~Chapter 2~

One of the guards had stepped out from behind Jael and slammed his fist on the wooden door in front of her three times.

She was not a fan of this lucid dream; it was no fun at all. She couldn't speak the language, she was certainly not warm anymore and she obviously woke in the wrong place at the wrong time. Plus, it was proving to be a dangerous place to be already! She could already feel the slice on her back starting to clot but it was a decent cut. To say that she would have words with Faramund was the understatement of the century. Nevertheless, the double wooden doors swung open with a loud rumble, and her copper curls were clenched in the fist of the guard to her right, who held her head down so her eyes stayed on the floor. Whoever this man was, he had no idea what personal space meant, he was with the police or something, she assumed that these men were just Chinese police that had changed their uniform for some ceremonial occasion. Right? Jael didn't know. It was all guesses at this point. This was not the vision of China she had in mind to see. Gosh this dream was ruining everything already.

More tugs at her arms had the group moving across the threshold of the entrance and into what seemed like a large space, but the red wooden floorboards were all she could see with her neck bent down like that. Trying her best to glance up Jael could see rows and rows of feet and hems, people standing in lines on either side of her, they were turning to follow the movement of the guards that surrounded Jael. The bad heating was the next thing she noticed; the air was cold here. Not the same piercing cold as outside, but still cold, a dead cold.

After what seemed like minutes but was surely only seconds, the group stopped walking and Jael was thrown to the ground… on the ground, yet again. The men kept close to either side of her. Really? What was she going to do? The girl had already used up all of her one manoeuvre. If the room had been full of conversation before it certainly wasn't now. There was complete silence, a few gasps, and whispers here and there, but barely audible. The guard to her right spoke then.

"陛下, 我们发现了这个入侵者."

Jael wish she knew what he was saying, it all seemed very matter of fact and serious. Maybe if she knew she'd have a better chance of waking herself up from this stupid dream. The girl supposed the guard was speaking to someone at the top of the steps she was kneeling in front of, since he waited a second before yanking her hair to lift her head. Ouch! But finally, she could see where she was.

She wished what she saw was different though.

Jael focused her eyes in front of her, on the man that sat on a large, decorated seat in the centre of the steps. He wore the most extravagant armour she'd ever seen, must've cost a fortune. There was a pair of young men on either side of him, each in their own armour. This looked like a movie set, a play? Wherever it was she was ready to wake up and leave. But the man on the chair just stared at her. Looked her up and down as if assessing a threat. Jael dared to turn her head and took in her surroundings. Men, there were men everywhere. Men in armour and men in dresses with strange looking hats, all in lines, all organised into what seemed like a court session or a meeting of some sort. And she just interrupted it.

The girl gripped the leather jacket tighter and faced the man in front of her. This, this was a throne room. Which meant that he, sitting on that decorated chair, that surely couldn't be comfortable, was the most powerful one here. She should focus on him. Maybe he knew why she was here in her dreams. He passed his sword to the armoured man on his left, if Jael wasn't so focused on her situation, she might've said the man on the side was handsome. Instead she kept her gaze on the one sitting on the throne, which seemed to surprise him.

"来," was all he said before rough hands again gripped her shoulders and pulled her up, she stumbled forward and climbed the few steps, leather jacket rustling and the swords of the four men unsheathing slightly. Whatever he was thinking couldn't have been good. Jael wanted to wake up from this dream, as it was becoming increasingly much less like a dream, but she would need help. Jael looked to the right of the chair, the man standing closest stared at her. Long black hair adorned his dirt covered face, half of it pulled into a bun. He towered over her by at least a head and his eyes had a sternness that she wanted so badly to avoid. But it was also his eyes, deep brown like the earth, that seemed to share a moment of peace with the girl. At this point in time, with their three seconds of eye contact, he was closest thing she had to a friend here.

Her attention was again pulled to the seated man as he leaned forward in his chair and reached to grip her chin. His sweaty hand smelled like it had been dipped in metal and blood and mud. Naturally, Jael jolted backwards at the smell and the man hesitated. Curiosity written all over his face. He couldn't have been that old either, maybe in his thirties. No offence to him, but the brute stench was overwhelming.

