What happened between you two?

Sun Jae after dinner came to his room with Kang Tae. "Jun isn't answering my calls. Is he submerged that much into the work that he forgot his own brother?" Sun Jae muttered.

"Ani is back," Kang Tae said.

"What?" Sun Jae exclaimed with a shocking look. "When?" Sun Jae asked him.

"Yesterday," Kang Tae replied. They were now at the top of the stairs when Sun Jae turned to go when Kang Tae asked him where he was going to. "To Ani's home," replied Sun Jae.

"It's late. She must be sleeping. Don't disturb her. She must be sleeping. We should sleep too," said Kang Tae. "Oh, I forgot to bring the water bottle. You go and sleep. I am coming in a minute," said Kang Tae and ran downstairs to the kitchen while Sun Jae went to his room. 

As he took out the bottle from the fridge, he heard the voice of a car. "Did Ani return late?" Kang Tae wondered and walked out to see when he saw Ahn Young with Ani.