You turned me like this

Sung Woo went to Cho's restaurant as he thought to talk once about this with Cho. This misunderstandings had to be cleared at any cost. Harling the car in front of the restaurant, Sung Woo stepped out and walked in.

Sung Woo saw the restaurant was just started and the workers there were cleaning. "Sir, today the restaurant is closed," one of them stated.

"Closed? Could you please tell me where is the owner?" Sung Woo asked him.

"Madam is in the warehouse," replied one of them.

"Please show me the way to the warehouse," Sung Woo requested. The worker gave a nod and told Sung Woo to follow him. They arrived at the backside of the restaurant where the warehouse was located- underground. Sung Woo descended a few stairs and reached at the floor of warehouse.