
Chapter 3: Sound Of Love

Alex drove up to Micheal house and got out the car and walked up to the house. A black van pulls up and the man in the van takes pictures of Alex and drives off.

Alex walked in the house.

"What are you doing here" Micheal said. "Listen I'm sorry about the choices Sedrick made but games up the tea is fine we need to talk" Alex said. "About what Alex" Micheal said. "Your life you can loss everything" Alex said. "What are you talking about" Micheal said. Alex gives Micheal the flies.

"Your ex married another man and she cheated on him and now he wants to take her money she doesn't have anything so he wants your money everything you got" Alex said. "DANG well where is Alyssa" Micheal said. "Probably at Sedrick house doing him real good" Alex said. "You're petty well who is the man" Micheal said. "His name is Gavin he has family power father ful vengeance power old money type of power" Alex said. "I want to meet with him" Micheal said. "Micheal no" Alex said. "No no I want to sue that bastard" Micheal said. "He's family will rip of to pieces and trash there family is ruthless" Alex said. "Alex please just do what I say for once I want to meet with him today at the firm" Micheal said. "Alright" Alex said. "Now leave I have to get dressed get my kids ready for school" Micheal said. "Um your fine when you say that" Alex said. "Alex shut up bye lol" Micheal said. "Bye" Alex said and Alex walked out. Micheal laughed.

Alex went over to Sedrick house. "Hey glad you came" Sedrick said. "Hey your your ex wants to meet with your other ex just a slut" Alex said. "Hey stop it" Sedrick said. "And what are y'all now are y'all a couple or something or is this a lust game" Alex said. "No we are just friends listen I have to tell you a secret" Sedrick said. "What" Alex said. "We killed Ryan" Sedrick said. Alex was shooked his heart started beating fast. "Wait what your crazy no your lying" Alex said. "I'm not she shot him" Sedrick said. "Well she killed him not you" Alex said. "I helped cover it up" Sedrick said. "Where is the body what did you do with him" Alex said. "My old gang came and got the body" Sedgrick said. "So your in the gang again" Alex said. "I don't know" Sedrick said. "Alright I need to go set up some meetings and you you whore I hope your happy with the mess you created" Alex said and Alex walked out.

Alex walked and he got into his car and locked the door. Alex felt a bad vibe in his car Alex look in the mirror and he saw a person with a ski mask on in the backseat. "Hello" the person said. Alex was shooked.