Page 26

"No! I don't wanna!" Oikawa's grumpy face is on the screen while Mei makes a video call to him to ask if he'd join the two of you to go watch Karasuno's match at the Nationals. "Don't wanna, won't wanna, can't wanna, shouldn't wanna-"

"Wow," Mei says, while the two of you watch Oikawa flailing around and making really ugly faces on the laptop screen. "He's freaking petty."

"So mean! I heard that, Mei-chan!"

You sigh, looking at Oikawa on the screen. He has on a soft grey sweater, and his hair is a little bit messy. He looks hot, you weren't gonna argue with that, so you look away and take a bite from your toast.

"Is that why you called me, Y/n-chan?" His voice echoes with a pout. "And here I was, thinking you called me so we can have a virtual breakfast together!"

"Don't be a dumbass, Tooru. Lol." Mei answers. "We're gonna go watch the match and cheer them on, and Y/n wanted to hold your hand like crazy so she-"

"Mei, shut up!"

"Then why did you wake me up from my nap yesterday and talked about Tooru all day and told me that he ki-"


The two of you begin to wrestle, bickering and Mei gets up from her seat, the two of you in an endless chase around the table.

"I'll go."

The two of you stop your chase, blinking at each other in bafflement, before you two walk towards the screen.

Oikawa has a smile on his face, and then he glances at his wristwatch. "I'll go. My seat will be next to Y/n-chan's."

You and Mei stare at the desktop screen after Oikawa had cut his skype call. A few seconds later, Mei receives a text, letting you two know that he'll meet you two at the bus station.

This makes you realize that, despite all that happened and the two of you falling in love and dating now, you still didn't know Oikawa's phone number or email address. He never asked for it, and you never considered it either, not when you two lived so close by and he was always around to knock on your door. But with him gone…

You make a mental note to ask him his phone number, in the hopes that it can wipe away his grumpy face when he didn't want to go to the match in the first place.

Eiko joins you and Mei at the bus station, and Oikawa meets you at the stop, immediately creating a fuss and making Eiko gag.

"So mean!!!" Oikawa whines, while putting an arm around you. "You wouldn't be reacting like that if Megane-kun looked twice at you, Eiko-chan~!"

"T-that little! Let me hit him!" Eiko responds, trying to break free from Mei who tries to hold your friend's horses, while you facepalm and hurry to drag Oikawa away from the said beastly friend.

"If you'd like to keep that pretty face on yours intact, it's best if you don't make that kinda remarks towards her." You arise. Oikawa does not seem to be listening to you, his eyes big and watching your hands which have clutched his arm tightly while the two of you walk ahead.

"Are you listening?" Oikawa snaps out of his trance and then looks at you with a sneer. "You do think my face is pretty, don't you?"

"That's the only thing you got from it?!"

"First, I'm gonna clobber his face, scoop it, and make fritters with it. Then, I'm gonna sell it to his fangirls, and with the money I make, I'll make a little shrine with a picture of him on a punching bag, and the people who go there have to wish for good things to happen and the offering they have to give is a kick to Oikawa's face-"

"I can hear that!" Oikawa, who had been trying to ignore your friend, finally cracks, and the entire walk to the stadium was full of banters and laughs.

You wonder if you'd be having this much fun if Oikawa wasn't with you, and that is the thought that makes you hold onto his arm the entire time, even when he mocks you for it as well.


As he wished, Oikawa called dibs on the next seat to yours, and for the many hours of the matches that passed, he sat by you and taught you a lot of new things about volleyball.

When Mei and Eiko make their way to congratulate the Karasuno team after they win, Oikawa lets you know that he'll be waiting for you, till you get back.

Excitedly, you run over to give your greetings to Hinata and Kageyama, the two of them reaching their hands out for high fives with you. It makes your heart feel warm, and despite you being a student from Seijoh, your heart seems to be much so with Karasuno. You wished you were a student from Karasuno, but at the same time, Seijoh was the reason why you met Oikawa. It's a combination of bittersweet, especially when you have to explain to the two why your hair had become so short out of nowhere.

Mei and Eiko make plans to go out shopping in the district for a bit before they head home, and before you tell them that you wanted to join them as well, the two of them laugh maniacally before they runoff.

When you look back at Oikawa, he has a similar maniacal look on his face, which earns him a punch on his arm, by you.

"Y/n-chan, do you want to go out on a date with m-"

"You just never give up, do you?"


Even though you had said that you can't help but smile to yourself, and Oikawa looks at you in awe and watches you, holding your hand and taking you to a convenience store nearby.

