Messed up!

Jun arrived outside the Sangma office infrastructure. He went inside and took the VIP elevator. He pressed the 7th floor button and the elevator closed. As he reached the 7th floor, his steps fastened and without even knocking he went inside Ahn Young's cabinet.

"How dare you mess with my life?'', grunted Jun when he saw Min was there. Ahn Young and Min looked at Jun in confusion. Min for the first time was Jun angry as he usually remains calm.

Min got up from the sofa and asked him why he was so angry. Ahn Young too stood up and told Min that she should leave. Jun remained quiet so Min left from there telling Ahn that she would meet him later.

As she left the cabinet, Ahn Young turned to look at Jun who was in anger. "Are you okay?," asked Ahn Young humbly. Jun glared at him and said, "you and your family want me to die. How dare you mess with my life? Who gave you the right to intervene in my life?" Jun yelled at Ahn Young.