Chapter 8

I packed up the bread and some artichoke dip into my basket. We took Grandma's blue 1988 ford truck down the mountainside into the cricket chirping town of sleeping farmers. We pulled up next to a white chapel where many old cars surrounded the gravel pathway. We went in as it was over crowded. It wasn't quiet either, on the outside of this church it's soft, you could have heard a pin drop. Yelling men and women screaming inside the church's doors.

I caught Grandma's shoulder, "What's all this about?"

Grandma pulled my head down saying into my ear, "Three little girls, sisters went missing a few weeks ago, and the shepherd's son… you remember Mason?"

Mason was a boy who had one job, to watch and guard the sheep. He would play pranks regularly and even got the whole town to rally over… a wolf. I turned to Woodsmen and whispered in his ear what was happening. We looked at each other as if we had the same thought. We placed the bread and dip on the table, then sat down.

"Order! People! Order!" A fat stubby man said. He was bald on top of his head and had a matching pair of mutton chops and mustache. Reverend Wallace took over as the crowd grew impatient.

"Now folks we are doing everything we can to find those missing children."

"Where's my son then!? Ain't no God helping the poor folk!" I couldn't see in the crowd of people but a brown hat and pointing finger.

"Mr. Dwight we are trying everything, that's why we're here tonight, to ask the people if they are willing to do a forest search. We need all the help we can get." The Reverend tried to hold the group at a level.

The fat man started talking, "As Sheriff, I promise to find any missing child and protect all the innocent. Now," the group had finally gotten silent, "I'm here to tell you the recent reports of those going missing, what we know and if you should start locking sheds and barns." The lights were dimmed and a projector of four missing children were on the back wall where a statue of Jesus on a cross slid perfectly underneath as the centerpiece.

"The Nestly sisters went missing May 31st during the last day of memorial weekend. Last seen that night on their way home. Mason Dwight went missing June 12th last seen at the convenient store on Lucy Ave. We've gathered evidence from friends and family that he had gone into the woods. Our advice for any further kidnaping or disappearances is to stay in after 8pm and stay out of the woods. Search parties start tonight after the meeting, sign up for phone call participation are later on this week. The Reverend has asked to lead us in prayer. We understand as a community to those who have lost and those who support those missing members, to join our ceremony. We have a food banquet ready for comfort." The fat man stepped back, "Reverend." He gestured. The night went on with prayer and tears. Then Grandma got up and left. After it had ended we looked and looked but I couldn't find her.

"Sheriff, I can't find my Grandmother."

"Oh she left to grab Lilian's container, she hasn't come back?"

"Really?" I said confused.

The sheriff lifted one eyebrow, "Now don't tell me your Grandmother just went missing on you?"

"I'm sure she's somewhere." I smiled coldly.

"Red!" Someone yelled, I turned to see Miss Lilian Eden. With a brown bun on top of her head and a lavender colored dress, she waved her arm. She came closer talking, "Where is your Grandma? She left quite a bit ago." My heart started to sink. I turned to Woodsmen. His face melting into panic.

"We need to get home!" I said and Woodsmen agreed. We ran out to the parking lot where Grandma's car… it's still there.

"James I'm going to lose my mind!" I started crying.

"Does she have the keys?"

"Yes. James, what if it's the wolf. What if he's kidnapping or killing innocent children? What if he took my Grandmother?"

Woodsmen pulled me into his chest, "Now let's think, she couldn't be home if her car is here could she?"

"I mean sometimes…"

"Alright so it is a normal thing for her to not take the truck."

"She couldn't have gone far though." I started shaking.

"Then maybe she walked back and got stuck along the way."

"If she went into the woods by herself-!James if she's dead I'm going to kill myself." I cried.


"It's true, because I know it will be my fault. I should have died out there in the forest. You shouldn't have come."

"Sydney! Stop talking like that! We'll find her, I'll hotwire the car and we'll drive back up. If she's not there we better report it. You've done nothing wrong."



"She carries a spare key."

"Great, because I didn't know if I could hotwire a car."

"Let's just go, I'm anxious enough as it is."

We got in the car, I pulled out the spare under the seat and we rode in the dark up the mountain side. Terrified I would find my grandmother's dead body, the tears of fear were gushing down my cheek. Woodsmen rubbing by back while I was driving. He didn't say anything but knew I was distraught. We pulled up and Grandma's room was the only light on in the house.

"I need you to run around to the side of the house where there's an axe. If you hear me yell your name it's a person other than my Grandmother. I want you to go get the police, if I scream then it's an animal and I'm going to need that axe."

"I understand."

We jumped out of the car as he ran behind the house. I approached the front door grabbing Grandma's raccoon stick that she chases them away with. I hid it behind my red hood as I entered the home I knew all too well. The room was dark.