
I went through the day learning my tasks as the assistant and at some point I think Harry said that occasionally I would have to give him shoulder and neck massages. I didn't mind that but I thought that may be Harry was also on pills or something.

He left after the lunch saying it was an emergency. I was left alone in the library apart from the students who were as much alone as I was and thus were spending their teen-age buried in pile of books. I was all done with my tasks, so I picked out some random magazines and started reading. Some were about real estate, property, and some were about virtual reality games.

"I am done with this job."—her.

She appeared out of nowhere and startled me.

"What happened?"—me.

"The students here are more boring than Adam."—her.

"Adam?...oooh....Adam...that one."—me.

"All they do is either look at their books or my boobs."—her.

"I told you the dress was a bad idea."—me.

"Oh please I could have worn a Rug and they would still droll over me."—her.

"Shouldn't you be flattered or something?"—me.

"That's not the kind of flattery I prefer."—her.

I looked at her soft hair landing on her shoulders. For a second I didn't hear what she said.

"hey Did you know?"—her.

"sorry what?"—me.

"Are you even listening to me?"—her.

"Yeah, sorry I had my mind on something else."—me.

"get your mind over here...the teacher room gossips this morning were about some boy who was apparently acting weird for the past few weeks. And guess what he said one time to the teachers....."—her.

She looked at me with her eyes wide open. I had no idea what the boy could have said but I did wanted to know.

"he said...that...-"—me.

"he said that he was not whatever his name was, that he was someone else...and to please let him go."—her.

There was no doubt that this boy could have been someone going through the same thing we were going through. I felt in my gut that this boy maybe some clue that would lead to the end of this mystery. I looked at her.

"find out where he lives. We need to meet with him."—me.

"On it."—she walked away with a swift movement, she was motivated now. And so was I.

"Good luck"—me.

She turned at me and smiled.

"Rose."—me. I whispered.