Page 24

'Just say sorry and run off.'

'Just say sorry, and run off, the way you usually do.'

'Yeah, you do that all the time, don't you? Why not today?' Your mentality is arguing with you as you slowly make your way down the steps.

'WELL, HE DIDN'T KISS ME BEFORE SO WHY TODAY?' Another voice in your mind screams and you kick the wall with a big groan.

'I can't do this. I can't.' You decide, and you run back upstairs, sitting down on the balcony to relax a little.

Really, Oikawa Tooru was all you thought about all day, and you literally had enough.

You punch in the number Oikawa had written on his note, and save it to your telephone.

Not that you'd call him or anything.

Haha... Nope...

"You WHAT?! You just went ahead and kissed Masumi? What the fuck, Oikawa?" You heard a familiar voice say from downstairs.

'That's Iwaizumi-senpai's voice!' You realize and put the phone down. You lean against the balcony and look down a little. Oikawa is sitting on a chair and resting his head on the wall of balcony; Iwaizumi is standing, his arms resting on the balcony wall while glaring at the brunette.

"You stupid twit!" Iwaizumi yells again when Oikawa gives a small nod.

"She said I'm the worst, and she went away. She... She looked so sad, Iwa-chan..."

Iwaizumi did not reply, and Oikawa slams the wall in frustration. "She looked so sad... I swear, Iwa-chan, I didn't mean to make her sad! I would never!" He whines, and Iwaizumi leans against the wall

"I swear I don't believe you at all, Twitkawa."

"That's rude! Don't make new names for me!" Oikawa yells in response, and sighs.

"I didn't mean to... But it just kind of happened... I felt like I had to."

"What do you mean?" The spiker ask, nd glances at Oikawa. "You lied before, right? You're actually really in love with her, aren't you?"

You inhale as much air as you can, and you walk to the edge of the balcony to hear their conversation better. While you do so, you step on your phone from earlier and land bottom-first, with a loud thud.

'Crap, if they heard me, this wouls luck so bad!' You pray that they ignore the noise, and there is dreaded silence before Iwaizumi speaks up again.

"Do you?" He repeats.

You thank the lord that the two were either too engrossed with their pep talk or just too freaking dumb to notice that someone was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Iwa-chan, I told you. I don't love her. I kust want to take her on a date with me."

You felt you heart drop, and you let out a low exhale.

It was Oikawa, after all. It figures.

What were you even doing, listening to them anyway? To get more hurt?

You shake your head and stand up to walk away when something the wing spiker says catches your attention again.

"You don't take people on dates unless you like them, Oikawa. You've only taken what, one person, if I'm not wrong? You have ex-girlfriends you have never toom on dates for, too. Why her?"

"I don't know... I just wish she liked me, Iwa-chan. There's no one I want to hang out with more than her."

Iwaizumi did not reply for a couple seconds, and you wonder if the two had left already. More minutes pass by and you stand up to walk back in.

"And you say you don't love her." Iwaizumi mutters. "You really are a crappy guy."

"Shut up!" Oikawa's voice yells, and you can hear the balcony door close with a loud thud.

Really now, you had no idea who to believe.

But if Oikawa himself says that he wasn't in love with you, then you really needed to give him a proper beating for taking away your first kiss.

And even if he was in love with you...

You shake your head and slap your face three times.

No way...

There was no way...

He pisses you off, and if you get your hands on a knife, he would be the first person you'd stab.

How unfair it was, the way things were unfolding.