
"You should leave", said Ani and went inside her room saying this. She changed into her comfortable clothes and came outside. She thought Jun has gone but he was resting on the couch.

"You're still here", said Ani.

"Hmm.....I'm hungry...cook something delicious", said Jun looking at her.

"Btw I've talked with Soo about your part time job. Since he is shifting here so I said to him you don't have to work there and he said he is with me", said Jun.

Ani cooked lunch for them and set the table. She served him the food.

"You've good cooking skills. Finally you can be a good wife to someone", said Jun.

"Wife.....", saying this Ani giggled.

"Hey Kid stop imagining and eat", said Jun looking at her.

They are done with lunch when Ani's phone rang and It was Yun.

"Ani are you at your room?", asked Yun.

"Hmm are you here?", asked Ani.

"Yeah outside your room", said Yun.

"I'm coming.....", said Ani and went to open the door.

Yun came inside and saw Jun there.

"Ani I've purchased a cake for you....I thought you would be upset", said Yun.

"Really....thanks Yun. Come sit here...have some lunch with us", said Ani and smiled.

"Oh Jun is also here", said Yun.

Ani served him the food and they started eating.

" Ani dad has told me to bring you at home", said Yun while eating.

"Oh really. I'm also eager to meet him", said Ani and smiled.

"So then this Friday I'll pick you up and there is weekend so you can be there with us", said Yun.

"Sorry can't pick her on Friday. She has to go somewhere on that day", said Jun.

"Where?", asked Ani.

"You don't need to know. It's between Soo and I", said Jun.

"You can take her on Sunday", said Jun.

"Okay then Ani....on Sunday I'll pick you up", said Yun.

Jun has finished his lunch so stood up from the chair and went again to the couch and laid down.

Ani took the plates from the table and put them in the wash basin.

"Ani let me help you", said Yun.

"No you sit here watch TV till then", said Ani and pushed him out of the kitchen.

Ani started washing the dishes.

Yun was switching the channels when Ani came to him and said, " Yun do you watch dramas?"

"No. But if you want then we can", said Yun.

"Okay then let's watch a comedy drama. Let me being my iPad", said Ani and went to her room.

Ani has downloaded episodes so they start watching.

"Yun I will brief the story to you", said Ani and narrated it briefly.

They watched the three episodes and both were laughing loudly.

"Did you saw that girl the elder sis beat her younger sis...hahah", said Ani and started laughing.

"And that scene where she put a lot of makeup.....",said Yun and laughed.

They both were laughing so loudly that Jun woke up from the couch and took the iPad from Ani.

"What are you doing?", asked Ani.

"Stopping you both from interrupting my sleep", said Jun.

"You can go home to sleep", said Ani.

"I don't want to", said Jun and laid down.

"Why?", asked Ani.

"I've some work in the University", said Jun.

Suddenly Yun's phone rang and he took the call.

"Dad....ok I'm coming".

"What happened?",asked Ani.

"Ani I've to go have some work with dad", said Yun and got up from the chair and left from there.

"You should also go", said Ani.

"Why? So that you can invite him again and see with him such a drama", said Jun. After a pause he said, "Hey kid sit here and listen to me. You shouldn't let anyone to your room especially when you're alone", said Jun.

"But you also came inside my apartment", said Ani while playing her fingers.

"Hey don't you understand. You're now a grown-up girl", said Jun.

"But you told me that I'm a kid", said Ani.

"Because to me you are a kid but not for everyone. Keep one thing in your mind not to bring any guy to your apartment when you're alone. Soo isn't here so it's not good for you to trust everyone around you. You can't trust anyone blindly maybe the person you're trusting might harm you", said Jun.

"But I know you all since my childhood. Why would you harm me", said Ani.

"I'm just saying not to trust blindly just because we know each other. You're a KID for me, Jae, Tae and Dohwa. But I can't tell what you're for others. If you keep talking with anyone thinking that you know them it might be harmful to you as a girl. Are you getting what am I saying?", said Jun.

"I'm confused", said Ani.

"Let's stop. You should ask Cho", said Jun and got up from the couch. "I'm taking this cake".

"Why? Yun brought this for me", said Ani.

"That's why because I don't trust that guy", said Jun and took the cake with him and wad going to left her apartment when Cho came. Seeing Jun she got shocked.

"Jun why are you here?",asked Cho. Jun ignored her and left from there.

Cho came inside and hugged Ani.

"Ani I came to know from Choi Hyung that you left the job", said Cho.

"Hmm Jun made me left and also Soo oppa don't know why....he just told me that I don't need to....sorry you've work alone there", said Ani.

"No issue. Btw are you okay? In morning that seniors were literally bullying you....but your prince rescued you. Such a romantic scene", said Cho teasingly.

"And he saw me in that dress...", said Ani.

"Wait I almost forget....he just left from here. Did something happen?",asked Cho excitedly.

"Nothing....he just have some lunch and was sleeping on the couch", said Ani.

"He was sleeping here...and you didn't do anything", said Cho.

"What do you mean by that? Btw Yun was also here and we both watched a comedy drama which made Jun furious as, his sleep was interrupted", said Ani.

"I think he was being jealous of you two that you're so close with him", said Cho.

"It's nothing like that. But he told me to not trust any guy. I didn't get what he meant. He just said that I shouldn't bring my male friends here when I'm alone and told me to ask this about you", said Ani.

"Me???", said Cho.

" I get it what he means", said Cho.

"What",asked Ani.

"You just opened door for Yun and also for Jun which isn't good thing since I was also not here", said Cho.

"If you would then also I've opened the door for them", said Ani.

"That's why Jun calls you a Kid. He is implying that don't trust Yun just because you're his childhood friend. Also don't trust any of the friend because they're still guys. But Jun, Tae, Jae and Do never looked at you as a woman do nothing will happen among you even if you all are together because for them you're kid means you're a little girl who doesn't know about the world. Also he is trying to say that don't trust Yun so much because he might look at you as a woman not as a girl so it could be possible that if you allow him here when no one is here then he can show you his real face as a man and may harm you as a man", said Cho.

"But why would Yun do this?", said Ani.

"Ani maybe Jun is saying right and since he's a guy he might have sensed such thing from Yun that he looked at you as a woman. In other words Jun is showing care for you", said Cho.

"But Yun isn't like this", said Ani.

"I know but Jun is just saying this for your safety. Oh Jun is giving you such a lovely advice", said Cho and smiled at her.