To practice this

Sung Woo excused himself from there and went outside the house, in the garden. Jun answered his call. He was putting his luggage in the car. "I will call you once I will be home," Jun asserted.

"Where are you?" Sung Woo asked him.

"Just reached Beijing. Why? Something happened?" Jun asked as he closed the car stag. Jasper got seated at the driver seat, waiting for Jun.

"You were here then why-" Sung Woo scratched his head. "Jun, come to Seoul, right away," Sung Woo stated.

"What? Why?" Jun questioned him with a confused expression.

"Because there is something you must know. It is important and I will tell you once you will be home. I am waiting for you," Sung Woo proclaimed.

"Tell me first," Jun stressed his words.

"I will tell you once you will be here. Grab the next flight to Seoul, right away. One of us will be at Incheon Airport, waiting for you. Come back," Sung Woo stated and hung up the call.