An invitation!!

Ani was busy checking the things when Lily came to her and told her that the Director had asked for her. Ani smiled hearing this and left from there. She happily went towards the 7th floor in the elevator.

"Is he making me his assistant again?," murmured Ani and giggled. She took steps towards his office when she stopped. Kang Soo was coming there with his secretary. She waved at him but then she realized that they're not supposed to talk. Soo looked at her and smiled.

He wanted to talk to his sister more but because he was with his secretary he kept mum. Ani bowed her head lightly to greet him and he passed across her wishing her a good morning. Ani turned to look at him but by then Soo went inside his office room. She sighed and then turned her feet to Jun's office.

"Waah!! Director Kim Jun," read Ani on the nameplate outside Jun's office. She touched that and then pushed the door lightly, tilting her head slightly inside the room. She saw Jun was standing with his back towards him. He had some file in his hand and was reading it and his one hand was in his pants pocket.

"May I come in, Sir?" Mishi asked for his permission to get in.

"Come in," mumbled Jun. Ani stepped inside and clearing the crease on her dress she stood straight a meter away from him. Jun turned himself to and put the file on the table.

"Yes, quickly. Say that I'm your assistant from today," thought Ani in her mind but controlled her giggles.

He stepped towards her and stood a few centimeters away from her. "Where's your phone?," asked Jun. The smile on Ani's face disappeared as she raised her brows.

"Didn't you get my question?," asked Jun. Ani got confused and shook her head in refusal.

"Where's your phone?," asked Jun.

Ani checked her pockets but didn't find it. "Sir, I think I forgot that on my desk," mumbled Ani and lowered her eyes. Jun then took out his hand from the pocket with a phone on it.

Ani looked at her phone and then remarked, " it's my phone. But how did you get it?" Jun didn't reply to her when Ani stretched her arm to take the phone but Jun turned back and went back to his chair.

He swirled the chair and said, "Well, I found something interesting inside this phone." And stopped the chair and looked at her. Ani went near him and questioned, "did you check my phone? It's not good to check someone's….."

Jun stopped her midway and said, "Kid, I think you've invaded my privacy. There are thousands of photos of me in every possible angle inside this phone. Apart from that you've created a fan page of my name and shared all the photos of mine."

Ani lowered her eyes but then she stepped ahead and snatched the phone from him. Before she could back off, Jun grabbed her arm gently and pulled her towards him and she fell on his lap.

For a few seconds Ani only blinked and in that event Jun took the phone from her and put it inside his pocket. "Give my phone back. I'll delete everything," mumbled Ani.

Jun slightly laughed and said, "I won't till I report your things to Woo and Soo." Ani turned her eyes towards him and realized they were so close to each other. She tried getting up when Jun grabbed her arms and made her look at him.

Ani thought to apologize to him. "Sorry for doing that. Please don't tell my brothers. They won't find it good," mumbled Ani, lowering her eyes. Jun made her look at him by pulling her chin up.

"Kid, don't make me turn my face away from you. I don't like such people who look into my life and then take my photos. Next time if I ever caught you doing this act with your phone, I'll punish you. I'll sue you," murmured Jun, glaring into her eyes.

Ani got a little scared hearing this. He then released her and she immediately got up from his lap. "My phone," whispered Ani. Jun took out the phone and handed her. She immediately checked her phone and found the folders emptied and even the fan page was deleted.

"How do you know my password? It's not easy to break," asked Ani.

Jun smirked hearing this. "Kid, everything related to you is quite easy to break." Ani looked at him when Jun told her to get out of his sight as he had to do work unlike you who remained always free.

Because Ani was at fault so she didn't say anything and left from there. Jun then turned her eyes to the computer desktop before him and started working.

"I've to make a strong password from next time," mumbled Ani and got into the elevator.


Jun worked till late evening when the landline started ringing. He answered the call. "Hello, good evening Sir. I'm Secretary Hoon of Mr Jok Wang."

"Ahh, you're from Beijing right?," asked Jun.

"Yes, Sir." Replied Hoon from the other side.

"Something important?," asked Jun.

"Sir, I've been transferred here along with Mr Jok Wang. We landed here at noon. Sir, it's an invitation for you from Mr Jok Wang's side. Actually his son is turning 24 tomorrow so he is throwing a party for him. All the managers are being invited already. He told me to invite you personally so I'm putting Mr Wang on the call." Stated Hoon.

"Hello, good morning Sir," muttered Jun.

"Ahh, Jun I'm happy that you're selected as director of Sangma. Well, I was out for some work so from there I told Mr Hoon to dial your number. But your mobile was off so we've to contact you on landline." Jok Wang said from the other side.

"Sorry for inconvenience," mumbled Jun.

Jok Wang smiled and said, "It's fine. He has already mentioned many things so I want you to come tomorrow. The venue is the Sangma hotel. I'll wait for you."

Jun didn't want to go but because in Beijing he was his boss so Jun wasn't able to refuse. Jun assured him that he would come. Jok Wang got delighted and hung up the call.

Jun looked at the time which was showing 7pm. He closed the desktop window and picked his blazer and car keys. Walking to the parking lot he found Tae standing in front of the car.

"You should've come to my office," mumbled Jun. Tae smiled when Jun unlocked the door and told him to get in, leaving from there.

They were on the highway when Tae spoke. "Let's go to the mobile shop. Buy a phone for yourself," murmured Tae.

"Aah, I almost forgot about that," mumbled Jun and turned the car to the other route.

"So, where are you going tomorrow?," asked Tae.

"Where we always go," murmured Jun and smiled.

"Jae was telling me that he also wants to go with us," mumbled Tae.

"I'll think about that," murmured Jun.

"You should forget about your past now. Jae was really sad when you told him that you don't like your birthday," mumbled Tae.

"I'm trying," answered Jun. Tae thought not to speak further as they were on the highway. "Don't worry about me, Tae. I'm good," muttered Jun and passed a smile. Tae felt happy hearing that.