He left me in the middle!

After the lunch hours, Ani went back to her class with Dohwa when Sun Jae came to them. "I was looking for you for long," he said. Ani was confused hearing that when he said, "sorry, I did not introduce myself. I am Kim Sun Jae, cousin of Kim Jun." 


"What? His cousin?!" Ani muttered. Dohwa walked past them when Sun Jae said, "Dohwa, why you always ignore me?" He did not say anything and walked inside. "He always acted like this way," Sun Jae murmured and then turned to look at Ani. "Are you his cousin?" Ani questioned. 


"Yes, I am. I know I have not got looks like him but I am his cousin. Have you never seen me in those family gatherings?" Sun Jae questioned. Ani shook her head and refused. "I know you always used to look at Jun from behind those pillars in the party. You have a crush on him, right?" Sun Jae asked. Ani told him not to say so loudly when he laughed.


"Aish, no one knows Jun here. So do not worry. Does he know?" Sun Jae asked then.


"About what?" Ani questioned. 


"Your likeness towards him," Sun Jae answered. Inside the classroom, the students were whispering with each other. "Does she know the class president?" said one girl. 


"It seems that they are close," stated the other girl. 


"Are they dating or something? Sun Jae never talked this way with any girl," voiced another girl. Dohwa was hearing all these and got irritated. "Shut up you all," he shouted at them. Everyone looked at him. "It is annoying," he further said. The students stopped whispering. 


"I have a crush on Jun but he does not know. Do not tell him. I do not want to get rejected by him in one go. I want to do the things slowly," said Ani with a smile. Sun Jae nodded and told her that they should go in as the teacher would becoming. Ani agreed and they both came inside the class. Ani got seated in her chair when Dohwa asked her if she knows Sun Jae at a different level.


"What do you mean at a different level?" Ani inquired. 


"I mean it is your first day and it seems you two are quite close," said Dohwa. 


"He is the cousin of someone whom I know from Seoul," replied Ani. 


"You should not get too much friendly with guys," said Dohwa. 


"Are you saying that I should not be your friend?" Ani questioned. 


"Aish, this girl. No, I do not mean that" replied Dohwa and put his head down on the table. The language teacher came in and the class started. "You should also study. That way you will feel good," Ani said with a smile. Dohwa glanced at her and then straightened himself. He took out his book and notebook. Ani's phone beeped. She took out it from the pocket and saw her brother's message on the screen. 


Dohwa happened to see the wallpaper of her phone and saw a guy on it. Ani read the message of her brother and put the phone in. "Who is that guy on the wallpaper?" Dohwa asked. "I am asking out of curiosity," he further added. "Is he a model or a new actor?" he questioned. 


"He is someone whom you do not know," asserted Ani and then smiled. 


"Huh? Who could it be?" Dohwa muttered. 


"Focus in the class," Ani then said. The classes continued till 4 pm. Once they got over, everyone started leaving for their houses, some to tuitions. Sun Jae came to Ani and told her that he would drop her home. "I will go myself," Ani stated. Dohwa looked at them and intervened. 


"Why are you forcing her to go with you?" Dohwa asked Sun Jae angrily. They both looked at him. "Why are you getting angry? I know her that is why I am ready to drop her home," Sun Jae stated. Ani agreed with Sun Jae. 


"Okay. I am leaving. I have work to do," saying this Dohwa, picked his helmet and left the classroom. 


"By the way, I got to know that in the recess you helped Dohwa. I was shocked hearing that and happy at the same time," stated Sun Jae. Ani grabbed her bag and they walked out of the class. "It seems students do not like him. Has something happened with him in the past?" Ani questioned.


"Umm... I have only heard. But I guess those are rumors. They said that he almost killed a student in a fight. It happened a year ago so students refrain from him. Well, I tried a lot to befriend him but he always ignored me," muttered Sun Jae.


"Oh okay. It is because everyone in the class treats him badly," Ani said and they both left the class. As they walking down the stairs, their homeroom teacher Jang Hoon stopped them. They both turned and looked at him. 


"Good thing I found you two here. There is an Interstate science competition next week. Three students in a team needed to participate. You two will be in that competition," asserted Jang Hoon. 


"Competition? But I do not want to participate," Ani stated. 


"Why not? Are you going somewhere that day? This is the first time our school will participate in this. Because of your grades, you two are chosen. Sun Jae, please give me the name of the third student by tomorrow morning. I will submit your names then," pronounced Jang hoon. 


"Okay, Sir. I will give the name of the third student by the morning," proclaimed Sun Jae. Jang Hoon smiled and then left from there. "I do not want to participate," Ani said. 


"What? Why? You should take part in such competitions as it will help to enhance your skills," opined Sun Jae. 


"But I do not want to. Jun will be there and I do not want to show myself to him," Ani asserted. She then turned back and stepped down the stairs. "Who told you Jun will be there?" Sun Jae questioned. "He is in Seoul and do you think he will come especially here just to take part in the contest?" Jae asked. 


"When I was in Seoul, their homeroom teacher told me about the interstate competition. So, I think these two contests are the same," Ani stated. 


"No. They are different. The teacher came to us and if you will step back like this then the impression will not fall good," opined Sun Jae. They were now in the parking. "Just take part. Why are you thinking so much? Even if you encounter Jun he will not kill you that you are this afraid," Sun Jae said. 


"That is not the reason. I just do not want to see the friends from Seoul. I even changed my number so that they cannot call me," Ani stated. Sun Jae who was walking ahead of her, halted at his place hearing that. He turned and looked into her eyes. "Is it because your father is no more?" Sun Jae inquired. "Sorry, I might sound blunt but if it is for that reason then what is their relation with your father's demise?" Sun Jae asked further. 


Ani had an inquisitive expression on her face. "My father used to know your father. We were in the funeral too but you were not in your right mind," asserted Jae.


"Sorry, I did not see you. My world turned upside down in just 15 days," Ani said in a low voice.


"Ani, no one has a hold on the life. It is uncertain but I am not getting why do you not want to see your friends?" Sun Jae wondered.


"I do not want them to pity me. In front of Jun, I will fall weak- I do not know why?" Ani replied. 


"No one pities you. We are with you in just tough times. Why do you think Jun will pity you? If he would be here then he would have given you a nice scolding," Sun Jae muttered. "Ani, we all love you and care for you. You should not think like that. Uncle is always watching on you along with aunty. Do not lose yourself ever. Okay?" Sun Jae asserted. 


Ani felt good hearing that but her eyes were filled up with tears. "So many dreams I have seen about my father. But he left me in the middle," Ani said in a sad tone.