Chapter 5

We were wandering our way to the second campsite which was an old tree house built by my dad. He always wanted to go there and spend one night and my brother and I always complied.

"A tree house is where we're headed next?" Woodsmen asked.

"Yeah, it's a cute tree house. We'll be sleeping there and in the morning it's about an hour walk to Grandma's."

"Sounds like a good plan."

"I want you to take a picture of that tree for me, that's one photo I really want."

"Okay, I can do that." He smiled, but not in the same usual smile. He was smiling at me.

"Could you stop being cute, it's bugging me."

"Cute? You think I'm cute! Ha! Haven't heard that one."

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"Unfortunately, no." He adjusted his camera for a moment as I spoke.

"What a shame, guess girls nowadays aren't into dork lords like you."

"Whatever you say, girl who wears Red Hood. Let me guess Grandma made it for you?" He grabbed his camera making eye contact with me as I shrugged, "You really are just like the books."

"And which ones have you read?" I protested.

"Actually none, but I know the story." He positioned his camera.

"Everyone does."

"Not everyone, but you can always teach the story."

I took a beat for a moment as he finished taking his picture. I thought about the story in my head and I wondered what is the real message in that story?

"What do you learn from 'Little Red Riding Hood'?" I asked


"Yeah what's the life lesson? In Goldie Locks the life lesson is stay out of people's houses and shit, Hansel and Gretel overcome greed, the three little pigs find they can't be lazy, but what do you learn out of being coaxed by a wolf for your goodie basket? And having Grandma and yourself eaten by the wolf? And a real WoodsMan coming to save the day? What? What lesson is being taught?" I had gone overboard. He looked at me pretty amazed at my train of thought.

He was quiet for a minute thinking of his answer, "I always thought it was about trusting strangers."

"Trusting strangers…"

"Yeah, they don't always tell the truth… but I also got a pedophile feel from it too, haha. But now I'm not so sure with your little speech. It could be a representation that even though bad things happen, even if you only mean good, someone is always there to lend a hand to get you out of the worst situation." He blinked at me for approval.

"Sure, that's a suitable metaphoric answer."

"You might be thinking about it way too hard Red, and besides you're not the story. You just dress like it for your own personal satisfaction."

I hit him in the arm, "Shut up you ass." I laughed and trotted away. I walked without him for a while as he tagged slowly behind picture after picture. If we didn't hurry soon we wouldn't make it by sun down. I didn't want to sleep close to the ground tonight either.

I don't know if it's my imagination or something but I swear I'm really being followed. I can't help to feel that there might be someone watching me… waiting for me. I still had my basket in my hands and started wondering if I should switch the goodies with supplies from my bag in case some "thief" tries to take it. But I haven't seen or heard whoever keeps talking to me today. That's a good thing right? I don't really know, I just want to get to my Grandmother's house now.

"Ree-eeeh-ed!" Someone sung. Oh god please no more mysterious voice. "Oh Ree-ehad! Oh little Red riding hood? Won't you play with me?"

"Please leave me alone." I cried.

"But Red-"

"Where are you!? Who are you!?"

"Okay okay you win."

"Come forward please, I'm begging you."

"Funny, I always thought it was the other way around."


"After all I am just a Filthy mutt." From the shadows appeared a large black and gray wolf. He was almost as tall as me. Fear took over my bones and body.

"Ya-y-you- you talk!?"

"Really Red, you're concerned about talking?" The wolf mouthed.

"Well I'm af-afraid of many things!" I was quite alarmed.

"Will you follow me Red?" He ushered me with his head.

"No thank you." I said sternly.

"Come now Red, you can trust me."

"No, no I can't." I tried to get a grip on what was happening but the idea wasn't completely around my head.

"But I live in the forest, I breathe your same air, I've scavenged the land far, and I'm not one to judge but you have too."

"No, no Mr. Wolf I can't go with you."

"Then please, please girl a snack. I am ever so hungry." The wolf growled at me and I jumped back. His enormous paws plunged forward and I wanted to run. Run as fast as I could but was this in my head? A mere figment? I didn't know.

"S-so if I give you a cookie or a biscuit you'll leave me alone?"

"Can't say I'll leave completely but I won't eat you…"

I froze. Eat me? Eat me! Eat me!? "One biscuit, then please go."

"No promises…" he snickered.


"Iggie Piggie was very meaty and he made a great weenie! Haha! HAHAHAHAHA!" It's laugh was cruel. "No Piggie here Red…"

"You listened to my cell phone call, you were still there!"

"Cell phone, oh whoa is me what could that be?" He was sarcastic.

"You're terrible…" I said to him.

"I'm just hungry Red, you don't know what it's like to not eat for three or four days."

"Okay," I said, "I'll give you a biscuit if you leave me alone."

"If I like it I'll stop following."

