That promise was one-sided

"Leave my hand, right away," Cho with an anger said and pulled her hand back but Soo did not let it go. 

"I think I shall do this else I-I will r-regret it later for not doing this," Kang Soo stated with half closed eyes. Before Cho could react Kang Soo placed his hand behind Cho's back and pulled her up. The next second he sealed his lips with Cho's whose eyes grew bigger. 

The smell of strong alcoholic scent from Kang Soo hit Cho's nostrils. For the first time, Kang Soo kissed her willingly but now it did not even had a meaning now. When she wanted it, he pushed her away and now when she never wanted it, he kissed her. For a second, a part of her heart skipped a bit but then she recalled the betrayal by Kang Soo. 

Using her free hand, she placed her hand on Kang Soo's shoulder and pushed him. Kang Soo stumbled and his steps wavered. Cho quickly covered her mouth using her palm and glared at Kang Soo who was rubbing his forehead.