I'm sorry

Ani was blinking seeing Jun while Jun was glaring at her. In the dim light only his eyes were visible to her. Ani giggled when Jun said, "you're sitting at me." Ani immediately got up and apologized to him. She then went towards the right wall and switched on the lights.

Jun got up from the couch. "Why did you come here?," asked Jun. Ani thought to run away when Jun pulled her by the hoodie she was wearing. She turned to look at him and then smiled.

"Ahh, I was finding something," mumbled Ani and tried releasing herself from her. "What were you finding? I guess you were here to steal something," murmured Jun and smirked.

"Eh haha...no no. You're taking me wrong. Well, aunty is calling me so I've to go. So, please let me go," mumbled Ani with a smile. Jun released her and she ran away from there. Seeing this Jun slightly laughed and went back to the couch.

On the dinner table everyone was smiling and laughing because Woo had finally started dating.

"Oppa, you didn't tell me that you're seeing unnie (elder sister) Bok Ju," mumbled Ani and put the spoon on the plate.

"I thought to surprise you," murmured Woo.

"So when are you two marrying?," asked Ani excitedly.

Jun choked his throat. He drank water immediately and then said, "they just started dating. Marrying isn't a game."

"Jun is saying right. You're getting too excited," mumbled Eunhi.

"Ani, well I'm also eagerly waiting for brother Woo marriage," muttered Jae and smiled. They all laughed hearing this.

"Okay, now eat your dinner. You can talk later too," mumbled Eunhi. Seori and Dowan were finished eating so they left from there. The others were also done eating so went to their respective rooms. Woo and Ani left for their house after having dinner.

Ani looked outside the window of her room and saw Jun's room. She went to the balcony and saw the white curtains were blocking the inside view of his room.

"Ahh, I can't see him," murmured Ani and sighed. She rested herself by supporting herself from the railing and kept on gazing towards Jun's room. Suddenly Jun's balcony door was opened and Ani immediately hid herself behind the pillar.

She slightly pulled out her head to take glances at Jun and giggled seeing him.

Tae came to the balcony with a soju bottle in his hand. Jun smiled and they both rested on the bamboo furniture which was placed there.

Tae poured the drink for Jun. Jae too came there and sat beside Jun. "I want to drink too," mumbled Jae.

"Drink that choco shake with Ani," muttered Jun and took the first shot.

"Hey, you should try that. It's a tasty drink. If Ani could drink then I would've asked her to join us," mumbled Jae and giggled. "You're saying right. Well Myung used to be our buddy partner in such things. I'm missing her," murmured Tae.

"I don't like her a bit. She insults Ani," mumbled Jae and sipped the drink.

"When did she do that?," asked Jun.

"Ahh, why are we talking about her. Let's talk about us," mumbled Jae.

"Jun, it's wrong. You forgot me," said a voice. They looked at the person and it was Yun. Jun smiled seeing him. Jae and Tae were delighted to see him. Yun quickly sat beside Tae and poured a drink for himself.

"I guess you have stopped drinking. You also used to drink that choco shake," mumbled Jun and drank the other glass.

"Haha, no I didn't stop. It's just I don't drink in front of Ani. She doesn't drink so I don't feel good." Yun explained himself. "Ahm, tomorrow is your birthday so where are we going?," asked Yun and put the glass on the table.

"I don't usually do any specific place. Let's not talk about that," mumbled Jun and took the other glass.

Ani was watching them standing behind the pillar. "They all are drinking. Jun is also drinking. I never thought he drinks so much. This is bad. He should get a good scolding. Should I tell his father, uncle and aunt?? Haha…..," mumbled Ani and laughed putting a palm on her mouth.

She quietly took out the phone from her pocket and then clicked their picture. She then took another picture zooming out Jun and then sent the photo to his father, Kim Dowan.

"Uncle, look, they are drinking late at night. Give them a good scolding. Dad used to say that one shouldn't drink. Uncle please don't take my name else they will scold me," writing this on the message she sent the message to Dowan.

The reply came after a few minutes. "The boys are drinking?? Don't worry I won't tell them," texted Dowan. Ani smiled seeing this.

"Haha, you deleted the photos from my cell now bare with uncle's scolding," mumbled Ani and again laughed.

Jun was drinking too much but no one noticed this as they were busy pulling each other's legs. While Jun was thinking about his mother. A sudden noise at the door startled them.

"Dad," mumbled Jun and put the glass on the table. Ani looked at him from behind the pillar and smiled.

"You shouldn't drink at home. You can do this outside. Elders are here, so from next time be aware of this." Kim Dowan stated.

They all lowered their eyes and apologized while Ani giggled seeing them. "Forgive me. I should be careful of this. This won't happen again," mumbled Jun.

"Hmm. I hope the same," saying this Dowan left from there. Tae picked up the bottles and told Yun to help him. Jae too helped them. "Jun have a good night," mumbled Tae. Jae and Yun left from there along with Tae. Jun sat on the chair there.

"Ahh, it was good. I'm sorry Jun but this was the only way to teach you a lesson. Well, let me take a photo of yours," murmured Ani and lifted her hand slightly out to take a picture of him. She almost clicked the pic when the mobile fell from her hands.

"Ahhh," screamed Ani and looked out of the balcony when she realized Jun had seen her. Since she hadn't turned on the light in the balcony she thought Jun wasn't able to see her. She immediately hid behind the pillar.

"Oh God!!! Did he see me or not?," murmured Ani. She kept hiding behind the pillar for a few minutes when she decided to take a glance whether Jun had gone or not. She pulled a small part of her face out and with her one eye she scanned his balcony.

There was no one. The lights of his room were already turned off. She smiled and patted at her heart. "I thought he saw me. I guess he wasn't in his right mind. I heard that when people drink they also hallucinate things. He must have thought he had seen a ghost or something."

She laughed thinking this and turned to go inside her room when she heard a loud thud sound in her balcony. She got scared and didn't move a bit from her place. "I think a gh..ghost has come. Wait, it's the same scene as in that horror movie. Ani, stop thinking about that now." Thought Ani in her mind.

Her heartbeat was raised when she heard the sounds of steps as if someone was walking towards her. The sound stopped and the person was right behind her back when he touched her shoulder. Ani screamed as loud as she could but at the right time the person put his palm on her mouth thus blocking her from shouting.

He pinned her to the pillar while Ani kept her eyes closed. "Are you nuts? Why are you shouting?," mumbled the person. The voice seemed familiar. Ani opened her eyes to look at the person and it was Jun. She took a deep breath of relief. Jun put his hand down from her mouth.

"I'm happy you weren't a ghost," murmured Ani.

"What?," mumbled Jun and looked at her in confusion.

"Wait, how did you come here?," asked Ani.

"The staircase," mumbled Jun with a raised brow. He then walked inside her room. Ani followed him, closing the door of the balcony. Jun sat on the bed holding her phone in his hand.

Ani looked at her phone and she immediately went near to him and demanded her phone. Jun smiled and said, "I found an interesting thing inside this cell."

"Wh...What?," stuttered Ani. "No, not this time. But I've locked my phone this time he won't find out," thought Ani in her mind. She looked here and there when Jun pulled her by her arm and she fell onto him.

She was stunned because she was so close to Jun's face. So for a few minutes she just blinked looking at him. "You told my dad?," asked Jun in a hoarse voice.

"Eh." Ani shook her head in refusal and looked at the other side when Jun said, "kids shouldn't lie. I know uncle doesn't like to drink but you shouldn't have told my father about this. Not only that you took photos of me again," muttered Jun.

Ani got scared hearing this. She turned to look at him but then she lowered her eyes and said, "I'm sorry."