"Do you want anything, Y/n-chan?"

"Some banana chips would be amazing."

Oikawa responds with a big salute, and while you watch in awe at the rows and rows and many more rows of candy the store has to offer, the male makes the purchase and comes up to you.

"There's a park a few blocks from here. Do you want to go sit at one of the benches there?"

You nod, and the two of you walk along the pavement, heading off to the park.

It's different here, unlike in Miyagi. Most of the people from school knew you and they knew Oikawa as well, which made your relationship with him even more of an issue to people all around the school. Because no one knows you in that way, because no one knows the banters that you two do, it's so much more of a calming change here.

Once seated, Oikawa hands you your packet of chips, then proceeds to unwrap his popsicle stick.

"Look, Y/n-chan~ I got us a fruit popsicle to share~~" He sings, splitting the goodie in half and handing you one half.

"Thanks, Tooru." You had thanked him so mindlessly that it made Oikawa's pose upright, looking at you in silence while you tear open the bag of chips and munch on some.

"Hey, Y/n-chan."


"Did you have fun with me today, Y/n-chan?"

It's an odd question because Oikawa is the kind to barge in and say something like 'You must be so happy because I was with you!', instead. So, you blink at him, wondering what he must want to say.

"What is it, Tooru?"

"I should be asking you the same question, Y/n." It makes you raise an eyebrow at him. "You've been looking sulky since you went and talked to Tobio and Shrimp-chan."

The way he can so casually call Hinata Shrimp-chan makes you giggle a little to yourself, which in turn makes Oikawa's worried expression to soften. You can see the sincere worry on his face, so you put a finger between his eyebrows.

"You'll get wrinkles."

"Oh, Y/n-chan, you're becoming like me, aren't you?"

It makes the two of you exchange smiles, and much on your snack for a bit in silence. This is probably the reason why you two were dating in the first place; despite how different the two of you were, either of you never failed to say something that made the other smile so sincerely like this.

"Maybe I am."

"But really. What's on your mind, Y/n-chan? You look like you're a bit bothered by something." Oikawa wants to know. It makes you feel touched that he had noticed how heavy your heart was feeling from the endless whirlwind of emotions you were feeling. "Are you already depressed because you think I'm gonna leave without kissing you? Don't worry!~ I'll m-"

"That's not it, you little grump!" You scold, punching his arm again, which makes him laugh out loud at your reaction.

"I know it isn't. What is it really, Y/n-chan?"

You sigh, turning to look at Oikawa. It's comforting to see that there is someone else who could read you like a book, just like your twin sister can.

"Actually. Even if I'm in love with you and we're not gonna break up… I'm still sacred."

"Of the people hurting you because of me…"

You nod in response, and Oikawa takes a bite out from his popsicle, nodding at you to go one.

"Even if someone may say something like, 'Hey, you're dating Oikawa so just suck it', or 'Just deal with it', it's not as easy as it sounds like."

"I will punch anyone who says that."

"I'm not asking for a fight. I just… I want to start over, you know? And be surrounded by people who don't look at me as just the bitchy girl dating you. I want to be me of my own, and I want to do something new for myself."

Oikawa hums in acknowledgment, taking another bite out of his popsicle, deep in thought while he looks at your fidgeting hands.

"I may be representing Seijoh, but even I don't like this school, Y/n-chan."

"I hate Seijoh too." You agree.

"Then why did you join this school? Ah. I realized I never asked just why on Earth you and Mei-chan go to different schools even though you two are related…"

"I never gave you the chance, did I?" You smile. " I failed the entrance exam for Karasuno."

This makes Oikawa raise an eyebrow. "You... failed the entrance exam for public school… But passed for a private school?!"

"Look. I was bad at math, okay? I was trying to cram everything after staying up the whole night and I… I fell asleep during the exam…" Your voice becomes tinier and tinier as you speak, remembering well enough that Oikawa was in class 6 of his year, which meant he was really smart and taking the college preparatory classes, too.

Just great.

You begin to pray that Oikawa does not realize that you're actually from class 1 because if he does, he'll judge you even more. And for now, his scrunched up face is judgment enough for one day.

"You 'slept' through an exam?!"



"Mei tutored me like crazy and made me take Sejoh's exam… I barely remember three things I studied back then…"

Oikawa lets out a very loud sigh, shaking his head. "Then there's only one answer, isn't there, Y/n-chan?" He asks, reaching for some of your chips. "I'll help you study."

"Study… For what?"

"To take the transfer student's entrance exam for Karasuno for year two, of course."