Life's new Chapter

After two weeks Ani's uncle, Yangmi decided to have a talk with her about her plans. He went to her room and saw Ani was holding his dad's portrait staring at that. He sat beside her and caressed her head.

"Ani, do you want to go back to Seoul, or do you want to be here?" asked Yangmi.

Ani looked at her uncle with swollen eyes. "No, I can't go to that place. My dad is no more and I'll suffocate there," replied Ani.

Yangmi kept caressing her head. "Don't worry my child. I'll change your school. You should take some rest," suggested Yangmi. The room door opened up and her aunt, Huwa, came inside holding a tray in her hands.

"Ani, here's your breakfast. Eat this before it gets cold," said Huwa, putting the tray on the table beside the bed.

"Aunty, I don't feel like eating," said Ani in a depressant tone. Both Yangmi and Huwa were worried about witnessing this condition of Ani.

"Till when you will think about this. I know it's hard for you but it's also tough for us. If your father is seeing you like this he must be hurting. So, please have your breakfast," said aunty.

Yangmi stood up from the bed and went to the other side of the room where he had put a file on the table, in front of the couch. Grabbing the file he came to Ani.

"Ani, there is some paperwork related to your father's company and you have to sign on these documents. Read this and then sign," declared Yangmi.

"The work in the company is hugely affected. If you don't want to do this right now then we can do it later too." Yangmi pronounced.

"Uncle, tell me where to sign? The company is dear to father so the work shouldn't be affected there," said Ani.

"Ani, you should read before signing any paper," suggested Yangmi.

"Uncle, you've read these papers so I also read. Just tell me where to sign," demanded Ani again.

Yangmi told her to sign on the spots he has marked. Ani did the same and thanked him for taking care of her. Yangmi caressed her head and left saying he had to go urgently to the company.

Huwa helped Ani in eating breakfast and then told her to test. For many days Ani didn't look at her phone so she decided to look for it but it wasn't in her room. She asked aunty if she had seen that but Huwa refuted.

In the evening her uncle came and was extremely happy. Ani was in the living room and asked him about his happiness but he ignored her presence. Ani felt weird as this was the first time her uncle didn't look at her.

"I'm now the new chairman of Sangma foods and restaurant," said Yangmi to Huwa who was beside Ani. They both started laughing while Ani was looking at them surprisingly.

"Uncle, what are you talking about?" asked Ani confusedly.

"Did you not hear that Yangmi is the chairman now? Your father always looked at Yang Mi as if he was nothing but thanks to your foolishness this became possible," replied Huwa cunningly.

Ani stumbled in her steps hearing this. She had no problem in handing the company to her uncle but the way he was speaking made her anxious. The words after that shocked her more.

"Pack your stuff and go from here tomorrow," ordered Huwa to Ani.

"What?" exclaimed Ani, unable to believe what she just heard.

"Ani, since you've given such a wonderful gift to me so I will be generous. I've transferred you to Daegu's high school. You can start from tomorrow but take care of your fees yourself. Find yourself a room because you would be a burden to us," stated Yangmi.

"Dad, what are you saying? What is this mom?" voiced Kang Soo who just returned home from the hospital.

"Son, you don't have to meddle in this issue. Go to your room, " Yangmi said in a commanding tone.

"Are you in your right mind? How could you say such things? Ani isn't going anywhere," snorted Soo angrily.

"What? Soo, why to worry about her," said his mom, Huwa.

"Mom, please. Ani is my sister. She has gone through so many things I don't want-" said Soo when he was interrupted by Ani.

"Oppa(brother), it's okay. You don't have to worry about me. I will leave the house tomorrow and uncle thanks for doing my admission there," said Ani with teary eyes.

"Ani, if you will step out of this house then I will too, '' stated Soo.

"What are you saying, son? She is just a burden for us. Don't you know her dad made your father miserable," said Huwa and then frowned at Ani.

"Mom, what are you saying? Ani has done nothing wrong nor her dad. She is just a child and we're her family now," said Soo loudly when Yangmi shouted. 

"Shut up! I don't wanna listen to anything so just go into your room. Don't you dare to say any rubbish thing else I'll kick you out of my house?" Yangmi yelled at him.

Soo slightly laughed hearing this. "You don't have to kick me out. I'll go on my own with Ani," stated Soo and went to his room. Ani ran after Soo to make him understand.

"Oppa, I'm grown up now. Don't worry about me. I'll do some part-time jobs and then I'll see what I can do to take dad's company back. Uncle aunty needs you. So don't try to stop me," said Ani with teary eyes.

"Ani, you also need me. You're just a kid. I can't leave you behind as my parents are wrong. They've done wrong with you and with uncle so please Ani doesn't stop me from making this decision because if my parents understood me they would have never done such a thing. You've no-one to take care of you. I'm here so like a brother it's my responsibility." Soo adamantly said.

Ani didn't speak anything further and went to her room.

Life has taken her on a completely new path. Neither she can go back as her uncle has captured the entire property nor she can contact her friend Cho as she doesn't wanna be a burden on her.

She was determined now to achieve her father's dream. Her father has built up the Sangma foods with so much hard work that only she could understand but the path she is now going to walk isn't easy for her.

Next morning when she woke up early; came downstairs with her suitcase and decided to leave. She left a small letter for Soo but to her astonishment, he was already waiting for her in the hall.

"Let's go Ani," said Soo.

"Oppa, you're not going with me. Please try to understand," remarked Ani.

"Ani, did you forget what I said last night?" questioned Soo from her.

"Soo, are you in your right mind? Don't you dare step a foot from this house else you'll not see our face in your entire life," roared Yangmi who just entered the hall with Huwa.

"Honey, don't. Soo, listen to me. You're our son you can't leave us." Huwa tried making him understand.

"Mom, then turn everything back now. I know what you've done to uncle Sungi. If you both regard me as your son then please accept your crimes," said Soo.

"What do you mean? You want to tell me I killed my brother," shrieked Yangmi at Soo.

Soo chuckled hearing this. "I know you did this. This is not just a coincidence. You're my father so I can't do anything to you also I don't have proof against you. Let's go Ani." Soo grabbed Ani's hand and was ready to leave when Yangmi stopped him.

"Soo, this is the last time I'm saying this. Sungi never respected me and I've not committed any crime neither I've killed him but I'll accept this girl in this house," said his father.

"Everyone please stop. I know everything is because of me. Uncle, my father has never wronged you and now I can't make you understand this. The only thing I want now to go from here. Oppa, don't do such reckless things because of me. Your family needs you," said Ani while crying and then stepped out from there as fast as she could.

She arrived at the bus stand and was standing there when Soo came there and grabbed her hand.

"Oppa, what are you doing here? Please go back to your home," said Ani with a surprised look.

"Don't say anything else I'll not talk to you. Ani, my dad,, and mom have everything right now. You don't even know how to travel alone. I'm your family from now onwards. Let's begin our new life.

I know a friend of mine let's go there. We will live with him now and you don't have to worry." Soo told her and then booked a cab. Ani tried stopping him but Soo didn't listen to her.

After 10 minutes the cab came there. The driver put their bags in the car and told them to sit inside.