The glimpses

The sun rays were piercing through the huge glass window but the light yellow coloured curtains hanging before the windows were stopping those sun rays falling over a girl's face who was lying down on a small fluffy bed. Her hair was all over her face, a leg thrown out of the blanket and she had her face hidden in the pillow to prevent her sleep from breaking up from those sun rays.


"Ani, Ani, Ani.. Aniiiiiiii…," a loud voice fell into her ears and her sleep got broken. She opened her eyes and found that her aunty was standing before her. She opened the curtains and the sun rays pierced through Jun's eyes.

"Go and get ready fast," said her aunty and walked out of the room.

"Ahhhhhhh… kiss….my kiss with Jun," shouted Ani and threw her legs in the air in frustration. I almost touched his lips and he was smiling at me with his emerald eyes. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh….," shouted Ani loudly and then buried her face in the pillow. "My got ruined," murmured Ani and got up from her bed.

Putting her slippers on, scratching her head she walked inside the washroom to freshen up. After thirty minutes she came out and found her school dress on the bed. She smiled seeing it and quickly changed into it.

Putting her red scarf around her neck she looked at herself in the mirror.

She tied her hair into a ponytail and then carried her school bag. She walked out of her room to the living room and found her dad reading the newspaper. She with her quiet steps went near her father, Park Sungi and then put her arms around his shoulders.

"Appa (dad) good morning," said Ani and kissed him on the cheek. Sungi caressed her daughter's head and told her to come forward. She did so and sat beside him on the couch. Hugging him tightly she said, "today is my first day of senior high school. Now your daughter is grown up so she will come home alone daily."

"No Ani. You don't need to. I'll send the driver for you," said Sungi, caressing her head. Ani raised her head and said, "appa please. Now I'm a grown up. All children go alone to their homes." Seeing Ani's sad face Sungi said, "fine you can but if you feel any problem then call me right away. Put my number on emergency."

"Appa, I've already put your number on emergency and uncle Dowan's too," said Ani and released the hug.

"Ahh..okay. Then you can come home alone," said Sungi with a smile. Ani thanked her dad. "Go do your breakfast," said Sungi.

"Appa we will eat together. Let's go," said Ani and pulled her dad up and then dragged her dad to the dining room.

Meet Cha Ani who is the single child of Park Sungi. Park Sungi owns Sangma Foods and Restaurants, a top food company in South Korea which has branched in Seoul, Gangnam, Busan, Daegu, Beijing and in Tokyo too. Ani's mother passed away when she was 4 years old. Since then her father has brought her up and she is the star of her father.

After having breakfast her dad told the driver, Soori to drop her to the school safely. The driver nodded and walked away with Cha Ani.

"Brother you're looking good today," said Ani with a smile and then opened the backseat of the car.

"Thanks Ani. This is the gift of my girlfriend," said Soori and got into the driver seat. He started the car and then drove away from there.

"Brother has finally gotten a girlfriend. Cherish her like a treasure," said Ani and then giggled. Soori nodded and increased the speed of the car. Ani looked out of the window and recalled her morning dream.

"People say that if we dream about something nice in the morning it gets fulfilled. This means Jun will kiss me soon. Ahhhhh….I will die the day he will kiss me." She touched her heart and smiled. "It's beating so fast…. Jun I love you a lot...I'll keep loving you till the eternity."

The car stopped before the school gates. "Ani we are in the school," said Soori. Ani came out of her thoughts and realized that she had arrived at the school. She thanked Soori and came out of the car. Carrying her bag she happily walked towards her school.

A hand closed her eyes from behind.

"Cho," mumbled Ani. Cho released her hands and said, "you remember my touch."

"Yes of course. How can I not remember your touch. Well you've become so tall," said Ani.

"Yes and you're an inch or two smaller than me," said Cho. "Oh no, then I'll be five inches smaller than Jun. I won't be able to kiss him," said Ani and sighed. They kept on walking and reached the lobby of the science department.

"Kiss him? Ani how can you think about this on the first day of our school," said Cho and crossed her arms.

"Cho do you know what I dreamt about in the morning?," asked Ani and then giggled.

Cho looked at her and asked,"what did you dream about?"

"Jun and I were kissing. I mean I almost kissed him and he was smiling at me," said Ani and then started laughing to herself. Cho looked at her with an unbelievable look and then said, "Ani stop thinking about him. Such rubbish things will make your mind a trash."

"Trash? Dreams of Jun ain't trash. You don't know anything about love. He will surely fall for me one day," said Ani and then smiled. Cho shook her head in disbelief when the shouts of girls started coming from the lobby.

"Did something happen?," asked Chi while looking at Ani. They looked at each other and then towards the crowd of girls who were coming in their direction. "Ahh...It's because of Kim Jun," said Cho.

Ani smiled seeing Jun who was completely changed in two months' break. He has become tall almost 6 feets. Ani started walking towards him when Cho caught Ani by the bag she was wearing. Jun passed across her but didn't even glance at her. Tae came there and shook hands with Ani and Cho but Ani was just looking at Jun.

"Tae, meet those girls later. Come," said Jun from upstairs.

"See you in the class," said Tae and ran upstairs. Ani fell back when Cho supported her. "I think I'm gonna die. His eyes are just hypnotising me," said Ani and smiled.

"Ani come to your senses. He didn't even look at you. We have been studying with him since we were 11 but he never once looked at you," said Cho. Ani looked at Cho. "That's because he's shy."

"Ani, accept the truth. You know that he doesn't like you at all. If he were ever liked you then he would've asked you out by now. Your fathers are fast friends still Jun doesn't prefer to talk to you," said Cho.

"Okay, I understood. Let's go to the class," said Ani and walked towards the second floor. Ani opened the door when she saw Jun was smiling with Myung and Tae.

"The only girl who hangs out with Jun is Myung Hye," said Cho and looked at them.

"I want to be there," said Ani. Cho pushed her lightly and Ani suddenly appeared before Jun. Balancing herself she turned her head back to look at Cho and then glared at her.

"Do you need something?," asked Myung. Ani turned her head to Myung and refused.

"Ani you're looking good," said Tae with a smile. She thanked him and then looked at Jun who wasn't looking at her. She felt bad so she came back to her seat and sat beside Cho. They were sitting in the last two seats far from Jun's.

"He doesn't look at you. What's the use of still being in love with him?," asked Cho, looking at Ani. Ani looked at her and said, "he will start liking me." Their homeroom teacher came inside as the tell rang a few minutes ago. The students greeted him. He told them to open the maths book. Everybody did so and opened their books. The teacher started teaching them relations and functions while Ani was taking slight glances at Jun.

Meet Kim Jun, the top student of Seoul high school. His father Kim Dowan is the president of Seoul High school. Jun is the most famous boy in his school because of his looks, his smartness and intelligence. Jun is the best friend of Kang Tae who is the son of the general manager of Sangma, Kang So Yoori. They have known each other since childhood.

The class got over after an hour when the teacher told Kim Jun to come to the principal office. Ani looked at them and thought to follow Jun. As soon as they both walked out she too got up from the chair and ran after Jun.