Park Sungi's Will

Jun reached at Incheon Airport. He wants to come on Saturday but because of some work he came on Sunday. He saw Seo Jin was waiting for him at the airport. He smiled looking at him as Seo Jin came near him. They both shook hands with each other. Seo Jin took the bag from Jun's hand and headed the way.

Getting into the car, they both left the airport. Jun took out his phone and called Soo but he did not answer. He dropped a message wishing him a Happy Birthday. Putting it back into his pocket, he looked at Seo Jin who was speaking to him.

"Jun, do you want to go home? If you want to then we can go there first," stated Seo Jin, who was driving the car.

"No. Let's go straight to Daegu. I will go home later, if I will get time," replied Jun. "Do you know anything about what Mr. Won is going to talk to me?" Jun queried Seo Jin.