Ahn Young cares for you!!

Ahn Young reached home late at night. The housemaid opened the door and told him that his parents were waiting for him for 3 hours.

Ahn Young went to the living room. Both his parents were worried and as they saw him they put numerous questions ahead of him.

"Where did you vanish in the middle of the party? You're the operational manager now and you acted like an unprofessional being." Inquired Jok Wang.

"You didn't even answer any of my calls. Why? Where have you done?," asked Seri in a concerned voice.

"Please stop acting like you actually cared about me. How could you act so good? Especially you, mom. How can you do this to your other child? Don't you feel anything about him?," asked Ahn Young in anger.

Seri and Jok Wang got up from the sofa. "What do you mean?," asked Seri.