A huge bellowing laugh was let out and echoed through the chamber. Apparently her reaction was funny. With armour rattling and murmurs surfacing the seated man pointed and shook his dirty finger at Jael. Maybe be wasn't us uptight as everyone else here seemed. Looking around to his subordinates to join the laughter he continued with his smiles and spoke again, scratching his scruffy beard, "我喜欢她. 她有劲."

Jael didn't know what he'd said but it seemed to ease the tension in the room as others hesitantly joined in the amusement, all except his four closest subordinates. She gave a little smile back in the hopes that she was out of trouble, but the man just stared her up and down once more before motioning to someone who seemed to be a servant of sorts. "带她去我的卧室."

Now she really wanted to know what he was saying, but before she could even ask, the guards had gripped her arms again, and a servant man stepped out between them and faced her, raising out of a bow to tower over her a little.

And her lungs almost forgot to work.

It was Faramund! He was here! Finally.

Jael ripped herself out of the guard's grip and lunged forward into Faramund wrapping her arms as tightly around his person as she could. "Mate, you have a heck of a lot of explaining to do and I-" He shoved her off him, landing her on the floor with a thud, and in that moment all sound in her ears went dull.

People started yelling but she couldn't hear it clearly. From her spot on the ground, where she found herself yet again, Jael looked up dazed, and met eyes with the young man to the right of the throne. His own eyes reflected stun and confusion as the whites of them became completely visible.

The world continued to move slowly, without much noise, as she shifted her face back to Faramund. It was not Faramund anymore, she could've sworn it was him two seconds ago, but now the only thing remaining of the man she knew.... was his eyes, as they stared at her with their silver sparkle from a body she did not recognise. Who had she embraced!

What.... was in that tea?

More shouting sounded and rung in Jael's ears as the guards gasped and began trembling next to her. Jael still in a daze looked up at the man to the throne.

What was an expression of curiosity just moments ago had now vanished from the man's face, replaced by fear or wonder or tension she could not tell.

She wanted out. Jael wanted out now.

The servant with Faramund's eyes gripped her wrist tightly, and Jael realised that in the scuffle her jacket had slipped off her shoulders. Her white t-shirt dress, which would usually be more than adequate on any other day, now made her feel more exposed and naked than she'd ever felt. Eyes all around the room lay on her, her wound, her clothes, her face. The servant said some more words she didn't understand and there was a curt reply from the seated man before he passed her wrist onto a group of women in matching dresses who appeared in her vision.

Jael's hearing was still blocked, like she was underwater, swimming through the words trying to make sense of the sounds. But nothing.

The girl had stopped struggling once she realised Faramund was not himself. She'd have to find a way to waker up herself. So Jael just followed suit as this group of women continued to lead her out of the room, but she glanced one last look over her shoulder at the young, armoured man to the right of the throne. Though they met eyes again as before, Jael did not see an ally in them this time.

She could not read his expression either. Anger? Confusion? Fear? Jael decided not to stay and find out. Turning forwards once more, the ladies led her down a corridor with pillars running along its sides.

She was outside again. So suddenly. Jael had never felt time move so fast yet so slow. She hoped wherever they were taking her there was a bed. This supposed dream allowed no room for mindless sleep at all. She'd had enough of it, she decided. With that thought the wound on her back pounded with its own beat again and began to throb harder, the warmth of blood seeping down her skin. Gross.

Her hearing was now almost completely gone, her breathing ragged, Jael's vision went next. Maybe she was waking up.

At that the girl's knees collapsed underneath her and the last thing she saw was blurry visions of pale faces as they watched her fall and hurried to her side.

Jael just wanted to sleep now.



Warmth like the morning of that summer day in 2010. No cares in the world except the flower crown she was making out of yellow weed flowers, the grass soft as the girl just lay there, soaking up the Australian sun. Jael could not stay here forever, she realised, as the sun was traded up for the moon before her eyes, and the grass... faded into clouds.

The wind mutated into a voice. She knew this voice. It was deep, wise. It was Faramund's voice. Slippery and warm so much like the wind, still.

"And as the Prince's fate came to prove true ,the world fell into chaos."

Jael's heart dropped into her stomach as she fell through the clouds under her. All conception of space and time became void as her young fingers brushed through the mist and her body continued to plunge, hair whipping her face.

"Chaos. Jael Doran. Chaos is the enemy."