"Fine…" I went into my basket and retrieved a cheesy biscuit with bacon bits. Oh this wolf was sure to like this, I thought. I tossed it over like a frisbee as it landed on the dirt.

"Red you are so ill bred, I can't eat it after it's touched the ground."

"Are you kidding me!?"

"I don't want it Red, it has dirt all over it."

"You'd bite my hand off if you took it from my hands."

"Now the deal is ruined, you wasted it and now I didn't like it."

"You have a goddamn problem, you know that?"

"I just wanted something to eat." He whimpered and laid his body down in the middle of the pathway. Where the fuck is James!?

"Rotten dog." I said as the wolf continued to cry over the biscuit. I didn't know what else to do. I stood there watching the thing mope over food. Is this what normally happens, do dogs cry over food that's dropped on the ground? Last time I checked they couldn't wait for food to hit the ground. So why the fuck is this wolf being picky!?

"Alright! ALRIGHT!" I yelled. Scared out of my wits I walked up to the wolf and picked up the biscuit. I brushed off the dirt and held it out to him, "Eat it!" I said roughly. The wolf stood and that really overwhelmed me. I was only waiting. He sniffed it and opened his mouth. He had very big teeth and a giant snout. I could smell his decaying three day leftover squirrel in his mouth and trust me it didn't make it any better. He chewed it in one bite and I backed quickly away from him as he continued to eat it.

"It's -nom-nom- alright." He stuck his nose up, "I've eaten better."

"Ungrateful dog! Stupid filthy mutt bastard!" I was losing my cool. Losing my ability to process, he was getting under my skin and it tickled my throat with anger.

"Hey take it easy, you have a problem with the way I rate your cooking?"

"Just shut up! James! JAMES!"

"Oh I wouldn't do that if I were you?"

"Fuck you!" I was no longer thinking straight.

"Fine, tell James you saw a large demon dog. No one will believe you." He laughed and started walking away. "See you around Red." And the wolf really did disappear from site. He vanished almost into thin air.

"It's all in my head- it's all in my head!" I cried.

"Red!? Are you okay?" Woodsmen appeared and I've never felt so relieved. I burst into tears. "Oh no, Red? Red, it's okay… hey…" he pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly. "Hey we're almost there. It'll be over soon. Did something happen? Did you get scared when I wasn't here?" When he asked that I thought to myself, yes… yes I did get scared when you weren't around. I was terrified. I know the wolf is bad… he's a Big Bad Wolf.

I wiped away my tears, "I'm sorry I got startled by some animals and I panicked."

"Imagine someone like you getting scared, it's alright no harm was done. We're almost home free. Let's just hurry before it gets dark." I agreed and we hurried to the tree house. Right as the sunset hit we climbed the ladder and unrolled our sleeping bags.

We laid in the dark for a while before I asked, "James…"

"Yes Red?" He answered softly from the dark.

"Can… can I sleep next to you?"

"Yeah you can."

"Thank you…" I sat up and felt for his leg.

"Need help?" He said as he shifted I felt his hand find mine in the dark as he pulled me to his side. "Better?"

"Yes thank you again."

"Wanna tell me what's got you in a bunch?"

"I think I'm seeing things…"

"Oh like what?" I was hesitant.

"A black and gray wolf… a large one… that… talks." It was quiet. I felt him bounce to a chuckle.

"Alright, so Red does have a big bad wolf after her?"

"They are really creepy…"

"Well what do they want?"

"He's hungry… at least he says he is. He makes creepy riddles and listens and watches me all day. When you're not around he appears and I can't tell if it's in my head…"

"Hey hey hey whoa. I am not pretending to be the wolf."

I laughed, "Of course it's not you… at least I hope not."

"Pfffft!" He dramatically states, "Madam! I am not a riddle making stalker!" I began to laugh some more and I was already feeling better.

"Thank you James…"

"Hey no problem Red."

There was a pause before I decided to tell him, "My real name is Sydney."


"Yes, that's my birth name."

"It's a pretty name… why give it up?"

"I didn't…"

"Then I'm assuming the hood gave you the name Red?"

"Believe it or not everyone calls me Red, no one knows my real name except my brother and maybe Custard Face James."

"I see… but why share that with me?"

"Because I like you." And now it was eerie silent. There was no river to block out those last few words I echoed. Woodsmen's breath was calming as I heard the rhythm of his heart. I didn't care if he didn't like me back, or if he was the wolf really… no they wouldn't bother me. I'm not afraid of my feelings.

"I like you too.. Sydney… little Red riding hood…"

I smiled feeling him closer. I started to fall asleep when he spoke again.

"Sydney?" I coughed a response. "Can I kiss you?"

"Now?" I questioned.

"Well maybe not now, but could I sometime?" He asked sweetly.

"When the time is right." I muttered into his chest and I fell asleep dreaming.