judge to investigate inside her house." I replied. "Woah so much to do... You should have asked me! I am a expert at this type of work as a senior!" said Grace proudly." I know what Gwendolyn's address is. She lives in 2300 Main St. Brewster , MA , United States." She replied in a "know it all" way. "Thank you so much Grace! You are the best!" I exclaimed happily and hugged her.


I had go to the high court the other day ; this time I tried to dress as properly as possible as I don't want the judge to reject my request ; i seized my best coat for today ---- A white coat with floral designs with different colors. i curled my bangs , washed my face and put on some light make up and i head out of my house ; a bit nervous but ready for today.

After taking a deep breath , i entered the court.

Few minutes later ~

I came out of the court with my face shining brightly. i finally got the search warrant for searching Gwendolyn's house! The judge was a bit cross about giving me the warrant and a bit grumpy too , but at last i convinced him for letting me investigate.

The only problem now was that i cannot let Gwendolyn know that someone is coming to search her house. so i decided to go only secretly when she wouldn't be home. "Sounds like a awesome plan!" i thought feeling grateful.

But little did poor Lara knew that Gwendolyn already knows who is coming or breaking into her house...

----To Be Continued~