
"Ani wake's 11am", said Cho.

"What?? I've slept this long", said Ani opening her eyes.

"Where's my phone? I've to call oppa", said Ani and looked for the phone.

"Here....", said Cho and handed her the phone.

"Hello oppa have you reached their safely? Where is Woo oppa?", asked Ani while rubbing her eyes.

"We reached safely. Woo is in a surgery.....I've sent you the address and some money for shopping", said Soo. "Ani I'm in the hospital so let's talk later".

"Okay oppa....bye then", said Ani and cuts the call.

"Cho I'm going to washroom....did you take a bath? After that we've to go to the apartment owner and for some shopping", said Ani and jumped out of the bed. She made a bun of her hair.

"Yeah I've already taken the bath. You go....and get ready", said Cho and pushed her inside the washroom.

"My clothes Cho", said Ani.

"I'm giving them....just freshen up till then", said Cho. She opened her suitcase and took a pair of clothes for Ani. She knocked at the washroom's door and handed the clothes to Ani.

After sometime Ani got ready and came to the living room where Cho was waiting for her.

"I've told dad that we're going for work....", said Cho and got up from the sofa.

Ani took an Apple from the fridge and they left for their new apartment.

They reached the apartment location. It was near the University and best thing is they can also work part time in that area since there are so many cafeterias, shops etc.

"Hello Ahjushi(uncle) I'm Cha Soo oppa has talked you regarding the apartment", said Ani to her landlord.

"Yeah yeah.....he has done the paper related work and also gave me one year rent. I'll give you the keys and passcode. You can change the passcode later", said the landlord.

"Okay thanks sir....we will shift here by evening...", said Ani with a smile.

"Okay okay....", said the landlord and walked away from there.

"Cho let's go the shopping complex...", said Ani.

They reached the mall. After such a long time she is seeing the Seoul's mall.

They looked for some decent dresses for College.

"Cho let's go the men area....I want to buy a nice pair of clothes for uncle", said Ani.

"Ani dad has many clothes....", said Cho.

"Cho don't say's from my side to uncle", said Ani and dragged her towards the men section.

After doing some shopping they returned back to the apartment.

"Ani you take rest....I'm going in the restaurant to help dad in his work", said Cho.

"Wait I'm also coming....", said Ani.

"But...", mumbled Cho.

"I'm not tired.....let's go together to help uncle", said Ani and they both went to the restaurant.

"Dad we will be shifting there by evening", said Cho while checking the bills.

"Okay....then you will come to me at weekends", said Dwi.

"Yeah...we will both come at weekends here...since tomorrow is the faculty meet so we've to shift today...", said Cho happily hugged him.

"Uncle this is a small gift from will look good at you", said Ani and handed him a bag.

He looked inside the car and said, "Ani why did you purchase this? I've so many clothes..."

"Uncle I met you after two years so accept this in happiness of my homecoming", said Ani with a smile.

"Okay come you both here sit and eat with me", said Dwi and brought the lunch for them.

They did their lunch.

"Cho Ani you both go pack your stuffs. I'll take care of the things here and come back home early", said Dwi.

"Okay dad", said Cho and gestured Ani to go.

They came home and started packing the bags. Cho packed her things. As Ani already had done packing so she helped Cho. The evening starts falling when Dwi's younger brother and Cho's uncle Hwang Hwi came home and called for her.

Hearing her uncle's voice she ran downstairs.

" girl how are you?", said Hwang Hei with open hands. Cho ran to him and hugged him tightly .

"Uncle you came from the trip? Happy to see you. I'm going to shift today. It's good that you also came", said Cho while looking at him and released the hug.

"I've to come. Your dad will be alone after you will go for studies....and also I'll also work here till then. Btw Where's Ani?", said Hwang.

"Look here I'm", said Ani with her crossed arm standing at the stairs.

