Page 6

Mei makes you cook on Saturday morning. And she knows how much you hate cooking.

"Sugawara is coming in less than three hours and you know I hate to go and take a shower and shave legs and get so-"

"Stop freaking out! And stop making me do this!" You whine as you sat cross-legged, on the floor.

"You gotta help me out! You're bringing Tobio too, after all." She hisses. As you sat, peeling potatoes, you arch your back. Not only were you a mess when it came to culinary work, but you were as big a disaster when you tried to assist her cooking. So far, you had dropped three eggs on the floor and spilt milk all over the counter top. Mei's horrifying screech had even driven Eiko, who was lounging around earlier, outside.

"Tooru! I need Tooru's help. Masumi, go shopping with Tooru."

"Hello no."

"Arrrrgh!" Mei groans, picking up her smartphone. She punches a number, yelling right off the bat. "Listen here, you psychopathic loser. If you want to eat the potato fries I make, you better drop everything you have and head over to Eiko's. I'm texting her what I need, you go help her bring them back here."

Shivers run through your spine while you tried to avoid her gaze, concentrating on your task. Mei can be quite a horrifying creature when she was stressed. You make this mental note.

Around fifteen minutes later, you hear footsteps from outside the door. Seconds later, the door flies wide open, and you see Oikawa Tooru holding two grocery bags in hand.


"Bitch, move your ass! I told you to stay five feet away from me, didn't I?" Eiko was on her sassy mode.

"Ow! That hurt, Eiko-chan!" Oikawa cries, when Eiko kicks his back, making him tumble into your living room as soon as he had come to view. "And I even carried the bags for you!"

"I had to go buy vegetables with you. 'You'." She shoots back. "And the next time you call me Eiko-chan will be the last time you own a pretty face while you do it."

"Gwah, I swear this household hates me. Why am I even here?" Oikawa then sees you sitting on the floor, and a big smile spreads on his face. He goes to put the bags on the table before he scurries up to you.

"Whatchu doing, Masumi-chan?" Oikawa asks, sitting in front of you with a keen expression on his face.

"Can I kick him out?" Eiko asks.

"I can hear you!" Oikawa cries, singing when he turns back to you. "You're peeling potatoes. Can I help?"

And before you can reply, his hands reach for an innocent potato floating on top of the water. You watch the way he uses his nails to dig into the peel, pulling it off with ease.

"There. Now you try."

You poke a nail into the vegetable and imitate what he had done earlier. The skin comes out easier than you had tried before, and he gives you a proud look.

"I'll peel more than you do." He challenges, grabbing another potato in the container. And for the rest of the while, you both have fun peeling vegetables together, until you both spill all the water onto the floor. To which Mei kicks Oikawa out of the house. Like you had always wanted to do.

'He can be such a nice guy when he wants to.' In fact, you find yourself smiling for the rest of Mei's cooking war.


"I'm not avoiding Tomo." Kageyama denies later that day, while the two of you were resting on the sofa.

Sugawara and Mei were playing a kind of card on the dining table, and the two of you, not wanting to be a third wheel for their time together, decide to laze around instead.

"If that statement is true, then I don't hate Oikawa's guts."

"I thought you liked him?" Kageyama was clearly an airhead.

There is a soft knock on the door, which makes all four of you glance at the door.

"Oh. It's Eiko. I was giving her leftovers. Masumi, give her this bag." Mei calls, pointing to the bag on the counter.

"Tobio. Please." You make the boy stand up, and he goes to open the door instead of you.

Which was your second mistake, ranking after falling for the psycho called Oikawa Tooru.

Oikawa, who stood in front the door. Oikawa, whose face turns sickly when he sees Kageyama.

"Tobio..." Oikawa's voice trails as he looks at you perking up from the couch. He then notices Sugawara and Mei, and his face instantly turns sour. Kageyama, who was either a brainless person for that kind of things or was simply too baffled to deal with his rival standing in front of him, simply stares back at Oikawa.

When you stand up on your feet, Oikawa closes his eyes shut. "Mei-chan, I don't want leftovers." He says softly before he turns around to walk downstairs.

You didn't want him to have a misunderstanding like that. Not after you had made up with him just yesterday... And after how much fun you had with him today.

"Oikawa-san!" You cry, running past Kageyama.

For once... You are running after Oikawa, not the other way around.

'He's the unfair one.'

"Oikawa-san!" You cry again, reaching for his hand right before he closed his apartment door.

"It's not-"

"Masumi-chan, you're the biggest idiot in the world!"

"Huh?!" You cry, tumbling into his room while he tried to wrestle free from your grip.

"You're a big fat, idiot! Can't you see?" He yells again. You can feel your head steam up, why the hell was he calling you an idiot when he clearly was the idiot here?


"I'm so in love with you, damn it!"