Page 03

"Masumi-chan, yahooo!"

For once in your lifetime, you are made to hate the sound of your name, when it came from a certaun third-year called Oikawa Tooru.

"Yahoooooo!" He waves from his seat in the cafeteria. You can feel intense stares from the girls all around, as you walk to the Jet Line to pick up some food.

"I hate my life." You whisper to Misaki who stood in front of you.

"Don't be so emo, Masumi." She replies back, picking up a hamburger. After picking up your trays of food, you both walk to the nearest free seat. You were only able to finish your yoghurt when Oikawa makes his way towards your table.

"Hey, don't ignore me, Masumi-chan!" He groans, resting his elbows on the table and cupping his hands on either side oh his face. He then looks towards you with an excited look on his face.

"By the way, Masumi-chan, I'll be free today after school. Meet me, okay?" He says, and walks back to his seat, where Iwaizumi greets him with a slap on his head.

"Okay, he's starting to get on my nerves too," Misaki says, and you roll your eyes irritated.

After you finish eating, you wait for Oikawa to leave before you go back to class. When you go down the stairs, you sigh, feeling tired all of a sudden. You really did not want to go anywhere with Oikawa. That would mean he was the winner, and there was now way you were letting him get that satisfaction.

Your thoughts are interrupted when you feel something being poured on your head.

"Huh?!" You cry out, looking up. A bunch of girls are upstairs, and one of them throws an empty orange juice bottle beside you to the ground.

"That's what you get for stealing Oikawa-san from us. Be careful, Masumi!" One of the girls says before she and her cronies disappear from view.


"Oh gosh, Masumi, look at your blouse! It's all... orange!" Misaki cries out, and you can't help groan. What did you ever do to get this luck?

"I'm going to the washroom to clean this up." You say, and Misaki nods before she heads to class. You walk downstairs to the washroom, mentally cursing Oikawa the whole way. And your hair looked super nice today, now it's all ruined thanks to him!

When you are about to run to the washroom, a familiar voice calls your name. When you turn around, you see Iwaizumi jogging up to you. Ah, the gym is right beside the girl's washroom, maybe the boys went for a practice or a meeting?

"Hey, what happened? Why are you... 'orange'?" He asks, eyes widening.

"Oikawa's fangirls." You state. Iwaizumi reacts by face-palming, and from behind him, someone begins to run up to you.

The curse himself.

"Wah, Masumi-chan, what happened to you? You look 'funny'!" He laughs.

It takes every ounce of your might to hold in a punch straight to his face, and you ignore him and walk towards the washroom.

"Ah wait!" Oikawa stops laughing and grabs your hand. When you turn to him with an irked expression, he lets go and takes off his white blazer before handing it to you.

"Here, you can use this, Masumi-chan." He says with a big smile on his face.

"No thanks, I don't need it. Just like I don't need a stinky date with you. Now, if you'll excuse me." You spit out and walk into the washroom.

"Let's go back." Iwaizumi slaps his back, and Oikawa just stares at the closed door in shock.

'What was wrong with her?' He wonders, his mind seems to go numb whenever he thinks about you.

Meanwhile, you turn the faucet on and dab on the juice spills all over your uniform. Five minutes later, the stains are gone, but your uniform is fully wet and does not even pass to be worm at school.

'How can I even go to my locker and take my spare uniform with this?'

'Dammit, I shoumd have taken that blazer from him when he offered it--'

'No way, he's a jerk! Staying here until my uniform dries off is better than anything to do with Oikawa.'

'Maybe I should make a run for it, while no one is around.' You decide, and slowly open the door to the washroom. When you turn the know from the inside, the white blazer that was hung on the knob from the outside falls down, and you pick it up in wonder.

And when you see the name 'Oikawa Tooru' written on the back tag you start to rethink some of your decisions.

'That little...'