Disastrous everywhere!

The principal's office was furnished in a fashion that accurately depicted it's resident. Neither simple nor extra-ordinary. Extravagant yet not over the top, decent and not boring. The color of the walls was a lush, light green that reminded of lush meadows under the sparkling sun. There were two paintings on opposite walls and plaques, emblems and certificates received by the school hung on either sides of them.

There was a broad desk in the center and a plush armchair behind it, and two hard ones in the front. Few things were on the desk- a latest model laptop, three folders containing uncountable document sheets, a fancy looking carved paperweight on top of the stack, a hand phone and a half-empty mug of espresso. The remaining liquid content seemed to have lost its warmth a while ago.

There were portraits of all previous principles of the high-school, which meant a striking one of Principle Bairos was present as well at the end of the line.

When Amora stepped on the velvety, maroon welcome carpet just inside the office, her nervous self began feeling even more tense. She was afraid of being misjudged and punished for something she had no fault in at all. The jitters were also from being in the presence of the stern teacher, who was one of her most favorites.

Principle Bairos took the AP Chemistry classes of the seniors, and she was very efficient in her job. Her quick promotions and prompt progress were no surprise at all.

More anxious than Amora, however, was not unexpectedly the leader of 'Ersatz Quartet'- Kayla Patton. The plastic bully was paler than the translucent ghosts of Hogwarts and she could visualize her head being almost decapitated like nearly headless nick. Her father, as much as he pampered her, was very firm on maintenance of pride, face and dignity; and if he received knowledge of her scandalous actions than she feared to think what he might do to her.

One and only Nora was the most relaxed out of the trio. This was a place she visited frequently for several reprimands and rebuking for her repetitive offences. If it wasn't for the slight fear and reverence for their principal who held great power in her hands, she would go around claiming they were good friends.

She dared not do so, however, so anyway.

Teresa walked behind her desk and sat down on her comfortable seat. Keeping her elbows on the table and folding her fingers together, she spoke, "Miss Hart, from what I understand, Miss Patton here slandered you? Elaborate the details, please."

Amora found her voice with difficulty and answered after clearing her throat, "Yes, Principle Bairos. I was standing in the queue when I heard Ka- Miss Patton speaking badly about myself. I patiently heard whatever ridiculous nonsense- I apologize for my choice of words- she uttered. But, then she said some unforgivable things and I couldn't hold my silence anymore. Even then, I countered back verbally and when I was trying to leave, she instigated some students to physically hold me back."

Principal Bairos nodded as she listened intently.

Her interest in juicy teenage gossips wasn't ever evident because she never showed it. Her childish side with a flair for the dramatics was securely hidden behind her mask of strictness.

"Just then," Amora continued, "my friends Noah and Nora," she touched Nora's elbow," arrived at the scene and argued in my favor. It was then that Kayla abruptly threw the doughnut at Nora who successfully dodged it and the icky affair began, which you interrupted in its full swing-"

Teresa raised her eyebrows.

Amora bit her tongue and reeled it back before it could fly away in her flow. She caught her breath after narrating her perspective of the events in a single breath, causing Nora to pat her back softly.

Nora voiced her confirmation, "That's right, Boss Bairos,"

She cleared her throat after a glare was sent her way, "I-I mean Miss Principle Bairos," she corrected with a too-big, awkward smile.

Kayla's eyes widened. "That is not true! I was only expressing my opinion on a recently spread rumor. She came and pounced on me unnecessarily. You should know, she-"

It seems the effect of Nora's spell had dwindled.

Principal Bairos's raised palm halted the girl in her tracks.

"Did I ask you to speak, Miss Patton? Don't forget you've already confessed confronting Miss Hart first and speaking irresponsibly about subjects you have no right bringing up in any sort of conversation, especially before so many of your peers. Also, this is just a trivial matter that I wished to sort first before beginning a full-fledged investigation on the other, much bigger and crucial one. "The piercing glare frightened the girl to her bones, which she felt freeze and shiver because of an unexplainable chill.

"Apologize," the tone was firm, unarguable.

Kayla flinched. She wanted to deny so badly but didn't dare to do so. The pampered princess for the first time in her life uttered the words, "I'm sorry."

"Do you see their faces in the floor below? I should commend the cleaning staff for having done a marvelous job on the floor, if that's so. Lift your head and look at them. If I feel you don't mean it, then I'll have you repeat them till you do, so get on with it." Principal Bairos shifted in her seat and leaned back.

Amora pinched Nora, who was badly failing at keeping her joy inside, giggles escaping in between fake coughs. The girl yelped when she felt a painful sting near her upper arm.

Two pairs of eyes turned to her.

Amora closed her eyes and mentally shook her head from side-to-side. 'This girl has the worst pain tolerance. And picks the worst times to be clueless!'

"An ant bit me," Nora covered up with an excuse, discreetly glaring at her friend.

Eyebrows scrunched together on Principal Bairos's sober face, and she returned her gaze to its previous spot.

Kayla gritted her teeth, her blood boiling as she felt the frustration from this humiliation pumping through her. "I'm sorry," she repeated, trying her best to ignore the mocking look of victory in Nora's eyes.

Teresa nodded and turned to the other two girls, "This doesn't mean you two are excluded from the cafeteria duty. That is all, you can leave now."

Amora replied quickly," Yes ma'am, thank you!" And power walked out of the room dragging a reluctant Nora who wanted to watch the drama that will unfold in a few moments inside the office.

When the door closed behind them they saw two figures approaching them.

It was Inigo and professor Grayrock.

Amora's eyes narrowed while Inigo's went wide as their gazes met. Nora didn't miss the exchange and decided to talk about the issue at hand with her twin as soon as possible.

The two pairs crossed paths and went in their respective directions.


School ended with no other events, and the students who were walking like zombies just a while ago energized up so suddenly on hearing the last bell's ring as if an electric bolt jolted the exhaustion out of them.

Cheerfully they made their way out of the schools gates, all except the seniors.

The dense cloud of gloom, that shadowed over the grieving seniors since the dratted lunch grew heavier with melancholy.

Each of them made their way to the cafeteria. On reaching they found cleaning equipment ready to be put to use and the cleaning staff had even divided their duties among them in pairs. The list was temporarily taped to the wall and the students crowded around it.

"Horrid horchata," Nora groaned, "Why am I with this bumblebee again? Why do people always pair us together just because we're twins? Shouldn't the same be enough for us to get a few moments apart?"

Noah frowned at his grousing sister, "I don't want to spend so much time with you either, you disastrous demon-ess."

"Disastrously beautiful and a dangerous daredevil, you mean? Yes, I am." Nora flipped her fish braid pony tail over her shoulders.

Amora paid no attention to the bickering siblings because she was busy butchering a raven head in her head.

She glared at the name beside her own.

'Inigo. Nowell.' Her growling voice was fierce inside her mind. 'Why is he my partner? He is everywhere nowadays!'