Reconcile with him!

Kang Soo made Ani's transfer order as Ahn Young's Executive assistant and told her not to ask for changing departments as it can raise questions among employees. Ani agreed with him. He even asked what had happened between Jun and her but she refused to tell. Kang Soo told her to Ahn Young's cabinet and then start working. Ani nodded and walked out.

She went to Ahn Young's cabinet and pushed the door lightly. "May I come in, Sir?" she asked politely. Ahn Young who was busy flipping the pages of a file he was told to sign, hummed at her. She walked in and stood a few meters away from the desk, both hands at front. "Good morning, Sir. This is Cha Ani who will work as your new assistant from today onward," Ani stated.

Ahn Young rose up his eyes to look at her. "Ani, you are my new assistant! I am surprised," stated Ahn Young. Ani gave a faint smile and then told him to call for her for any assistance.