The Fight

Some detail before you read:this is a bakudeku story (obviously by the title) there is lemon, fluff and some smut so warning 😳😳

Deku's POV:

It was after class and Uraraka asked to talk to me in private. The bell rang and I headed to the empty hallway where she asked to meet. She was propped against the wall as she spoke In a shaky tone. she asked " hey deku, you know the school dance is coming up right??" She sounded even more nervous than before. "Yeah, it's next week, what about it?" I wondered where she was going with this. I had noticed Now her face was bright red. "Well, I was wondering if you-"

She was interrupted. All of a sudden Tenya Lida ran up using his quirk telling everyone about a fight going on outside. "Midoriya, Ochako!!" he was out of breath and had an alarming expression plastered on his face. "It's young bakugo and Todoroki!! You need to come with me!" I looked at uraraka as she frowned of embarrassment "but...I had something to ask Deku" she replied. I hated to tell her it had to wait but I had no choice. What if someone was injured badly??

"Uraraka, this sounds important I have to go" I sighed. I turned to walk with Lida but Uraraka grabbed my arm. I looked back as her eyes were filled with tears."D-Deku" she whispered under her breath, now looking me in the eyes.

"Im sorry ochako..." I jerked away from her soft grip and left with lida

I felt terrible, but I had no choice. What she had to ask me would have to wait. I ran outside to see what was going on.

When I got outside a huge explosion shook the walls of the school. I pushed through the big crowd and saw kacchan. he looked tired and sweaty from the heat, staring at todoroki who looked the same. "it's all your fault icy hot!" he yelled.

"What?! your the one who wanted to fight me" todoroki replied. Kacchan smirked with a cocky grin "aww daddy's little boys scared to attack huh?" Todoroki kept a hateful stare and ignored bakugos comments. Kacchans face went serious quicker than I've ever seen it change " grrrr Cmon icy hot!!! FIGHT ME ALREADY!" Kacchan growled as he ran closer to todoroki and grabbed his arm. He used the sweat in his palm and blasted him. "Damn it bakugo, I've had enough!" Todoroki yelled as he froze Kacchans arm's in the wall. He walked up to the wall, staring the blond boy down. "You're going too far bakugo." todoroki glared intensely as Kacchan lowered his voice  to speak. Almost as if he didn't want anyone but todoroki to hear.

"you think you didn't go far enough when you injured him?" everyone in the crowd looked confused. Kacchan tried to break free from the ice but he was too weak. I felt my heart break as I noticed he was holding back tears. "He has permanent damage in his fingers you jerk," he said loudly. I looked down at my arms and whispered "permanent damage??" I denied the thought that they were talking about me. I mean, it could've been anyone. Todoroki finally looked really mad and raised his voice.

"your one to talk, you told him to kill himself!!"

Kacchan couldn't hold it back anymore. Tears started to stream down his pale white face.

"you don't even care about him he's the reason your this strong, you never even thanked him!! Believe it or not, that damn nerd is the sweetest person I've ever met and I won't let you treat him like this, I was a jerk but I'm not like that anymore I'll make sure he's happy!!"

I finally knew who they were talking about. I started to process everything in my mind.

I've always liked  kacchan more than a friend, but I assumed he just hated me. why is he suddenly trying to make things better??

I started to battle with my emotions. I felt happy knowing that kacchan was doing this for me, but I also felt, guilty....

Lots of negative thoughts lingered in the pit of my stomach as I remembered how kacchan's always treated me. I was given the coldest of glares when I tried to get closer to him. He was my role model for years of my life and I considered him my best friend, but it was obvious the feeling was never mutual. I wonder why that seemed to suddenly change in that moment.

I suddenly started to cry and my thoughts took over my body. Without realizing it I yelled as loud as I could over the crowd of students. "Kacchan!!"  both boys heard my voice and looked around to find my face in the large crowd of u-a students. I couldn't help but run into the fight.  "stop it this isn't you, this isn't either of you!" I said as tears continued to roll down my face. I made eye contact with both of them before Mr. Aizawa came in and erased Our quirks. Aizawa sensei gave all three of us cold stares "that's enough shoto to my office now!" Todoroki stood there breathing heavy. Aizawa sensei raised his voice. "now!" Todoroki growled, turned, and left with Mr.

Aizawa. I turned to kacchan as the ice melted and his arms broke free from the tight cold grip of the blue solid. I thought  he had fainted. He was so weak that he couldn't hold himself up, so I quickly ran to his side and helped him up. I stared as kacchan opened his eyes and looked at me with an innocent expression

"I'm sorry d-Deku" he softly mumbled.

"don't apologize." I smiled trying not make kacchan worry. With his last few seconds conscious he grabbed my hand and held it tightly, smiling softly. I smiled back not caring who was watching.

"let's get you some help," I said to myself as I picked him up off the ground and carried him to the infirmary.When I walked through the door with kacchan on my shoulder the nurse jumped from her seat telling me to lay him on the bed. I set him down as the nurse hovered over kacchan and kissed his forehead.  As the nurse wrote in her notebook, I gave her a worried expression. "M-ma'am is it ok if I stay with him?" The old nurse smiled

"my what a good friend you are, of course you can stay, I need to go file in this report so you stay put."

the nurse left and went to another room. I pulled up a chair sitting next kacchans bed waiting for him to wake up. Suddenly I heard a groan as kacchan opened his eyes slowly.

(yes I left you I a cliffhanger 😁)