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"One day, I'm going to take you on a date. And that's the day I'll tell you I love you." Oikawa Tooru 'did' say that. And you did smile when he left after saying that.

But as you lay on your bed... The more you thought about it, the more you got pissed off. 'If he likes me, then why the hell won't he just say it already?' 'Why does he have to be such a doofus and push things away like the stupid trash that he is?'

In the end, even though you should have been happy with how things were turning out, you have a big scowl on your face when you close the door after saying bye to Mei.

'I don't know what kind of a smile I should greet him with… He's such a jerk, he deserves a scowl, anyway.'

The sound of your footsteps makes a certain brunette open his door, poking his head to see you coming down the stairs.

"Oh, there you are, Masumi-chan! I waited for you!" He sings. He takes his bookbag, stepping out in time for you reaching his floor. "Good Morning!" "I'm so touched." You puff your cheeks, not waiting for him to respond. Oikawa does not take your sarcasm to heart; in fact, he quickly locks his apartment door, rushing a little too quickly, to catch up with you.

"Masumi-chan! Wait for meeeee!" He yells, finally able to reach you. There is silence between the two of you waiting for the bus to arrive. "Jeez, Masumi-chan. You're in a very bad mood today." And who do you have to blame?

Your fingers clench into a ball as you see the white vehicle approach you. You don't even bother to ask him not to follow you because you knew that he wouldn't listen. And just as you knew he would, he sits beside you on the bus.

You want to ask him how so many things... but it was embarrassing to bring up something like that, especially in front of Oikawa. You wondered how you can go about the topic to get a proper answer from the third year who sat beside you. "Do you remember Eiko asking you how many people you dated?" Oikawa blinks three times before he raises a finger to his cheek. "Yeah, why?" "Were you lying when you said that you couldn't count it with one hand?" You ask. "Naw. I really can't!" He says with a big smile, raising his fingers into a peace sign.

You had no idea why, but even if he had said it as a joke, it made your eyelids fill up with tears. 'Damnit, I'm becoming an emotional mess thanks to this asshole. And he keeps on being the doofus that he is.'

"E-eh? Are you c-crying?!" He screeches, shoving his face in front of yours. You lift your hand up and slam his chin, making him yelp and move away. "Masumi-chan..." "Go away." But if Oikawa had listened to you when you first asked him to go away, then you wouldn't have fallen for the stupid idiot setter, anyways. So today was no exception. The little makeup you wear, that must have been gone too, thanks to him, and for that, you want to take a lighter under his butt and set the flame on.

"You know..." He pauses when you glance at him while wiping your face. "If I could re-write my past as much as I could, then I would. I'd erase it all... I'd do anything I could if it would make you stop crying." It was so unfair. He would say something hurtful one second; and the other, he could take away all your worries with a single sentence he had to say. You weren't sure if you wanted to hug him or shove a chopstick up his sorry ass.

"Come on. Smile. It looks better on you, after all." And while you can only blink up at him in shock, his mouth turns into an 'o' before he has something to say. "Wait, let me rephrase that." He says, lifting to emphasize his point. An innocent grin spreads on his face before he speaks again. "You look really ugly when you scowl!"