I'll help you in this!

Jun in his room was talking with Tae about Ahn Young when his cousin, Sun Jae came there. He sat beside Jun and said, "You don't even come to my room to talk with me. I know you are hiding things from me but it's fine. I won't ask you if you don't want to tell."

Jun put his arm around Jae's neck and then said, "I'm sorry. I don't want you to worry for me."

Jae looked at him and said, "You made yourself suffer in this fight all alone. Is your mother doing something to you?" Jae finally asked.

Jun didn't answer for a while. "Jae, I've a twin brother. His name is Ahn Young," said Jun, looking straight into Jae's eyes.

"What? The one who came with Min when we went on that trip?," asked Jae for confirmation. Jun nodded.

"That's why your eyes are almost similar," said Jae. Tae smiled hearing this and closed the book he was reading. Jun didn't say anything.

"So will you tell me or will you hide the things?," asked Jae looking at Jun who was busy reading something on the iPad.