Stolen chastity of virgin lips

Inigo had been in an unusually cheerful mood since the previous day. More precisely, since the incident when he bumped into Amora.

He was eager to meet the girl who was dominating his thoughts. But, now that he saw her giggling cutely with a red-head whom he had seen around but not bothered to remember, he felt a queer tightening in his chest. A raging monster arose within him and before he could control himself, he moved from beside Joel and marched towards his golden girl.

He pulled Amora up from her seat and dragged her to a desk at the back. Gently, he pushed her to sit and shift so he could sit beside her. And he joined his lips with hers. The taste of her sweet lips was heavenly. The feeling of her soft lips against his was addictive. His moment of ecstasy was short-lived as the next thing that happened- Amora pulled herself away from the brute who dared to force himself on her. Shocked on finding who it was, her surprise turned into anger and she smacked Inigo with as much force as her small hand could exert.

The A.P class that was previously full of chatter had become pin-drop silent when Inigo rushed inside and dragged Amora towards the back of the classroom, now stared at the usual introvert with bewilderment. Some had admiring gazes, while most just looked at her with pity. All were eager to watch the drama unfold.

Inigo dazed out as a ringing sound buzzed in his left ear. His eyes were wide and his mouth agape. He didn't feel angry though, just blank. When he turned to the girl, he felt punches of regret impale him when his dark orbs met her glassy azure ones and saw salty liquid pooling at the bottom of her eyes. Still, she gave him the most fierce glare that made him feel meek in front of her.

"Who do you think you are?" Amora's voice was trembling with fury, but her words were clearly enunciated. "How dare you! I didn't know you were a despicable, cheap molester, Inigo Nowell."

Inigo felt each word pierce through his heart and his eyes reflected his anguish, but Amora paid no attention to it. He hated the way she spoke his name with contempt. He tried to apologize, "I am so-"

"Sorry? Is your pathetic apology going to explain your actions? Is it going to give me back the stolen chastity of my previously virgin lips?" Amora knew she was speaking nonsense, but she was too angry to care. She just let her furious thoughts flow out unfiltered.

"I want a detailed explanation of why you did this. If I feel your reason to be valid enough, then maybe, I'll think about not obliterating you from existence completely." That said, she stood up and returned to the seat he abducted her from and sat down beside a worried Cedric.

A stunned Joel came and sat beside his stone-faced friend. This was the second time Inigo acted in a questionable manner, but his actions this time were completely out of the ordinary. Joel's fingers curled into fists and he put a blank look on his face.

The students were forced to take their seats and calm down when the teacher entered the classroom. The dramatic excitement and tension in the atmosphere died down and was replaced by a serious, studious one.

Three bodies, though physically present, were mentally absent from the lecture. Luckily for them, the teacher failed to notice their lack of attention.

Inigo, who was thinking of plausible excuses using which he could try to make Amora not hate him, felt a sense of impending doom when the bell marking the end of class rang at its allotted time.