Plunging plunging plunging, she did not stop, she did not scream either. As the moon grew further and further away from her the girl felt a fear she had not felt before, a helplessness into which she would never give.

"Destroy it." Was the latest thing ringing in Jael's ears as her back made contact with a body of water, and all was gone again.


Jael's eyes flickered open a few times, slowly, and surely enough her senses came back to her. She was lying down on a bed, her own bed. A smile creeped onto Jael's face as she stretched her legs and let out a groan, scratching her head where it itched before sitting up. What a nightmare! "That was quite possibly the WORST dream I've ever had. I've GOT to see Faramund about this, honestly I feel like I haven't had a wink of sleep an-" a pair of doors slammed shut. Jael was abruptly hit by a chill breeze that came through a window. That wasn't her window, she realised, as her smile faded. A pair of scuffling feet made their way to her, and after a moment of tension, the owner made their way to her side. The servant from her drea- nightmare, was the owner. The one with Faramund's eyes. The man frowned at her, like he was surveying. Jael was fed up already, and she hated waiting, so she started first. "Who are you?" Even the silk duvet that blanketed her couldn't provide the comfort she was longing for in that moment. "You know who I am."

Jael hadn't recalled in the dream what this man's voice sounded like, but right now, if she closed her eyes again she knew to whom she was talking. The girl inhaled deeply and started again, "Explain to me how you sound just like someone else I know but look Chinese and are dressed up like a pompous dingbat." Jael did not move from her seat on the bed and was glad she did so as the man standing before her vanished into a puff of white smoke and emerged from it in a moment. This time, it was the Faramund she knew. He stared back at her, as if he'd been there the whole time.

"How are you feeling my dear?"

A gasp, a scoff, a shriek, anything, Jael wanted anything to come out of her throat, but nothing came.

"Don't be afraid Jael I'm here to explain," she must've looked as pale as she felt, "You just made your first jump, so you'll be feeling disorientated, you'll need a few days' rest, maybe a week as your body hasn't had time to adjust yet." He moved closer to the bed and patted himself a spot on its edge, blue robes swaying and rustling as the wood beneath Jael croaked at his weight. "I'm sure you have many questions; I'll do my best to answer them in time but-"

"First question, what was in that tea? Second question, where am I? Third question... am I going insane, or did I just watch you disappear into a puff of smoke?" Her throat was dry, she realised, as the girl barely managed to get out the words. Faramund sighed, and it was a familiar sound to Jael. In a weird way it made her feel better. "It'd be easier for me to answer those questions backwards, you're not crazy my dear, you're special. You are incredibly special. I'm special too just a different kind. You and I have specific gifts, mine allow me to....change, yours allow you to only move, through time and space. Which brings me to the second question. We are in the one place you've always wanted to see, Jael, you jumped into China, 1500 years into the past. This was not an accident, Jael Doran, you were meant to come here, from the beginning you were meant to come here. Which is why you've always been drawn to the place. As for the tea, all I did was put in a sedative so the jump would be easier for you."

"Are you on drugs?" He furrowed his brow at her.

Jael processed Faramund's words. She wanted so badly to call him insane, to demand that he take her back home. Home, where her red island country waited for her. She wanted desperately to call bluff and run for her life. But it was the sounds outside her room, of people walking up and down a corridor speaking in a language she still did not know. It was the smell that came from incense burners and candles placed all around this exquisite room she was in. It was the feeling of these clothes she just now realised she was wearing, satin and gentle wraps of cloth tied around her in a fashion that did not belong to 2020. She had no other choice but to say, "Fine. I believe you, but I want to go home. Please, I don't belong here."

The words must've come as a surprise, as the girl watched Faramund's furrowed brow raise gently and then fall again. He placed a warm hand over hers, easing her grip on the sheets on which she was sitting. "We can't just yet my dear, you have things to do here. We both do. We can't go back until we've completed our task." The back of Jael's throat began to sting, "I know nothing about this place Faramund, I'm useless there is nothing I can do here, I'll only be a burden to you if I stay. I know enough about ancient histories to know that places like these don't treat people kindly, especially outsiders, and I'm not going to sit around and wait for something bad to happen." Every word was an effort not to burst into... a rage?... a panic attack?... tears? Jael didn't even know her emotions herself.

