The talk

As soon as I walked in through the door I saw my mother with her jaw dropped. "I-izuku??" I couldn't tell how she was reacting. My kiss with my childhood rival was my first, and I didn't know what she would say. "Mom... I-It's n-not-" I couldn't finish. My mother ran up and hugged me squealing with excitement.

" it's alright izuku." Her eyes were filling with tears as I was blushing like crazy. She stopped hugging me and grabbed my shoulders trying to get me to look at her. I was so embarrassed. "Honey, it's time for us to have a serious talk."

I looked at her with confusion. " a t-talk?"wait a minu- "A TALK?!!!" I started to scream sputtering nonsense frantically. "Izuku!!"

She made me sit with her on our small couch as she grabbed my hands tightly. "Izuku I know this is embarrassing for you but you need to know a couple things"

I can't believe this I still can't believe this!!

"when you decide to... you know 'lose it' you have to-."

"M-MOM!!" I yelled. I didn't want to hear the rest of this. "I'm sorry izuku, just let me finish please."

I nodded in agreement forcing myself to get through it. "You need to make sure it's with someone you truly love, I never realized you looked up to him so much growing up, it all makes sense now." She smiled and rested her hand on my shoulder. I hugged her tightly.

-Time skip-

I opened the front door, ready for the school day  ahead of me. "Bye mom!!" I waved to her and left.

I was about 4 steps out the door when I ran into someone and fell to the ground. I looked up to see kacchan reaching his hand out. "Tch watch we're your going nerd." I grabbed his hand and stood up. His face started to turn a light shade of pink.

"W-what's the matter??" I wasn't trying to make him uncomfortable, So I hoped I didn't do anything wrong. "Your just... so damn cute and helpless that's all." He grabbed my hand. It was surprisingly warm. I couldn't tell if he was using his quirk or if he was just warm on his own. "I Love you kacchan." I said it quietly so he wouldn't hear me. He growled. "What was that nerd?"

"Oh n-nothing" I laughed to myself.