"Wow my lovely girl grew up....become so beautiful....happy to see you", said uncle Hwi and went to her. He warmly hugged Ani and patted her back. Dwi Jang came home and seeing Hwang he said, "finally you returned back....."

"Brother you didn't even ask me how am I", said Hwi with a pouted face. Dwi Jang smiled and patted at his shoulder...."I know you're good...". By then taxi came and honked in front of their home.

"Dad taxi has come. We have to go now", said Cho while dragging her bags.

"Okay....let me put the bags in the taxi...", said Hwang Hwi and carried the bags put.

Duo father and uncle bade them goodbye and said to take care of themselves.

After an hour they reached the apartment location. They start arranging the things. since Ani's brothers have already took care of furniture and other durable items so the only work then have to set their cupboard. After arranging things for 2-3 hours they both laid down on the bed.

"Finally everything is set....I'm going to order some food", said Cho and went to the balcony.

"I should call oppa", murmured Ani.

"Hello oppa. We shifted here few hours ago", said Ani.

"That's great...btw Soo is in a know that his schedule is always tight", said Woo. "Ani from tomorrow onwards I'll also get busy. Certain emergency surgeries I've to perform. So can't able to call you regularly", said Woo.

"I understand oppa. You two take care of yourselves and eat your meals daily especially breakfast ", said Ani.

"Okay my sis.....btw where's Cho?", asked Woo.

"She is in the balcony....ordering some food", said Ani while turning and tossing in the bed.

"Okay then eat your dinner. Take care then and bye ", said Woo and hangs up the call.

"Ani I've ordered pizza....since it's so long when we both will eat together pizza", said Cho coming inside the living room.

"Really? That's great", said Ani with a smile.

"Ani do you know Myung is also in Seoul university", said Cho while making faces.

"What?? Means we've to see her face again", said Ani.

"Exactly....Jun helped her a lot in preparation of SAT", said Cho.

"Jun always helps her", said Ani making an annoying face.

"Where's Tae?", asked Ani.

"Don't know. I think he went to the States", said Cho.

"I think Jun has also gone to the States. I can't see him here now", said Ani and put her hands on her cheeks.

"You're still inyor him", said Cho.

"You know that I can't forget him.He is my....", said Ani with loving eyes

"Yeah I know he is your love....and one day his heart will beat for you", said Cho putting her hands on the side of her stomach.

"Cho wait a second...someone is calling me", said Ani.

"Hello. Who's is speaking?", asked Ani.

"I'm's my new number. Where are you", asked Jae.

"Jae you've changed your number. I'm in Seoul. Where are you?", asked Ani.

"You're in Seoul....that's great. Dohwa and I have given the same hostel room", said Jae with happiness.

"Hello Ani. I missed you....don't know why I was being allotted room with Jae", said Dohwa.

"Hahha...Dohwa....happy to hear your voice. Its good that you both have same room", said Ani while laughing.

"Guys I'm busy right now. I will meet in college", said Ani.

"Okay see you in the college, bye", saying this Dohwa hangs up.

"Here's the pizza also came. Let's eat Ani", said Cho. Both ate pizza and then laid down on the bed.

"Cho I'm so happy that finally we've met. I was totally shattered 2 years ago....don't wanna come here. But my dad's dream lies here and I want to achieve that dream", said Ani.

"Ani I know you will achieve it.I've complete faith in you", said Cho.

"Btw Ani I've looked a part time job for us. It's near the college in the cafeteria. So when our classes will get over we can work there...daily pay is also decent", said Cho.

"That's great then. When do we've to start?", asked Ani holding a piece of pizza

"From tomorrow. I know it's quite early...", said Cho.

"No no that's fine. It will help us only...", said Ani.

They talked for a while and after finishing pizza they went to the bed.

"Let's sleep then...tomorrow we've to wake up early", said Ani.

"Hmm....let me switch off the lights...", said Cho.

The sleep engulfed them as soon as they closed their eyes because they were tired.