Faramund squeezed her hand tighter, "You're just going to have to take another leap Jael and trust me. I will protect you while you're here, but you must try and fulfill your own duties. That is something I cannot do for you." His silvery eyes now shone with a different kind of light, a desperation, of sorts. Truthfully, despite the madness of this situation, Jael knew he had her best interests at heart. "Okay okay okay," the biggest cry of relief she'd ever heard escape the man left his mouth followed by a tight hug, and then straight after a smile that took her back to the one room studio that smelled like dusty books and candles. A place she already missed.

Jael pulled away from his embrace, "Did you know I would move into that studio?" Faramund's eyes wandered away from her face slightly. "Well... let's save that story for another time shall we and I'll tell you all abou-" the girl rolled her eyes, "hey you definitely won't be able to have any of that attitude while you're here missy unless you want a beating," she sat up straight and glared at him. Oh she was about to start, "I-"

"You, yes you, have other things to worry about right now, immediate issues. The rest we'll deal with later." Typical of him to change the subject like that, "First things first I must show you how to blend,"

"I'm sorry what?"

"Blend," she continued to glare as Faramund motioned for her to stand, "well you can't very well stay the way you are if you're to be of any use, stand up please this will only take a moment and then next time you'll be able to do it on your own." With all that's happened in the last few hours, Jael really couldn't think of anything else that might surprise her, so she slid off the bed in her most dramatic manor. Right then Faramund laid his hand across her forehead, and she gasped at the touch.

Words and sentences and knowledge all came flooding in simultaneously, one hundred times worse than the last week of HSC. It was unforgiving, unrelenting, there was no time to process the language as it found its way into her mind. It was melding into her thoughts and making sense of her memories.

Jael saw the yum cha menu down the road from her place and could make out dishes. She recalled the 2009 Chinese version of Mulan she watched and felt every line hit her like a wave. It was all there, as if it had always been and was just forgotten. But it burned, her mind that is. Like a surging wave of knives running around her skull. A grunt escaped her mouth as Jael clutched her head, "It hurts Faramund!" He released his palm. "I'm finished, you did well Jael, much better than expected, actually,"

The girl panted and collapsed out of his grasp, body folding with her hands landing on her knees for support as sweat dripped off her. Jael twisted her head to face Faramund, "Better than expected? You couldn't have, I don't know, warned me?"

"Believe me it's better this way, like ripping off a bandaid, you'll thank me later."

"Uh-huh sure I will," Jael shook her curls from her shoulders. That... was insane. She could only guess what had just happened, but all speculation was answered as a pair of feet shuffled through the bedroom door and stayed at the threshold, followed by a soft voice. "Astrologist Fang, the Emperor wishes to speak to you immediately,"

"Ah, of course. I'll be there shortly." The sounds and words being spoken... were not in English.

And yet, Jael understood all of it. Shock struck her body motionless as she watched the servant girl bow and shuffle out of the room again. "This... is some crazy sh-"

"Okay that is quite enough from you my dear, we'll have none of that language while I'm around. I'd rather not have to scold you in front of other people again." She plonked back onto the bed. "Yes, clever idea. You stay here and rest. Work on the accent while I'm gone too, you still sound so... Australian. It'll confuse people and have them speculating were you're from. Well I guess that's inevitable actually… We'll talk about it later." Faramund leaned over the bed and eased her shoulders down, laying her there as she gawked at him from under the covers that he pulled up to her chin.

"I have to go now and fix some of this mess you made with your dramatic entrance,"

"Hey! I-"

"Now now now, I know you didn't mean to which is fine my dear we all make mistakes," they really knew how to drive each other mad, "but please for all our sakes just don't, do anything. At least until I get back, which could be tomorrow, or possibly the day after. But don't worry, the servants will bring you meals and all you have to do is stay here and listen to what they say. Okay? Shouldn't be too hard for you."

Jael blew a copper strand from her face. "Fine, go you old man, I'm actually overtired now just listening to your babble so go so that I might actually get some decent sleep."

Faramund cackled at the jab knowing full well Jael was only joking, partly. "Alright, see you soon. Sleep now." And that was that as Jael watched her friend turn into smoke again and emerge as a man she didn't know, stepping out of her room as if it were nothing.

A slight part of her soul awoke in that moment. And a tiny slither of excitement entered Jael's heart as she begun to imagine herself a different future.