A Raucous Affair

Kayla felt a scowl forming on her surgical face. The pampered princess was furious at being treated like this. Her delicate body hurt because of lying on the floor for too long, though it has only been a few minutes at most.

"What are you gaping at? Are you waiting for an invitation to help me up?" She snapped at her three sidekicks, who were yet to respond after they went into buffering mode at the arrival of the notorious twins.

They kicked into action when the grating voice entered their ears and the meaning registered in their thick skulls.

Awkwardly, they hoisted their leader up from the floor. Kayla looked an absolute mess in her now battered dress with the mud colored stains from the spilled drink clinging to her form as she stood unstably on her broken heel. Her dirtied hair had dried chocolate milkshake in it and her previously decent looks had transformed into a wreck, making her a nightmarish eyesore.

" You," she fiercely glared at Amora, who gazed back at her with nonchalance. "Do you know how much this dress is worth? I assure you, the figure is higher than you could ever imagine!"

Amora raised an eyebrow. 'Isn't she a bit late in saying this line? God! she is slow. And whatever does she want me to do with that information?'

"So?" she asked back, "What do you want me to do? Reimburse you? Dream on. Don't tell me Daddy dearest can't even buy his darling doll another dress. "

Kayla felt her blood boiling with anger at the sarcastic comment. Her slow brain stopped working entirely as she dragged this small confrontation on, "You just wait till I tell my daddy. Then we'll see who has the last laugh!"

"Not you, with all the Botox you have injected in your face," Nora snickered.

A doughnut came flying at her, and she squatted just in time to avoid it. Standing up straight again she turned backwards to look at the direction it went in disbelief and slight remorse, "Stupid reflexes, I should have caught that in my mouth!"

That doughnut she missed went straight and slapped a boy in the face who after wiping it off shouted at the top of his lungs, "FOOD FIGHT!"

And that's how the supposed to be normally loud and wild canteen after becoming the background of a climatic scene from a drama, transformed into a brutal battle ground with all sorts of delicious morsels zooming around and indiscriminately smacking anyone and everyone.

Amora looked at the indescribable chaos around her with disbelief and horror on her striking features. Noah stood in front of her, shielding her from most of the edible bullets, but it was impossible to protect her completely, for they rained from all different directions.

Amora peered up at him gratefully, " Thank you, but you don't have to keep doing this. Also where's Nora?" She was worried for her sole female friend, "Is she alright?"

"Alright?" Noah asked incredulously, " She is having the time of her life!" He turned his gaze to the side.

Puzzled, Amora followed his line of sight and adjusted her gaze to their left. The spectacle she saw left her confounded and at a loss for words.

There was Nora Walter, not too far away from them, behind a table and laughing manically with a crazy glint in her hazel orbs. She had both fists full with food. She raised her arms and opened her palms to shoot the food items one by one at her target and cheered when they struck the correct victim. "Bullseye!"

Kayla screeched, which sounded like a brand new chalk moving against the blackboard, and cried like a banshee when a handful of cream of today's menu's special custard pie struck her in the face and spaghetti noodles landed on her head.

"Are you hungry for more?" Nora yelled at the top of her lungs to get heard over the din of the pandemonium in the senior cafeteria.

'Of course,' Amora thought, ' I should've known,' she shook her head helplessly though the corner of her lips uplifted. She was reminded of someone dear to her whom she had to leave when she moved to Mystic. 'Goodness, they both are too alike!'

Joel and Inigo were unprepared for the mobocracy that greeted them when they entered the cafeteria. The two bro-mates had not had a decent conversation since the first period, both concerned with their own troubles and lost in their thoughts. A teacher who wanted to get the latest updates on the workings of the student council had held them back, and Joel and Inigo being at the prestigious positions of President and Vice-president had to provide him with the information he sought.

Even if it meant losing half of their lunch period to accompany a middle-aged, obnoxiously fat teacher with a sweating disorder in his small, cooped up office that smelled like sweat and chicken soup.

Inigo who suffered from a slight case of OCD could only control his powerful urge to puke by sheer force of will power. After being dismissed by the teacher though, without saying a word he handed his stuff to Joel who did not question his actions and dashed straight towards the boy's washroom to puke to his heart's content. Having an almost empty stomach, it wasn't long before he began throwing up bile into the toilet commode.

When he had come out, looking pale with drops of perspiration framing his brow, Joel had wordlessly handed him back his belongings. Then the two had walked together to the canteen where they met the unruly sight.

Inigo could already feel his stomach lurch and unwittingly prepared himself for another round of forcing bile up his throat and out his mouth.

Both stood staring wide-eyed at the wild students acting like uncultured barbarians fighting with food.

Inigo saw a speck of something coming his way. Feeling lazy, however, rather than sidestepping and avoiding the food missile, he caught Joel's collar and a weak tug was enough to pull the unsuspecting blond in front of himself.

Before Joel could speak out loud his question, the stinking slap of a meat patty answered him.

The patty slid off his face in the most agonizingly slow and comic manner. Joel felt his temper rising as he gave his smirking friend a stink-eye.

Feeling vengeful, he walked away, leaving his friend standing alone. He snatched a plate of pie from some random student's hands before returning behind Inigo, who was facing away from him, and patted his shoulder.

Inigo turned when he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder to see who it was. Maybe its the person he was searching for among these rabid pigs. Of course she was not one of them, but its possible for her to be stuck within this mess.

Before Inigo could complete his 180 degree rotation, however, someone shoved a plateful of pie in his facing, blinding him and filling his nostrils with cream.

Joel couldn't control himself, and peals of laughter escaped his uncontrollably shaking form at the plight of his best-friend. Soon he felt a cold shudder run down his spine, though, when he contacted a twin pair of inky-black orbs glowing menacingly with haunting intentions and promises of a ruthless payback.

Joel visibly gulped and felt his feet shaking in his puma.

The canteen staff were still like statues, for this was the first time for such an occurrence to have happened in their many years of service.

The freshman year shared the same lunch time as their seniors. They had a different canteen which wasn't too far away. When they heard the raucous of the rowdy seniors seeping through the not too thick walls that separated their respective cafeterias, some daring freshmen decided to check what the commotion was all about.

When they saw the tumultuous affair, they didn't delay in bringing this to the notice of the principle. After all, seldom did they get any opportunity to land their condescending seniors in trouble.

The insouciant seniors were unaware of the pencil heels that were coming their way, tapping rhythmically on the ground in a quick, steady pace. They continued their careless shenanigans with no clue of the disaster adorned in latest Prada fashion wear, strutting down the hallways quite similar to a professional runway model, somewhat sophisticatedly.

"Tsk, tsk... Am I in the senior cafeteria or is this a zoo that I never knew existed in this school before you monkeys infested it?"