A gift

Jun and Ani reached the school. Jun told her to wait for him after the classes were over. Ani nodded and thanked him. She got out of the car when Cho came running towards her.

"So, you came with your Prince?," mumbled Cho. Ani giggled hearing this. "But then I made a mistake last night. He shouted at me as I damaged his book. He really shouted at me with such a loud voice that I started crying," mumbled Ani.

They both started walking towards the school gate along with many other students. "So, it means you don't like him anymore?," asked Cho. Ani looked at her and shook her head in refusal. "I love him a lot which I can't even express," murmured Ani and started running. Cho too ran after her.

They arrived in the class. As soon as they entered they saw Myung talking and laughing with Jun and Tae. Ani glared at Myung. "Ani, the only girl who is close to Jun is Myung," muttered Cho. Ani turned her face away and walked towards her seat. She opened her bag and took out the book.

As soon as the bell rang, their chemistry teacher came and everyone greeted her. Ani again started taking glances at Jun hiding her face in the book.

"Stop it before anyone will notice you," whispered Cho. Ani turned her eyes to the board and started jotting down the notes. After an hour class got over, the class president told them about the science competition.

"Listen, my friends. I've been informed by our coordinator that there will be a science competition and one student has already been decided. It is Kim Jun. Two more students are needed so guys please give me your name if you want to participate in this competition by this evening." Announced the class representative.

"Ani, this is the best opportunity for her to get close to Jun. Take part in this quiz competition and then make your team win. Jun will start liking you. I think he likes smart and intelligent girls," mumbled Cho.

"No, I can't take part. I know then I'll be the reason for his defeat in this competition," mumbled Ani and took out the other subject book. Cho didn't speak further and till lunch hours they continued studying.

As soon the class got over, Ani rushed to the canteen with Cho. They bought light meals for them and after finishing them Ani went to the ice cream parlour to buy ice creams for them. She returned back holding two ice creams in her hand. She was walking fast when her foot slipped due to the slippery floor and the ice cream fell over the girl in front of her.

Ani fell on the floor while the girl on whom ice cream fell shouted in anger. That was Myung.

"Hey, don't you've eyes?," asked Myung angrily looking at Ani. Ani got up from the floor when students started surrounding them. Myung looked at her white shirt which was completely ruined. Ani apologized to her but Myung's anger was in seventh sky.

Ani looked at herself because her shirt was more stained then Myung's. She again apologized to her and walked away from there to the washroom. She rinsed her shirt with water but in vain it was stained.

"Ani you should wear the sports clothes," muttered Cho who came there after one of her classmates told her about Ani.

"I've put them in the washing machine as today is no PE class,'' murmured Ani.

"Leave it. It will dry after sometime. Also today classes will be over at 2pm," mumbled Ani and they went to class. Tae came to her and asked her if she will come with him today to Sangma and see her stained shirt.

"Ahh it's nothing. Okay I'll come," mumbled Ani. He was going to speak further when Jun called him and he walked away from there.

She rested her head onto the chair and unable to balance the swinging chair she fell hard on the floor.

"BANGGG. A loud thud noise could be heard and everyone rushed to her. Cho wasn't there as she had some work with the class representative.

"She again created a mess," murmured Myung.

"Myung we should see. What if she got hurt," said Tae and then looked at Jun who turned his face away. Some girls helped her in getting up. She thanked them.

"Ahhhh....my head." Ani winced in pain. Jun and Myung looked from their seats but didn't go there.

She furiously went outside of the class. "Wish I've not seen Myung's face. First ice cream fell over me then this," murmured Ani. Ani was not feeling to go into the class. So she just went to the playground and rested on a bench. Her phone beeped. It was Cho's message. "Where are you?"

"Just in school. I'm not feel like attending class. You take your class...bye," typed Ani and put the phone in her pocket.

She laid her head down on the bench and fell asleep there. She was dreaming about Jun when her sleep broke and saw she was drooling. She quickly wiped off her mouth and got up when she saw a jacket on herself.

"Whose jacket is this?," mumbled Ani and looked around. She looked at the watch and it was showing 3pm. She has missed calls from Tae. She ran to the class holding the jacket in her hand when she saw Jun there. She stopped at the door when Jun said, "are you done sleeping?"

"Eh...hmmm," mumbled Ani. Jun went towards her table and took her bag from there. "I'll drop you home. Let's go," mumbled Jun and left the classroom. Ani ran after him. "I have to go to Sangma," murmured Ani. Jun didn't answer her and walked towards the parking lot. Ani too followed him and they left for Sangma.

After an hour they reached there and Ani happily ran inside the restaurant. She saw Tae putting the plates on the table so she started helping him.

"Hey, you don't need to work. Just have your seat," mumbled Tae and made her sit on the chair when her eyes fell on Myung.

"Why are you wearing this hoodie?," asked Myung.

"Why do you've any problem with it?," asked Ani annoyingly.

"From where does it come?," asked Myung.

"Why should I tell you?," said Ani. Jun came there and sat beside Myung. "Because it's Jun," said Myung. Ani looked at Jun and then lowered her eyes. She hurriedly took off the jacket.

"What are you doing?," asked Jun.

Ani handed him back his jacket.

"Just wear it," murmured Jun and handed her the jacket. Ani nodded and wore that again. Some waiters came there and started serving them.

"Friends, let's eat. This is my special recipe,"mumbled Tae. Tae sat beside Ani and served them the foods he had prepared.

"Ahh! it is my favourite. Let me taste it," murmured Ani and she loved that. Tae smiled seeing her happy and they all started eating. After finishing their meals, Myung told them she has some work so she left from there. Tae told them that he's bringing his bag from inside and walked towards the kitchen.

Now there was pin stop silence. Ani glanced at Jun who was looking at her. She immediately took her phone out and in the event it fell beneath the table. Due to her small height she bent down and searched her phone and stood up when her head banged on the table.

"Ahhhh!! Why do all such things happen to me?," murmured Ani and sat on the chair rubbing her head.

"Why are you so nervous?," asked Jun. She blinked her eyes and wasn't able to utter a single word. By then Tae came there and they left from Sangma.

"Ani, this Sunday we will go somewhere. So, I'll come to pick you up," mumbled Tae. Ani agreed and told him that they will go to the amusement park.

"Kid," murmured Jun while driving.

Tae and Ani looked at him. "Do you want to come?," asked Tae. Jun refused saying he hated those things. "Oh no! I thought that I'll go with him someday to an amusement park," thought Ani in her mind. After a while the car reached in front of her house. She thanked Jun and ran inside her house. She was smiling looking at the jacket as she was considering it as first gift from Jun.